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is a one test

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鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-5-21 20:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
姓名      成绩       + l7 ~" z: ^* n" A' W5 a7 g
0 \2 H+ y" T1 M0 g如果a÷7/8=b×7/8(ab都是自然数),那么(    )。
  y2 b7 ~, x, {9 t- J9 _5 z3 g[   ①a>b   ②a=b    ③ a<b   ]   
; k+ g( G+ C3 U6 E% F8 ?7 f8 w1 F% V, u2、在自然数中,凡是5的倍数(    )         
) g; O# ~6 \& R* y' X[   ①一定是质数   ②  一定是合数   ③可能是质数,也可能是合数]/ ]: |" R5 Q, S9 a0 c7 V" f: R" K
3、小麦的出粉率一定,小麦的重量和磨成的面粉的重量(    )
2 `1 U7 f0 Q/ f1 A[  ①成反比例      ②成正比例     ③不成比例    ]
8 @' @5 B* ^9 Y5 H4、一个比的前项是8,如果前项增加16,要使比值不变,后项应该(   )。
! H0 n3 E% o- G3 g) G) ~5 Y[  ①增加16       ②乘以2        ③除以1/3    ]: W! m2 i0 \$ n- c  n' h
5一个三角形的三个角中最大是89度,这个三角形是(    )。( w7 w  X' |7 \4 \3 p8 Q
[  ①锐角三角形    ②直角三角形   ③钝角三角形  ]   
$ L, Z( {& I9 G! A& U$ f9 b6、一个圆柱体,如果它的底面直径扩大2倍,高不变,那么它的体积扩大(   )倍。        7 e/ j& q' Z4 V/ s- C& N, h
[  ①  2          ②  4        ③  6           ]  : `8 B4 f8 o- P6 U
$ W! I, ?* L& ^; r5 ]- l, T! @1、二千零四十万七千写作(          ),四舍五入到万位,约是(      )万。- x) A  e. M2 C5 R2 o  G6 G
2、68个月=(    )年(    )个月    4升20毫升=(      )立方分米                              
; B6 A; q' g3 y4 y2 _+ G" u7 y2 H                              (   )
& |( y% D/ C$ E, J0 e3、0.6:(    )= 9.6÷(    )=1.2= 1 5   =(    )%2 z2 Z$ w7 ~1 ~$ d3 _, l+ q+ t
4、自然数a除自然数b,商是18,a与b的最小公倍数是(     )。
4 X$ ]1 ]3 P4 j) v5、在比例尺是1 :50000的图纸上,量得两点之间的距离是12厘米,这两点的实际距离是(  )千米。      , f( C4 T& a6 @" Y
6、在一个比例里,已知两个外项互为倒数,其中一个内项是最小的质数,另一个内项是(    )。
1 F: \( M( Q( m- M6 A7、一个圆柱体和一个圆锥体等底等高,如果它们的体积相差32立方分米,那么圆锥体的体积为
+ ]0 p- I/ P' t: n# H% e  (      )立方厘米。# c' V+ d+ G- }% p8 h! ], |0 G
8、从168里连续减去12,减了(       )次后,结果是12。
! B; F/ J' ~8 b- q4 X) p8 H. Q9一根钢材长5米,把它锯成每段长50厘米,需要  3/5小时,如果锯成每段长100厘米的钢段,需要
  g# s: z4 ~+ v8 Y, g(      )小时。1 m. H  X% y1 J7 v/ z7 q* `
10、一个长方体木料的长和宽都是4分米,高是8分米,这根木料的体积是(     );如果把这根木料锯 ' f- Z0 v( B% R" d
   成两个正方体,那么这两个正方体的表面积的和是(      )。  R+ T  p" y  s4 G+ R1 `/ R2 ~
11、一个长方形的面积是210平方厘米,它的长和宽是两个连续的自然数,这个长方形的周长是(      )。% D0 v" y% ^, L  w) [
三、操作与计算:(15分)                                                                                  " D7 O4 s1 o7 A! A
   1、要求出环形的面积,请量出右图有关的数据,& d9 V* g4 Q  d3 \$ l
) Z( P5 ]0 g$ x( c
( A" T6 r$ j; d
. s# S1 h0 q  u8 G. d# C6 ]7 t, b0 M, X6 k5 [

* o' ~: F6 n6 m7 j
) f6 S1 b( w. Z下表是甲乙丙三个长方体木块的长、宽、高的数据(单位:厘米)。把这三块木块拼成一个长方体,有多种拼法。请你把其中的一种拼法所得的长方体有关数据填在下表。2 c& V7 R( Z! A, {! s
; o) B/ y* m& Y! T# U' v4 c& |
! W- D* ^1 V3 P4 M2 @

* _2 c0 h; K4 N0 |! M四、计算题:(18分)(另附). J6 l$ I" R, d& h& |( g* p
五、应用题:(35分)0 D2 [" P' O% h8 d' i7 D, [' h
1、只列式不计算。(9分)+ d# r" r0 H/ }8 d) |
: c1 U6 a8 _8 X( y' y/ {- O4 {1 u: z
9 P( l0 `* a$ V2 s1 |  j1 P: E- z  k! A) [$ k
) ~7 F& T% A1 O0 d/ h, S, j; L- U1 `0 x" N. q3 x$ h
  C, M# G& o  Z2 t1 ]2 n  K
6 @- z! l) u* G8 S" d- I, w$ K! ]& F
( Z) ]! Y% G) N, O: ~

