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鲜花(16) 鸡蛋(2)
发表于 2008-1-30 21:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
有人发起了翻译竞赛,重在参与.想和大家磋商,所以先抛砖引玉,把一个不成熟的翻译先贴出来,过几天也许还改一改.翻译有意译和直译,由于不太懂英文的诗歌写作,又想保留原文意思,所以就直译了,0 O" q& _: l, H) i1 f9 r8 }
,.清晨,急匆匆的走过安静的街道。Early morning I am walking by the quiet street in a hurry.  
2 ^( q7 v) G9 Y0 G零星树叶的飘落,松鼠开始了忙碌。Partial leaves fall down everywhere, squirrels are busily running .
+ ?1 m" n, ~6 D0 [; L) \  i" v! X现在的我,一如一年前的那个我。同名同姓。The current I, the same as one year, the same given name , and the same family name.& m% k' E' ]/ k
梳相同的发型,背同样的背囊,不苟言笑。The same hairstyle, the same bag, reserved laughing and talking.. q9 T: f+ m( I1 C+ x! p3 C' n
眉眼间却似乎多了什麽,又少了什麽。Seemingly added something in my eyes, or lack something.( {( L- L/ `, x3 t
夏天过得那麽快,我几乎遗忘了那些个汗津津的夜晚。Summer went so fast, I almost forgot those sweating night.
0 f2 m( n& K3 y8 Q猫儿们在炎热的时候常常彻夜在窗外乘凉,追逐打闹。Cats were often playing the whole hot night outside windows to get cool.
+ \; I5 ]. S. I* F就像多年以前的我们,似乎也是如此天真的肆无忌惮。Like us many years ago, mindless self indulgence.1 Y  n1 z8 [. c
我常常在入秋的时候怀念夏天,I often cherish the memory of the summer  and those people that make me riant even I am in a very bad state of mind when the autumn is coming以及+ s* x6 x' @; O: P! S8 d0 w: t
那些在最烦躁时想起也会微笑的人们。( y4 |; F+ Y6 f/ I- M
世情缘无非是梦 The emotion and the carma only is a dream.
) R( o9 I) X+ S6 W, Q1 q昨夜温存不该的相逢 That shouldn`t happen to meet each other last tenderly night.
' ?! W$ m  I8 o+ V( Q想要忘记又不忍放弃 I want to forget it but can`t bear to give it up.
$ g7 R4 e, F2 C4 e0 P/ |* {3 ?最怕爱上像你这样冷漠又温柔的人I am afraid of loving the person like you who is inhospitality and also mild.
0 W  w* F: z8 s1 `# L6 W寂寞世界谁来靠近 In this lonely world whom I can step inside love?& P' D( c4 K, E
醉过之後身边冷清清intoxicated then feel cold.
4 a" ]  {/ u( C* y* {迷路的心没方向的云The labyrinthine heart is like the cloud with no direction.
+ f; I- E) }' t* C+ ^最怕拥有这样似有若无的感情I am afraid of most having the emotion that seems to have but not really have.+ ^6 t4 a/ r+ _! D) q# _
多情人都把灵魂给了谁 The amorous men to whom you gave your soul?+ h2 D. h2 S, j0 ?$ j6 {6 z; D1 n4 S
Why I am always hoodwinked!为何眼楮总是蒙了灰'     ….% h; ], t  b) Q# R4 q
多少次小心翼翼告诉自己I have told to myself many times cautiously, x9 ^3 c% n, d* @
不要坠入痴情的轮回 Don`t fall into the spoony whirligig.
: n1 r3 U0 i4 M5 B. ]/ o: `多情人总让伤给灌醉The amorous women always get drunk by desolation,
3 a7 p6 H+ x( z1 B! n; h# ~为何潇洒一点都不会Why can`t I take it easy?