; m: j+ H0 ~" A+ v, C% J5 p6 j3.加工一批零件,甲乙合作5小时完成,甲独做9形式完成。已知甲每小时比乙多加工2个零件,这批零件共有多少个?(4分)9 T, }1 m+ R9 K( G" I9 K/ P- ?$ X. ?3 q

$ J* {: g. U& z+ y5 Z
5 o/ ^1 z3 \$ I4.体育场买来16个篮球和12个足球,共付出760元。已知篮球与足球的单价比是5:6,体育场买篮球和足球各付出多少元?(6分)' q0 U+ @& W" ^" w  N0 s# j6 L
+ K: |) R3 k, o- q2 Y/ X# N

7 p; k6 e: j6 R( j1 ^0 d0 M
6 q0 h3 e3 ?3 [, C$ z# @& u5.某商店购进一批皮凉鞋,每双售出价比购进价多15%。如果全部卖出,则可获利120元;如果只卖80双,则差64元才够成本。皮凉鞋的购进价每双多少元?(6分)0 ?3 W9 J% {" w" `2 e# h: }* ~% v% n# A

7 S: r- S, ], k6 C5 W6 R5 @ $ ?4 D3 H2 Y& [' L+ e
% \. o4 d: r. W% |& p7 ~/ s; I
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-5-22 17:44 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-5-23 10:40 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2005-5-23 11:31 | 显示全部楼层

ha ha again

老杨团队 追求完美
北 京 四 中3 e  `" s3 F% c9 E0 W2 o4 Y

( M8 }' b( h0 K- }撰 稿:李俊和  编 审:毕 勤  责 编:隋 瑜 + {+ P* f. e$ g, _* Z3 L
; A5 N5 B; a$ k4 g7 R: p, P# S
2005年高考英语综合模拟试卷(三) . V9 s, Q5 I8 N* i
0 ~9 M0 ?: F( S' H. l  第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分) ( P0 t& r; W0 K0 ^$ w) n
" B7 {  X; t% x8 \& n& |
' _3 P& x  C; D# w/ E2 ^/ C: k3 N2 w% y' |* y1 F  d
  第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分) $ w: a9 c6 Z- R+ ^' H' z

/ y% E$ v3 `" ^) R, R( _! h2 R  第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) % @. i6 x+ G+ m
  从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的正确答案,并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。 ( x9 ~6 r: c3 t8 b
  21. —Have you read all the books? 0 Z+ n* G8 C) ^
    —Yes, _____ one. 6 [, O# {3 u; u  G
  A. some   B. every   C. either   D. each
! h- F  k2 z: T5 V5 y& }! e. A: l5 _
  22. —Do you think he will succeed?
$ E" F% k/ W0 E- g3 O* |3 x    —Well, he’s helped by many people and, what is more, he works extremely hard, so he will ______ succeed. 9 b+ K4 ?+ J6 {) q' f
  A. perhaps   B. possibly   C. maybe   D. probably ' Q8 W, K8 P! i& E9 p8 o9 y

3 m9 ]; W4 Z, ]9 v4 m0 q  23. Two million tons of oil _____ exploited in this area that year.
; l) e& b8 _' s  A. was   B. has been   C. were   D. have been
( B7 ~; e/ {9 W9 E0 L9 r, t8 }, N5 f" f/ U! N4 S" v2 S
  24. —Did you get a ticket?
* G+ d- y: @" ^5 r: B    —No, I _____, but there weren’t any left.   N0 h+ {2 }2 \0 q5 l1 i2 n
  A. had to       B. tried to
1 z" s  {+ p0 y# k& _) `  C. decided to     D. managed to
% T( P% D7 ]# i, b6 Q+ c5 f( v3 h! r5 y
  25. There’s little we can do about it, _____? 0 o' O7 D7 n9 l9 K$ a$ I
  A. is there   B. can’t we   C. isn’t there   D. can we ' r8 d- Z% Z* W5 P
. Z' v9 R- N$ a7 i2 d: n( j
  26. The meeting was put off, _____ was exactly _____ we wanted.
8 k9 y6 m& H: ?1 ]1 U' b/ j5 X  A. it;that   B. as;that   C. which;what   D. this;what * N% i$ A, Z  p

$ Q$ T: {+ ?% z3 d7 t7 I  27. —What time _____ Owen tomorrow?
' r& r* W& R5 M    —At 3:00 o’clock in the afternoon. ! f3 K6 c4 ?1 W4 {8 N4 B% O# z
  A. do you meet       B. will you meet
/ s5 E2 D  B8 P' l9 c3 e  C. would you meet     D. are you meeting 2 h/ N8 T& u' J! ?2 `) N, v1 e

& U' j9 E! C: U% u# |  28. That was not a good place to go skating. You _____ your leg.
6 `/ V2 w0 b0 c; L  A. can break          B. could break
' \8 F* d& Q  [+ s. O; u  C. could have broken     D. could have been broken " H+ ?' R7 a5 M# A) X
% {2 O) O# @$ n
  29. —Li Lin is very bright and studies hard as well.
3 ]0 z  x/ U% W    —It’s no _____ he always gets the first place in any examination. 2 O* e- n5 c7 d2 O% |% k
  A. question   B. doubt   C. problem   D. wonder . u3 X: ~$ i- z" f. E# p; w

6 Z) T+ Q5 C7 [, \3 i% y  30. _____ you come today _____ tomorrow I don’t mind at all.
( N" s" l, u8 \  A. Neither;nor     B. Both;and & l* I4 R  G9 k, x; r* r" I+ K
  C. Either;or      D. Whether;or ( B. T9 G+ a# n" U3 j$ w
# ^  x2 }& a4 L! u
  31. —What do you think of my composition?
/ F7 e( v" N1 V2 O: D    —It _____ well _____ a few spelling mistakes.
- Y2 u  T: G- m/ v# ]; ^/ }& y4 x  A. reads;except for      B. reads; besides
5 B3 O" V5 V6 b9 }  C. is read;except for     D. is read; besides 5 H. S" o9 F, R

: T; s) }# e+ _; X% k" m  32. _____ by his accent, he must be from Guangdong province.
; F  u7 F" N. k% a" d, y. E  A. To judge   B. Judged   C. To be judged   D. Judging
, [& i1 \& \3 Y# l! y3 R) T9 G( }
  33. —Never thought to see you here!   K+ y( t9 c8 E
+ W2 ?: ]) Y& u3 o8 {# [  A. So did I.         B. It’s a small world! . `# I& @! a4 n" G5 I
  C. Oh, haven’t you?     D. Glad to meet you. $ C5 C- [8 ?$ F6 [6 O* P2 o! Y( D
, r' m. a  M: J/ E
  34. —This is Xiao Li speaking. ! A  d; B1 X/ V' @2 P
    —Hi, Xiao Li, please stay at home. I’ll _____ you at 6 o’clock and we’ll go to the cinema together. ! i' }6 T& m( p5 s' T5 a
  A. call for   B. wait for   C. search for   D. look for
1 X; T- _  U* q& g$ c/ t3 G0 ?6 ]
7 l0 Z( b) {! l$ U% f5 g: C8 o* |  35. —Have a drink?
- f3 Q: {4 @& F! H5 R    —_____. & w/ \4 l4 U. s8 e$ s6 z3 u
  A. No, thanks. I hate it     B. No, thanks. I’d rather not
+ b7 Y0 y4 W/ }, M. `$ o9 n  C. Yes. You go ahead       D. Yes. My pleasure ( K. k2 W0 w* H1 s9 M$ ?& Z
" x# V; s6 y2 _  u( A
  第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,共30分) 1 R8 k3 b4 G1 r  ~" Z5 h
3 d) ^* G# s1 u5 O' T  People often say that the Englishman’s home is his castle. In this sense they mean that the home is very important and 36 . Most people in Britain live in houses 37 flats, and many people own their homes. This means that they can make them individual(个人的); they can
1 P0 A4 I4 p+ n# L' D# }/ _5 F 38 them and change them in any way they 39 . In a crowded city the individual knows that he or she has a private space which is 40 for himself or herself and for 41 friends.
+ |; g' N) ]* R2 I8 y; c: {  G) M  People usually like to 42 their space. Are you sitting now in your home or in a library or on a beach or a train? If you are on the beach, you may have spread your 43 around you; on the train you may have 44 your coat or small bag on the seat beside you; in a library you may have one 45 or chair which is your own. & q0 A$ [9 Z7 n% c( m/ ^
  Once I was traveling on a 46 to London. I was in a section for four people and there was a table between us. The man on the 47 side to me had his briefcase on the table. There was no( s  A: ~' w. T1 p0 w& T9 Y) m
 48 on my side of the table at all, I was made rather  49 . I thought he thought that he owned the 50 table. I took various papers out of my bag and put them on 51 ! When I did this he stiffened and his eyes nearly popped out of his head. I had 52 his space! A few minutes later I took my papers 53 his case in order to read them. Then he immediately% Z! {( A* p, D8 e1 v. P
 54 his case to his side of the table. (Of course, it is 55 that he just wanted to be helpful to me!) + h/ \& B9 F  {2 _$ V8 o