$ f% o1 E1 g9 _+ F多少爱恩恩怨怨换来今生How endless tears that got in return for kindness and enmity!1 j! T; V2 g4 w* }% P
4 @# r* ^2 f0 p7 y每当夜深人静时,When the quiet night comes
5 _) ?. k# V8 M, c. V~我的眼前常常会泛起你的身影。Your figure usually appears in front of my eyes.5 P' ]/ t% e5 h6 J; y
当你看到我时的那一声问候The greeting when you met me mad my heart in touched unaccountably.* l) m0 t. a, t
, F( @8 p0 T- d0 l. l5 K( M你的yours of a smile, a gesture and a piece of words genialize my current disconsolate heart and soul
- G& ^6 g+ j& T5 [6 T一抹微笑;
" P: N9 `- [% Y0 V一个手势;
2 w. V$ `) O  d9 e0 ?+ Z. Q: y0 `一片话语,
# o: J5 l3 s+ V1 o, W- }/ C8 y愉悦著此时我惆怅的心灵、
4 n( B- G# \7 E6 z; L明亮著我漆黑的角落,The moon lights the dark corner; j5 R% v" L9 z9 W- ?6 H
心里总能感觉到点点温馨。I feel a bit of cozy.0 n! f3 h& ^5 q# A
这一瞬的爱恋,The deeply attached to you in a twinkling
! V3 m& n! [+ v. y* u$ `# h也许是一生一世的最亮点。maybe is the most light spot in my whole life..' U2 u1 [/ a5 A# x9 P/ m- [
起初,对你的出现,I didn`t cherish your appearance at first,
" e6 t( e6 P! o9 p# @6 k0 N5 Z4 I我并不以为然。
2 H% b& m1 o- m1 a6 G$ r: m可随著时间的流失,but accompanying with the time passed
2 v! W5 a- n3 {+ `5 k* K慢慢的不知不觉中,I am bounded slowly and unconsciously by the emotion ./ K2 e- l3 B4 n5 p
0 e. {; S1 t' I, E6 C. X' E7 R* \2 Z$ {总感到一种难 以名状的朦胧的喜悦。 always feel joyful indistinctly and nondescriptly .
& _& |, u) R% B7 C6 y2 w' c" i即不问你是否喜欢我,Without asking you if you like me and if I like you
9 B: W' a; v1 b: h' t- G* X也不问我是否喜欢你,
3 m+ T% E0 }5 M! i/ M对你的存在只感到亲切,only feel gracious for your existing.( p9 |4 Q4 ^2 k3 B9 j
只希望能为你做点什麽。 only want to do something for you/ \% X; m. J$ W
3每次有意无意的遇到你,every time when I meet you9 ^* F/ O! {+ K9 G4 G
心中都泛起丝丝柔柔的喜悦。The sweet joyous heart isn`t tranquil6 `2 `; m' }! ~( R5 c. ?# p1 v/ r4 Q8 I
然而我真真切切地知道,but I really know your figure only become a kind of atmosphere
2 B  O* L2 t9 L) `4 T你的身影已化成一种氛围,2 w1 s& x4 O) Q2 L2 i
记在我的心间。That lives in my heart.7 C8 j4 r" G& Y" ^% u
你知道吗?Do you know your name can suddenly come into my mind at anytime!
6 w  Z: U  y& C1 E. {; d; A' y) X随时随地我的脑海里会突然涌现你的名字
6 x7 y# U8 J  \- _: R$ Y: `哪怕你某个转身时飞扬的衣角even only your flying clothes corner when you turn aroud,
/ O, E. c0 a, E" s( r一种声音,and your voice
$ ~/ y# E9 H0 R也让我柔柔的有了心痛make me gently distraught with happy feeling.9 G; O7 u* q: q# c; i! G1 D
+ Y$ C  H( X0 K4 u3 k与你相识的那一幕幕,the scene that meet and know you prinkle in my heart like the snow on the land
( \0 P) N2 b" r  f象雪花般撒落在我的心田,
. X9 c3 z1 T. U1 D5 M9 ?倾刻间,suddenly flurry that all are the love to you.: _! a& T0 r/ H2 \1 i# C
纷纷扬扬开来──全部都是对你的爱恋。2 Z( N$ r, m+ W" t: s
你知道吗?Do you know that is happy there is a person who is worth to miss
* [, k% c/ D* ?' c# Y# b/ T6 a/ g有一个能够让思念的人,5 G1 g$ p" D# t7 j* @  o: a
- C! ~2 B: B+ d; D( q* g尤其是在这样的日子,especially on the day, the gentle sea wind and the sweet summer. 4 Z: A% x. V+ Q" u% f3 e/ g+ Z
柔柔的海风,; H0 f- Z7 a2 R; i, D  D  @7 d
甜甜的夏天。  _, [( Y; Z5 S8 W  Y
一扫那一缕如烟如缈的忧郁,Sweeping out the smoke and indistinct gloomy
2 k/ w* }; y; w( X) T' q# l" ]/ p只是静静地等待你的身影,only waiting for you quietly.