  [" m( A1 l: R( S  36. A. helpful     B. personal     C. necessary      D. useful
$ Y3 C  Z- H1 `& S+ @: M' c0 w  37. A. rather than    B. as well as    C. as a result of    D. or rather
6 E) A) Y( l) y7 A- Q0 Q  38. A. buy        B. leave      C. paint         D. offer
6 _; s/ ~% W" n  39. A. make        B. clear      C. like         D. prepare
) c/ l9 t6 R) t  40. A. only        B. already     C. ever         D. even + N" q7 _. _& q& S; J0 j
  41. A. unwanted      B. unwelcome    C. sick         D. invited
, E. N' ~) E6 r+ Q2 n0 V  42. A. mark        B. decide      C. choose        D. keep 9 h9 }$ q9 j( B6 i, w  }& C
  43. A. towels       B. sands       C. papers        D. flags
; ^( R0 A( F! p  v# {  44. A. find        B. give        C. put         D. store ; Z9 C1 d9 ~0 V8 |- F
  45. A. book        B. corner      C. companion      D. meal 9 H' s1 T1 C' ^& r: t6 x6 A8 o2 S/ I
  46. A. plane       B. train       C. way          D. street
2 k5 s( n, o2 m0 L/ b0 U  47. A. opposite      B. back       C. wrong        D. good , v/ q  z6 j7 Z- H; q6 `
  48. A. matter       B. weight      C. light         D. space
" R' i$ x- Z+ ?  49. A. angry       B. hurt       C. fearful        D. busy $ E. d1 z, y: Y4 n$ V/ j: P
  50. A. right       B. only        C. small        D. whole
: |2 h( e# N5 ?8 W* M- L: ^) U/ d  51. A. the table     B. his case     C. the seat      D. his side
7 r2 L8 z. a+ M1 u- r% W  52. A. invaded      B. shut        C. separated      D. shared 5 h$ {) b; a+ R1 U9 W$ T- \
  53. A. into        B. for        C. off         D. out of ! H5 [* S' c+ V0 \8 s* l  v
  54. A. hid        B. set        C. moved        D. kept ! C  `+ D. \# K& f8 e4 Y0 s: \
  55. A. possible      B. true        C. wonderful      D. ordinary
6 f- E4 P& u, E
. t" P; f) w% B' F$ N& ?5 V  第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)
: H* y0 Y; c; U4 d. N  阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。
2 O* m$ }( k/ n" P6 k* I6 TA
  i" J8 E. T1 B) {% _$ \$ k2 w: c  Suppose a man has a car accident. He is hurt badly and is unconscious(失去知觉的); that is, he can’t think, speak, or hear. His family takes him to the hospital. The doctors tell the family that his brain is dead. A machine can make him breathe. 9 n, v6 e4 a; O! K- n
  Now the patient’s family must answer some difficult questions. Should they think he is dead? Should they ask the doctors to use the machine to make him breathe? Sometimes machines can make an unconscious person breathe for years. However, if his brain is dead, he will never think, speak, or hear again. Then, should his family ask the doctors not to use the machine and let him die? 0 v& G# W, m" w) @' h! k& I
  Someone who is unconscious can’t say he wants to die. Can his family say this for him? Some people think this is a good idea. Some think otherwise.
1 o- C6 |: n6 Y5 s% V2 M" ?  Many people are hurt when machines keep a person alive. The unconscious person doesn’t know it. Machines only make the family and friends hurt longer.
6 o$ o) V: ~* A% r  M% s1 s! l( f! G; h! v  R
  56. Someone who is hurt badly and is unconscious _____ pain.
% p/ a* `5 h- K# S* @) }2 Q  A. must feel        B. doesn’t feel ( _! r8 }+ ?# p; @; s
  C. sometimes feels     D. probably feels . p" V1 \( a* j) F1 M" G* N1 c, A  W
; P: A& m# U7 y( c
  57. When a person’s brain is dead, he _____.
$ J7 @8 l+ {0 k/ r8 S$ K, s  A. will never wake up again
  p  L0 U- `& C  B. maybe wakes up again
% _- B$ M8 {, x1 M  C. will wake up again by using a machine 1 g$ z7 b2 ~: H3 ]$ D" w
  D. sometimes wakes up
; x# V. s. {, W7 w" R# |9 N9 l" ]0 B' F
  58. Which of the following is true? 0 d/ Z/ _) }% E$ z* o' d. W
  A. An unconscious person knows he must die. 2 C  H7 u/ k: y7 \/ X+ P1 g* _
  B. Brain death isn’t a real death. . H$ j9 D' a5 `' C5 J& Q1 }
  C. An unconscious person can realize he must die.   T' Q: C" X; q1 G& q1 p  ~
  D. Brain death is a real death.
% j5 T9 _' ?3 J5 Y5 H& S- o* |1 y! s) Z8 }. }9 q
  59. You may conclude from this article that it is _____ using machines to make a person breathe for years if his brain is dead. $ l" ?1 ]1 _# {/ ?
  A. a clever way   B. wise way   C. no use   D. quite useful
& j: v6 l/ N1 K7 J3 eB
0 F; r- n2 C; s, F0 }+ w  Los Angeles—a 9-years old boy took hold of the wheel(方向盘) of a car, weaving(迂回地行进) through Los Angeles freeway traffic, not sure which hard-to-reach pedal(踏脚) to step on, after his mother blacked out(眩晕). 7 q/ H2 L! O. V% ^
  Mary Dillman, 38, was driving on the San Diego Freeway when she blacked out Monday, California Highway patrol(巡逻) officer Todd Sturges said. Her son David, who was in the front passenger seat, caught hold of the wheel. With no idea which pedal to press, David first stepped on the gas. He then managed to drive the car for a quarter mile before stopping safely on the shoulder.
9 B4 Z0 G( ]8 n1 }. v! J  “I just kept thinking that my mom was going to die, and I just had to get the car over to the right-hand side,” he said. “I was weaving in and out of cars, and none of them slowed down.” / B6 m7 O. O' m5 S! N
  Doctors were unsure why his mother, who was out of hospital, blacked out. 3 ]. K! B1 f/ u& I) V

% f+ z0 r' K! o" `- ?4 _! ]+ x. m8 h  60. It can be inferred that when his mother blacked out, David was sitting ___ his mother.5 G9 P# a/ p- ~8 c2 p8 i$ e& [& t
  A. behind        B. on the left side of " C# f. B% J* J- m7 q
  C. in front of     D. on the right side of
" m4 l7 ~* ~$ [9 Y' w0 u* J- T" w7 I( E0 K0 |! s
  61. We can infer that the first pedal David stepped on was _____. 2 g( {# J$ ?! @# C" i% U# e
  A. exactly the right one     B. a wrong one
& b9 U' n+ O& Z4 B/ Q* R  C. right under his foot     D. the hardest to reach
/ c$ A4 v' {" l3 v+ [0 y6 `% a: x, G  V4 n# d& d
  62. After David stepped on the first pedal, the car _____. - G( t+ p' v. W& e1 P0 t- S0 B
  A. ran even faster       B. stopped almost immediately
- F7 L% [4 l9 K  C. slowed down at once     D. knocked into some other car * |$ J  r9 @/ J

4 k" x8 x+ x% ?  63. We now know for sure _____. & `8 I1 |+ K  }. Z
  A. the reason for Mary Dillman’s blacking out
, U/ ~& S( J1 n' ]- p% \  B. none of the other drivers noticed David driving the car
7 m% b8 n4 I2 B8 ?8 v: U! q  C. David was brave, clever and fairly quick at learning
* e# v; p/ i  \9 E# ?  D. it was David’s driving experience that saved his mother
, r6 C( r% a* P5 v* a9 ~C
' I# V. Z6 I, h' `  An Austin man was shot dead late Saturday with a handgun he had taken to a birthday party in Northeast Austin, police said.
0 T) v2 t  j7 u! [" w, s0 z  Jose Hernandez Suarez, 27, was shot once in the head at about 10:46p.m. Saturday outside the Windsor Plaza apartment(公寓) at 1205 E. 52nd street, police said. 0 ^. L( D; C& u& S1 f
  Birthday balloons were still banging Sunday at the apartment where Amelia Rivera and her husband, Daniel Galvan, had invited friends Saturday evening to celebrate their daughter’s third birthday. The couple said that they were upset(不安) about the shooting but that the children were playing and did not realize what had happened. “We are sad because of what happened,” Galvan said Sunday. “one can’t be comfortable here. We’re more afraid for the children.” * ]* `& [. Y3 t+ q6 i
  Hernandez, a labourer who lived in Wheless Street, was the father of children aged 2 months, 2, 4, and 5, Rivera said. “He was the one who supported the family,” she said. “That’s what worries me.”
8 D% ^' l6 _# ^0 q9 W: R  Hernandez was shot while he struggled for control of a gun he had taken to the party, Hector Reveles, a police officer, said. After Hernadez was shot in the head, the argument continued and three to five more shots were fired, he said.
. ?/ y2 i% C+ |  One person was arrested(逮捕)in Hernandez’s shooting, said Reveles. $ B! O% [2 w6 e9 |1 X7 ]) [. R