; ~# k4 C% s9 p仅仅让你知道有那麽一个人,Just let you know that there is a person who wants to have the same love knot and the desire as you do.3 T; @* k! j5 a0 @) G7 S+ Y
9 `- I6 R  E" L  P2 N1 `4 j  Y: j" U共同的心愿。* ^$ A% M9 u$ S2 ]& x, z# |# U
0 \5 J; C1 ]& o% a, g- k
- ?+ _+ c! Y  [# c
好想与你在细雨中漫步,I really want to ramble in the small rain with you
! b" Z7 W6 K$ C3 V# l一同感受著春雨的洒脱,and to enjoy the rain washing together+ e0 v& `$ b3 j" M
或是赶著看一场电影;or rush to a film - ]$ `$ H$ x3 r
或是静静地聆听一首曲子,or listen to a music quietly., ^8 m  n0 c9 W1 E: T) z$ y* L8 S' i
『多情人都把灵魂给了谁』whom did you the amorous person give your soul to ?
* j7 s# C; w5 a5 O我们相拥旋舞,然後双目相视。We embrace and dance and then gaze to each other,
( t2 D, t& T2 m* Y6 n浅浅一笑,smile or gently kiss then say “ I really love you”
: X8 A" N* u! q* K! Y$ c3 Z, k3 ]或是轻轻的一吻,
; o5 {" Y7 c$ I再对你说∶『我真的好喜欢你』
' Q6 m) c  X4 B, H( p& R. b就足够了. That is enough.. f+ ]0 o! I' L/ L* R- T
这也许是千年前就悄悄播下的种子,Maybe this is the seed that planted a thousand years ago! 0 [6 Q1 l" G0 q% Y
终於在这漫长的季节里深深地植下了根,finely it deeply rooted into the earth in this season and sprout.
1 T( u. u4 r. G! m萌出了芽,
. t: i  `3 X# c' A" s+ l2 y一如对你的思念,the same as my missing, e1 ^3 R% U# `- i8 x, L& d
浅浅地泛著那一点点新绿。It comes a little bit of verdure.
; Y/ [7 d1 u  p) }8 H如果,如果有一天,If , if some day I can touch of your hand
+ x1 X. U* ]: z能够牵著你的手,
9 a8 ]  _1 x' W: m& ^; y那麽,我愿把全部的眷恋都放到你手心里,then I will put all my attachment on your hands/I will be sentimentally attached to you completely.
3 R4 Y8 r. P. x( F  R让你细细地触摸,Let you touch me slowly and read me carefully.
5 f7 Q3 g" \) s# B慢慢地细读,
" T6 N* r( ]2 ]8 s' b# F$ J" a我将用整个心去感觉你手里脉脉的温柔。I will enjoy your mild emotion though your hands with my heart and soul.
: q0 E7 B* S9 q7 P+ K- r4 _: e6 Z在你对我伸出手的那一瞬,At the moment you reach out your hands to me
% ?4 N# `/ \. n5 i# E$ S我就拥有了世界上所有的关怀与热忱,then I will have all care and ardor
. i4 J- X; r, m5 M6 @就让我牵一次你的手,好吗?Let us walk arm in arm , OK?