: [2 N. e' y0 C. K5 |  64. Hernandez was shot dead _____ .
" h& t; o/ @( A) q/ P+ }: _  A. where he lived        B. inside his friend’s apartment 8 R0 Z, |7 G& K8 O" o  v( k+ r
  C. at a birthday party     D. on his way to a birthday party
* p/ z# `  s" H: t$ v8 D7 L+ {( G2 Q. n
  65. The gun fighting _____.
) E% Z" {4 Q" T, w- N  A. frightened the children at the party
" r4 D5 o$ P1 s% f  g+ }  B. brought changes only to Hernandez’s family
, b3 S# n* L$ u2 c6 ]: K& _  C. happened at the beginning of the party
1 s- \" F5 B9 }4 p- A  D. brought more fear to some parents
7 h+ P3 g/ h. e4 W. [3 n6 {7 ?( Q8 M& H: i9 d
  66. We may infer that _____.
- `6 [9 M: f) ^; a, h/ z% Q$ q  A. Hernandez’s wife had no job 1 E- I$ ^/ G' _4 e( G
  B. Hernandez had three or four children
4 `. S9 f8 C% R8 d; Y% q8 Q* V  C. Hernandez’s wife had probably left him   ?. T$ {: z6 k1 U% j; B8 l( k
  D. Hernandez’s family was probably rich
: B1 ]  D: W* ~
! R7 ^  N3 G' l: T  67. It is right to say that _____.
1 Z9 |. P' [: S: q8 c+ Y, z1 a: b  A. Hernandez was killed with more than one shot # r- u9 E2 ]9 G- v) }2 U5 n7 @
  B. at least two persons were involved in (卷入) the shooting
6 \0 I# I' ^' E) P$ ^* Z' S* c  C. it must have been the police who stopped the fighting 2 a4 V: }6 r' x, e6 B  T
  D. nobody was arrested
4 y0 m: E+ f3 m9 M8 _5 m$ a" }4 FD
" y5 S5 O8 W3 d' Q7 n7 F9 P- l  Marcus Garvey (1887—1940), was a black leader who started a “Back-to-Africa” movement in the United States. Garvey believed that blacks would never receive justice in countries where most of the people were white. He insisted that blacks should consider Africa their homeland and that they should settle there.
: v1 d5 H/ o) _1 s6 t2 o+ x  Garvey was born in Jamaica. He began his movement there in 1914 and brought it to the United States in 1916, when he moved to New York City. In the early 1920’s, Garvey had about 2 million followers, mainly poor blacks looking for new hope. Garvey’s supporters sent him thousands of dollars. Garvey used the money to set up some all-black businesses, and business profits (利润) were to be used to provide money for the movement. In 1925, Garvey was put into prison for mail fraud (欺骗) in connection with his sale of stock (股票) in one of the businesses. The movement then weakened. Garvey was set free from prison in 1927, and returned to Jamaica.
  l% \& d) D" j; u
5 e& x# D# c: i3 }( m8 m  68. Garvey started his “Back-to-Africa” movement in the US in _____. ) j5 F% U8 }. Y0 E9 G1 e2 E
  A. 1914   B. the 1920’s   C. 1927   D. 1916
! p9 \% Y. G. r. p9 E. n, T# g6 {8 _0 v! I, T- Y" r5 E7 r  Y9 ^
  69. It seems that in the early 1920’s poor blacks looking for new hope in the US were mostly _____.
5 V  m+ p; c, \1 f4 B" w- ^5 ?  A. satisfied   B. disappointed   C. hopeful   D. happy
  K: ?" m' I2 T0 Z% q) I' T9 |8 j/ Q+ k3 p* n
  70. Following Garvey’s movement, more blacks _____.
+ f+ X  V# c; f0 X, V  A. left the US for Africa
2 s7 {  P$ g& J$ [* D  B. came from Africa to settle in the US 7 @4 s) V9 M. q" K3 U3 m
  C. rose up and fought their white owners / _  {8 W. c" ]" S
  D. fought against more freedom in the US ( z$ N8 m( C, B. X
+ r+ m- k) Z; b# X; X
  71. According to the text, _____.
# w) g4 J2 p0 P; S; ]$ d  A. Garvey kept all-black business profits for himself 2 a; ^$ Q0 Y9 g
  B. no more blacks returned to Africa after Garvey was put into prison , r+ d/ m3 D8 Y
  C. Garvey’s opinion in the text was not reasonable at all ) F+ P, M' m7 [. j" T
  D. some of the all-black business profits may have been spent on some blacks’ trips back to Africa & M0 y2 \2 W! X! G% B
E & y( i$ s# Z0 t3 V3 N
  Industrial pollution is not only a problem for the countries of Europe and North America. It is an extremely serious problem in some developing countries. For these countries, economic growth is a very important aim. They want to introduce industries, and so they put few controls on industries which cause pollution.
! g% e5 ~! M# P  e" u  Cubatao, an industries town of 85,000 people in Brazil, is an example of the connection between industrial development and pollution. In 1954, Cubatao had no industry. Today it has more than twenty large factories, which produce many pollutants (污染物). The people of the town are suffering from the poisonous matters in their surroundings, and the bad effects can be clearly seen. Birth shortcomings are extremely common. Among children and grown-ups, lung problems are sometime twelve times more common in Cubatao than in other places.