鲜花(16) 鸡蛋(2)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-1-31 23:18 | 显示全部楼层
有几个地方要纠正一下:7 d9 H6 ~& I- p  h
现在的我,一如一年前的那个我。同名同姓。The current I, the same as one year, the same given name , and the same family name.改为:as one year ago6 D2 T  a7 }% ?. {/ s
眉眼间却似乎多了什麽,又少了什麽。Seemingly added something in my eyes, or lack something.+ ^4 a3 [! G$ t4 O
change to:lacked
# h' Q/ p8 ^& z% e' z& n' k猫儿们在炎热的时候常常彻夜在窗外乘凉,追逐打闹。Cats were often playing the whole hot night outside windows to get cool.
' u  S; p4 j9 k6 tCats often played at the whole hot night.
; s3 U& g- Z: f, B/ s 我常常在入秋的时候怀念夏天,I often cherish the memory of the summer  and those people that make me riant even I am in a very bad state of mind when the autumn is coming以及
* n% U5 {1 |8 @. _8 ?( m& n, B+ |改为:I often cherish the memory happened in summer.
* Z8 v7 E6 l& P2 s# @' C7 wI will enjoy your mild emotion though your hands with my heart and soul. 3 O+ u3 u2 ~) H, M$ ?1 D
该为:throughyour hands.
% R, M/ B, y( r. G% `还没检查完,下一次再改.
鲜花(634) 鸡蛋(5)
发表于 2008-1-31 23:51 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(35) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-2-1 00:06 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
太直。意境没有了。/ J% C+ s$ t, Y( t5 h; ^7 r' A
! G0 d" y2 X9 e至少比我强。# ~$ a- z$ A! y. H' i/ M( J
偶是没有水平中译英嘀。指手划脚是最容易嘀.... ( X' R0 z& Z% c$ m/ e! A2 H9 q
5 G; X6 o5 v/ p2 I$ K8 B6 e
) {6 d1 J9 }% @  _: w后面每段也还好,就是拼在一起太牵强。感觉每段都眼熟。有点腻味了。
鲜花(16) 鸡蛋(2)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-2-2 22:00 | 显示全部楼层
我也在考虑怎么能把意境给译出来,那就得意译了,而且还要按照英文诗歌要求.如果是这样,我又担心不是这首原诗了.1 z' m* f+ y. w5 f1 W
鲜花(16) 鸡蛋(2)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-2-3 00:26 | 显示全部楼层
每当说一句汉语的时候,我总在心里想英语是怎么说的.尤其看到汉语诗歌的时候,我突然想,翻译成英语还能保留原来的意思吗?所以试着译一译.; J, q5 A2 G! ?2 F
前边发了译文以后才发现有些大小写和语法错误.一点一点地改,很乱.所以再重新发一便:, {6 b9 O" _( k2 a
Early morning I am walking by the quiet street in a hurry.1 n) x3 v/ ~$ Z
Partial leaves fall down everywhere,squirrels are busily running.
0 B/ T7 t0 o- ~' z% e& [ Current I, the same as one tear ago, the same given name, and the same family name.' M8 E& u) p- {: c; P
The same hairstyle,the same bag,reserved laughing and talking.* B) H; f  d3 H8 N+ \7 R7 o
Seemly added something in my eyes,or lacked something.
! r7 @/ W7 D: T% c) d( @+ O2 W# sSummer went so fast that I almost forgot those sweating night:
0 j) k: E. x, ^5 U0 {. OCats often played at the whole hot night outside windows to get cool
) ^- {& G3 A. Q3 Xlike us many years ago,mindless self indulgence.
/ l/ ?; x. W) I8 q. MI often cherish the memory happened in summer and those people that make me  raint even I am in a very bad state of mind when the autumn is coming." a7 }* N- ~5 T7 t
The emotion and the carma only is a dream.
6 q. F' R/ J; f# N& t8 t$ FThat shoudn`t happen to meet each other last tenderlt night.
$ k9 y, C3 p3 t1 ^# m+ G3 ?I want to forget it but can`t bear to give it up.6 |) h, o+ l" l! x  i
I am afraid of loving the person like you who is inhospitality and also mild.
- |9 S/ s/ Q3 S6 \In this lonely world whom I can step inside love to?