. x' j3 L( Q- i. U% U7 T; `/ Q  It is true that Brazil, like many other countries, has laws against pollution, but these laws are not carried out strictly enough. It is cheaper for companies to take no notice of the laws and pay the fines(罚款) than to buy the expensive equipment that will reduce the pollution. It is clear, therefore, that economic growth is more important to the government than to the health of the worker. However, the responsibility(责任) does not completely lie with the Brazilian government. The example of Cubatao shows that international companies are not acting in a responsible way either. A number of the factories in the town are owned by large companies from France, Italy and the U.S. They are doing things in Brazil that they would not be able to do at home. If they cause the same amount of pollution at home, they would be severely(严厉的) punished or even put out of business.
( q; T- T/ _$ p) I- t) k$ }
7 }: {+ n! B4 E$ w! D' O  72. Developing countries don’t have strict pollution controls because _____. + h+ x, N8 b" C8 E, y0 w. Q) N
  A. the new industries they want to introduce do not cause much pollution & G0 ]# x; T+ S( q
  B. pollution is not a serious problem for developing countries
& B- H; ~6 r4 u; ^  C. they don’t realize that the balance of nature will be destroyed by some pollutants ' W9 V9 @$ |+ Y" N: Z4 R2 j
  D. if they put stricter controls on industry, fewer companies would build new plants in developing countries ( t+ y, p( L5 h* }: i
0 h; x1 K, _5 Z- `
  73. The author’s purpose in naming Cabatao is to show that _____.
) _6 d1 h9 ~# q9 T' e) Y7 t+ `, i  A. industry can develop very fast in developing countries
) E( W/ H* Y4 _' ~, N2 B1 n  B. the pollution problem in Brazil is extremely serious 8 J: _7 V+ h8 ^3 Q
  C. industrial growth can cause pollution problems for developing countries # _% g! g. [0 l! y: N! |6 ~
  D. pollution is killing many people and destroying the whole economy of Brazil
" n4 }/ m4 N& J/ T# f  L# {; A, h- c. l2 ]# S
  74. How is the health of the population of Cubatao?
& S. V/ }* a& u0 t" F  A. There are more heart disease among people who live near chemical factories.
( v# f0 Y% x/ V/ x  B. More people suffer from lung disease because of poisonous matters. 6 v) b- D1 Z! o+ a* N# @
  C. Their health is affected by pollutants the same way as that of other Brazilians.
- s, R: z4 e; d# n3 C1 w: p  D. Babies there are found not as bright as those who live in other places. ) m; K6 t' d: q7 j# p
; e5 \+ v; S( ^
  75. Some foreign companies like to set up their plants in Brazil because they _____.
' @) x& @: R2 u8 {; N  A. think Brazil is suitable for them to invest (投资) in
$ w- I1 Q/ N/ p; W( z  B. will not be severely punished if they cause pollution in Brazil ; A6 j" r- i/ I$ o/ b4 V: M! A
  C. can make much money and they do not have to pay Brazilian workers much
) `2 B6 U/ o, A3 ?% a, j" R  D. can act in an irresponsible way in Brazil where there are no pollution laws
8 P% C3 T! i" P# U% U第二卷(共35分)
* d/ t0 h5 M4 r0 W& P# U" E  第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) $ K( S* R& P9 y' G8 F7 \' l/ `
  此题要求改正所给短文中的错误。对标有题号的每一行作出判断:如无错误,在该行右边横线上画一个勾(√);如有错误(每行只有一个错误),则按下列情况改正: # F. B1 |9 Y+ s7 L
1 g' _4 E/ {4 u  此行缺一个词:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),在该行右边横线上写出该加的词。
4 H( ]8 i2 U1 f  此行错一个词:在错的词下划一横线,在该行右边横线上写出改正后的词。
. r$ g; T9 x$ F0 k* j" T+ ~% q  注意:原行没有错的不要改。
, @/ L$ F/ B9 C6 X% }' `& `/ _  Last summer I learnt to ride a bicycle. At first, I was        76.______ 
0 s8 @9 `$ B8 E* W# I) E# J  unable to control its direction. Sometimes I fall to         77.______ 
( F8 a! K, d; Y: |$ c  the right or to the left. I worried to ask my father         78.______  7 C* d1 K' t2 \$ J+ T- D  d
  impatiently how I could ride straight, so he didn't          79.______  7 ^) V2 v& n! u; F; m9 k
  answer me directly. Instead, he took me to side of the        80.______ 
" c/ F) P. y0 t' R9 Q# K  street. “Can you find any bike track is really straight?”     81.______  + q+ A" k) Z) E  @- H9 J% h( t
  asked my father. I watched more carefully and shook my         82.______  5 u$ Q# ]7 V" s" E
  head. “No,” he said, “in fact, neither of the tracks is      83.______  , Z1 e& O/ Y& P& s) f+ E
  always straight. But just by correct the direction          84.______  # l' ~! V. N  ?
  every now and then, you had already gone forward”           85.______ 
5 G3 r& O' X1 X- g1 G; X7 ]$ B- l+ W4 e3 Z" ?0 i
$ N% v" P8 B, D  你正在新西兰奥克多大学攻读物理专业,明年初夏将回国就职,北京人才交流中心需要中英文两份简历,请根据你的情况,写一份英文简历。 # d" ~1 [) j. F. ~$ \
简 历 # Y8 v- C; e  e/ t! H
姓名         张明
. b1 S3 m( f. }. N0 O性别         男
  y) z' z2 |! V: C出生年月         1976年6月15日
5 |7 S+ e" ]+ W( O出生地         北京
3 D* w/ h/ I2 t) j: b1 t6 k健康状态         良好
! R6 R, ^# I* ?' F教育程度         物理博士 ! \4 I7 Q1 \9 C7 p% s: z
教育背景         1982-1988 和平里小学
- F( }& X+ S0 I5 S2 S+ x: W1988-1991 和平街中学
( y6 }+ @+ C# |- r; j( h; R1991-1994 四中(数理化成绩好,爱好美术) " g9 s' w3 M2 Q5 A/ Z* k
1994-1998 就读北京大学物理系
! [: r7 ~% |% E) g% O3 D1998-   就读新西兰奥克兰大学物理系
1 y  B2 i8 u; W# [  注意:' Y1 h4 `: m+ b! R  b& D8 C' n
  1. 词数100个左右。
0 r( S1 Y; N+ ?" F% [1 w7 ^  2. 开头已为你写好。 # Z. N) l5 l# C/ G- a/ r. h, A
0 f* s" _( k7 o5 e$ y
  生词:奥克兰大学—Auckland University   新西兰—New Zealand
- Z( V. n" I  L0 _, _9 qA Resume 8 v3 _$ S' G; X, |# g2 a
  I am now a student studying in Auckland University in New Zealand.   I# `( a: {' l
4 Z0 ?% A/ G: a  ! {3 C" k& r" ~% Q* k

1 z7 d8 g1 |( H- J  21—25 BDCBA   26—30 CDCDD   31—35 ADBAB   36—40 BACCA
( g0 C+ z6 ~% C
: P  s$ |' X- j, Y% N  41—45 DAACB   46—50 BADAD   51—55 BACCA   56—60 BADCD 1 y$ x2 J) n9 O1 k+ I

# m5 p9 k! l3 `* E5 C  61—65 BACCD   66—70 ABDBA   71—75 DDCBB 1 J7 Y- E7 }/ f9 w/ t

% E% w5 j/ C2 M  x7 j  76.√   77. fall→fell   78. worried→was worried   79. so→but
, Q/ A* A5 g' \- V
# h6 m0 ^! H% N: _9 f% }* C5 F! c  80. side→the side   81. is→that is或去掉is   82. more carefully→carefully
/ W5 ^0 O8 Q5 p; F- o/ {* H* {' D* X% R# w
  83. neither→none   84. correct→correcting   85. had→have 
0 c8 n3 \0 s+ D, N; n+ f  R! y
0 K# q# _  P9 }  情景作文:
9 D6 r  N; v3 O( g8 N% _  One Possible Version:
0 X# e- I' Q- O7 u2 K7 I) \
& G/ }. P& J& `! y  I am now a student studying in Auckland University in New Zealand. I will graduate soon and I am coming back to China early next summer. I have already got my PHD degree. I am eager to go back to China to serve my own country.
9 Y0 G* o- m) u$ Y% ]3 O  z  I was born on June 15, 1976 in Beijing. I graduated from Hepingli Primary School in 1988. When I was in middle school, I was good at math, physics and chemistry and was interested in art. In 1994, I graduated from No.4 High School and then entered Beijing University to study physics. After four years of hard work there, I went to New Zealand for further study. I am in good health.
3 ~' [( A( N# @  u, z4 p# Z& [6 o( O$ M3 B% l
& g7 a2 Z/ U5 ?; K8 M7 S1 L& Z/ o7 f  21. every强调整体;each强调个体。 9 m9 ^/ m- f& G$ @1 U6 E
  22. probably表示可能性很大。
* C5 x( d. C2 L3 b) k  23. 主语是复数,因此谓语动词用复数形式。 / v9 M! P  X& a4 p. b
  24. try to do表示“尽力做某事”,但结果不一定成功;manage to do表示“成功地做某事”。 " G. \9 K* F0 j
  25. 反意疑问句前面有little, 因此是否定含义。
  L1 N; Y! w6 J. w0 g  26. which引导非限制性定语从句,what作为want的宾语。
( c% @1 L5 X1 i' }; c  27. 进行时可以表示将来的动作。 1 F5 _) u) `! Y9 n0 ?2 @
  28. could have done表示对过去动作不太肯定的推测。 1 h& _! i) q8 @- d) S# {
  29. no wonder表示“难怪”。
1 F! x4 u6 N+ @' I5 H/ ]  30. whether在句首引导从句。
% Q3 u0 X1 x2 }# P# J  }$ s  31. read表示“读起来……”,不用被动语态;except for表示“美中不足”。 0 |; D- _* `7 ?' i  F1 _, H
  32. judging from是固定短语,不用被动结构,表示“由……来判断”。 . V; Y8 d+ O  t
  33. It’s a small world用来表示惊讶。 4 V8 z* O: f  Y2 f6 Q# d9 A6 h
  34. call for表示“来接某人”。
& Z6 c8 I4 ^: r( W  35. 首先表示感谢,然后说明情况。
5 _& Y' D- P3 J5 d  36. 每个人的住房都是属于私人的。 " K. j% B0 I" v- `9 W$ H! X" n
  37. rather than表示“而不是”。 + B' B0 z+ i$ D" R: \. G
  38. 人们可以任意粉刷自己的住房。   j% }8 |! @2 X9 d
  39. 按照自己喜欢的方式改变自己的住房。 ; o2 c! Z8 a( o; R
  40. 私人空间是只属于自己个人的。 ; c% ]# q* h5 ?9 l- e9 F
  42. mark their space在这里表示“标出自己的地盘”。 # v/ ^! m% C8 i
  43. 在沙滩上的时候,把毛巾散开铺在自己身边。
) H( G# h3 I/ [  45. 在图书馆的时候,人们喜欢独占一个角落。
3 w* g( ~- C: I1 J7 n& ^0 F  46. 后面提到了section, 指火车的包厢。 ( c' A) q2 K& i" G7 w' p" M
  47. 坐在桌子对面的人把手提箱放在了桌子上。 6 a9 Y" L9 B  u$ Y: L
  48. 桌子上没有我的地方了。 7 j6 j6 o  H' i& [; X" e4 a6 c: z
  50. 好像他认为他拥有整个桌子似的。 8 T. M, I+ Q1 m" ?' B
  51. 我拿出报纸,放在他的手提箱上。 * Q+ I# T  A' u0 k5 ~0 o; S# I
  52. invade表示“入侵”。
4 y- X- a  Y, G  53. off是介词,表示“离开”。
& ?8 Y- G, q( |! e$ y* ~  55. 当然,也有可能他只是为了帮助我才这么做的。
% T. o5 T* z4 L$ f2 r# c  57. 大脑已经死亡的人不会醒来了。 ) `- D, F: G) ~2 y7 `, ^- B
  59. 从文章的最后一段可以看出,作者认为靠机器延续生命是没有意义的。 0 H3 R( V: N$ C+ N; P
  60. 小男孩试图将车停在路的右侧,因此看出车是靠右侧行驶的,驾驶员应该在左侧。
" Q+ {9 R# H" Q7 e- d+ j! f  62. 他第一次踩了油门,因此车会越来越快。
9 j' l8 Y  i, h& m% _* N! _  64. 文章第一段表明他已经把枪带到了生日聚会上了。 * g6 w0 H% J- f! f. ]+ n& i5 [
  65. 文章第三段最后一句话表示有些父母开始担心自己的孩子。
, D5 [1 W$ s2 F" `  66. 根据第四段他妻子说的话来看,他一个人养这个家。 . Q7 [$ U9 N: f7 s0 F- U
  69. 贫穷的黑人们对现状不满,因此参加这种运动。
0 i+ }5 ~3 F5 u! x- k: n  R6 }  70. 这种运动的目的是把黑人送回非洲去。 + y: w& u* ~$ V5 J' I
  71. 文章最后一段第五句话表示Garvey把部分挣来的钱用在了送黑人回非洲上。
2 }1 p. @! w. e4 M5 |; k+ j7 {  72. 许多发展中国家为了吸引外资,没有实行严格的环境保护。 ( Z; b/ u8 B' f+ c
  74. 文章第二段表明当地患肺癌的比例比其他地区高。
: M8 R* A& w/ l4 m& `9 s+ ]" n0 f  75. 因为巴西没有严格执行环保措施,许多外国企业在那里投资,这样他们不会因为破坏环境而受到重罚。 2 F2 I0 }6 g( Y# y0 C7 l$ w0 d
  77. 本文的时态为过去时,所以fall应改为fell。
8 f- U  w  `' Z+ ]9 E: o! O  79. 本处是明显的转折,但是他没有直接回答我。
( I% `# f2 l. P! Z( g; J  81. find +名词+形容词做宾补,而不是接一句话,所以把is去掉;或把bike track当作定语从句的先行词,加that做定语从句的主语。
3 k$ _9 p5 f/ v! F  83. 因为是多条,所以用none,不用neither。 , f: Q. K# ]; o" t. L. t3 |
  84. by为介词,后接doing。
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