" i' T1 k' x* j2 _' y- c: vIntoxicated then feel cold,# I& p/ O# W7 u: u
the labyrinthine heart is like the cloud with no direction.
- F: J3 m6 e! G1 N3 LI am afraid of most having the emotion that seems to have but not really have.1 R4 c# o! M" c  b8 Y
The amorous man to whom you gave your soul?+ {/ i4 \6 s9 `6 ~' k/ {
Why I am always hoodwinked!) T0 B  e0 `! G. \$ ^
I have told myself many times cautiously
! Z; D/ `' ~* @don`t fall into the spoony whirligig.# n5 s( d: e8 |$ Z$ o2 {: c% A8 t
The amorous women always get drunk by desolation.
! G9 a) {2 d9 ?2 M9 U0 I4 y# cWhy can`t I take it easy?
  p9 G9 g! r1 e. ^& s- m/ \How endless tears that got in return for kindness and enmity!! @9 ?; c  }- b; x/ t( @
When the quiet night comes
( g, Y) i6 c  I0 }# byour figure usually appears in front of my eyes.! E* J+ Q! G* ^7 \( M
The greeting when you met me made my heart in touched unaccountably.+ D8 ^3 K0 ~  g2 o9 X
Yours of a smile, a gesture and a piece of words genialize my current disconsolate heart and soul,
) ^! A5 _; A6 r9 [6 M2 Elight the dark corner in my mind.
% X3 e* t0 b+ b6 q( _" Q% F+ HI feel a bit of cozy.6 P2 _9 W3 F3 z) g
The deep attached to you in a twinkling
- O( I  q' p4 U% \maybe is the most light spot in my whole life.
' l' [6 ?8 C- c' d% S2 `I didn`t cherish your appearance at first,
6 }- i$ m4 H* fbut accompanying with the time passed9 G2 |9 ^" B0 z
I am bounded slowly and unconsciously by the emotion,
4 U) d7 G# q4 Y5 }9 \  a8 R. C5 Walways feel joyful indistinctly and nondescriptly.
0 O6 i6 |1 j  {" Q' FWithout asking if you like me or if I like you8 w( `. h+ h! c1 a4 Y+ N9 v
only feel gracious for your existing,* e3 Q1 Y# N* }' t+ B! g8 W$ k0 t
onlt want to do something for you.
* T: K( n4 f  n3 \. A  nEvery time when you meet me: d, A1 t9 l! y# y
the sweet joyous heart isn`t tranquil,7 @# a% R2 m3 q, g
but I really know your figure only become a kind of atmosphere
  y$ L' u) g* h( R/ g6 i" n! z' Q8 ~That live in my heart.
5 u8 {  r8 O' k: K' _" lDo you know your name can suddenly come into mu mind at anytime?5 C( ?: r2 ]  J; y% T( G3 W" s. q# L
Even only your flying clothes` corner when you turn around, and your voice
; ?. s% x9 w% K1 U7 J6 Hmake me gently distraught with happy feeling.
1 X6 w' f1 n9 pThe scene that met you prinkle in my heart like snow on the land
  E3 b7 ^" w( ?8 Wsuddenly flurry that all are the love to you.( ]7 w! Y8 v7 R7 f. m
Do you know that is happy there is a person who is worth to miss,7 W  E9 u3 I2 v: h% X! m1 P
especially on the day, the gentle sea breeze and the sweet summer.$ K7 ^# K7 W- N, ^& E
Sweeping out the smoke and indistinct gloomy
1 _+ w" z8 D" y6 r$ N$ m. a; Aonly waiting for you quietly6 a( H$ m: b7 R3 N/ r( U% C+ ]
just let you know that there is a person who wants to have the same love knot and the desire as you do.
* F  Z/ N. c+ N0 z' K- l( ^I really want to ramble in the small rain with you . |4 R3 A% o' D7 J/ t
and enjoy the rain washing together$ U2 \, b2 J3 U* d0 v( R' D
or rush to a film
; R3 g& [2 y; h, T+ |3 Q9 nor listen to a music quietly.
0 ~% r; c1 I9 lWhom did you the amorous person give your soul to ?5 A+ u  H6 J! A" v* d. ?6 I$ X5 C, e
If we embrace ,dance,and gaze to each other,4 j+ g* {4 Y1 o1 Q' w
smile or gently kiss then say: I really love you".
( k5 e  }7 C  \: p) V  S" ~That is enough.
4 T3 i0 c& V6 F1 r6 |4 C0 A2 I' pMaybe this is the seed that planted a thousand years ago,
% @  s3 j& D) J- t+ afinely it deeply rooted into the earth in the season and sprout,: p. o& E/ r; Q5 C- u3 \7 ?- w
the same as my missing.+ T! T9 m7 l0 f1 Y
It comes a little bit of verdure.
% i% h, h' _" h' D. xIf, If some day I can touch your hand, 7 k3 n) h, |6 n# ~& e7 C
then I will put all my attachment on your hands/I will be sentimentally attached to you completely.
* q6 m* Y1 @8 }5 M6 @Let you touch me gently and read me carefully.
7 M5 g/ {0 f+ ?3 S, wI will enjoy your mild emotion through your hands with my heart and soul.' [% w+ r1 B/ j0 |# @7 V" u1 |
At the moment you reach out your hands to me ,
# i( o; C: f1 ?6 r% ]2 _6 Athen I will have all care and ardor.
' y& W5 H+ n8 s, w* |' u8 xShall we walk arm in arm?
! I- i+ u( A% C) D7 d呵,太晚了,连检查都不想检查一下,有没有打字错误了.
鲜花(16) 鸡蛋(2)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-2-3 00:28 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(16) 鸡蛋(2)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-2-3 19:46 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(16) 鸡蛋(2)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-2-4 22:43 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-2-5 15:28 | 显示全部楼层

I like your poem, here comes mine.

Glittering over the quite avenue when it appears first light.
3 p2 d% Z  v6 G3 i! X1 K: pLeaves floating down to the ground; little squirrels bustling around.
" m/ g2 z- B) F/ Q, B4 y; A, k: @I am still the same person of yesterday.; t8 ^5 N; G7 S$ W' h
Unchanged name, unchanged I.
; M! g  B" V  G! Z9 z' Y9 }6 bSame messy hair, same shaggy bag. 1 N7 G5 y; l3 e! t
Laugh in the same laugh, talk in the same talk.
% m1 f* [" a: Y0 M- xMore or less,
( g' m4 y, ^5 i$ _. s! Q7 H3 t/ V a different glimpse sparkled in my eyes.+ O* q' U6 c; u; P

) T. m! x, C! H: C/ zSummer easily slips away
; p: U: H" R3 H  [. \- DThose long lost hot nights8 ~5 g* d. I: e) ~& `+ q) ?# C
can only be found in the old days. # F$ [6 s! j  }, J& e
9 E' L, R* W/ N' n2 @
Cats jumping over the window sills,
. C% l5 o/ m: |6 `8 _5 P2 D8 Ochasing around in the breeziness.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-2-5 16:15 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 Matrix 于 2008-2-5 15:28 发表 9 B1 v7 t9 y, o! |* z; p0 ~2 u
Glittering over the quite avenue when it appears first light.
& t9 x* V! n0 p$ s' Z2 t" wLeaves floating down to the ground; little squirrels bustling around.9 L  [3 P) s' l! r- u7 p4 M, K
I am still the same person of yesterday.) K  ?6 {% w9 R. @! ^6 g
Unchanged name, unchange ...
3 f! `4 F! S! u  q4 |
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-2-5 23:12 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 Matrix 于 2008-2-5 15:28 发表
: V* }: ?+ T& z% z/ n0 S" vGlittering over the quite avenue when it appears first light.
* ~" n% S5 C- K/ SLeaves floating down to the ground; little squirrels bustling around.
" t! h- Q4 l. Z* k3 V* \I am still the same person of yesterday.
. C5 g' r" L2 [% y, \2 K+ SUnchanged name, unchange ...

# v3 I/ y$ f; d0 Ti like it.
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