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Alberta Health service关于针对高危人群进行H1N1甲流疫苗免疫的通知

鲜花(1015) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2009-11-3 21:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 vilna 于 2009-11-3 21:32 编辑
6 b* y: U  @) P" {4 P0 r# d+ T' U4 ?4 e* w3 ?. X0 h- }) `
由于突如其来的疫苗短缺,Alberta Health Services(阿尔伯塔健康服务部门)和Alberta Health and Wellness(阿尔伯塔卫生和福利厅)宣布计划,开始针对高危人群的免疫。
% h1 P0 z) i' [* i: x3 k/ d
3 U1 r& ?+ R) A- g; L9 t; n& K2 ^0 P星期四(11月5日)开始,恢复对6个月以上(从注射的那天算起)到5岁以下(以11月1日为准)的儿童的H1N1流感疫苗免疫,家长必须为他们的孩子出示医疗保健卡、出生证明或者其它有效的身份证明 证明他们的年龄。% d4 u/ c# V5 J! t9 m5 |
' r8 U, j8 J: g+ m+ {3 w2 ~
$ o& o/ j$ r. F- {/ p; O
; [& P' ]. a- j这次,其他阿尔伯塔人将不能得到疫苗。 当制造商提供更多的疫苗时,有针对性的免疫计划将进一步扩大到包括在65岁以下的人有慢性疾病的人群。详情将等到疫苗供应方面有更多的信息后公布。 9 z; y7 i" k' K- c) t# F9 L
# \( U$ y8 v( o
" U& g1 m6 `' n# j0 g9 [# P5 X2 d" h0 h: f2 \) U- ]$ _. ^
) R& [! w" M( C: N3 ^) M( A  d% _; h, Y' A$ K
- y$ t" L# D7 ?& ~# h
- s: a* A' }5 C5 q: X4 c% s埃德蒙顿将开8个点: ( K* k/ |& B! B" L

8 R4 Q4 u+ W# HCommonwealth Stadium - 新增
% p1 Q, N7 y6 p5 F% z3 a+ V+ yMillbourne Mall ! y7 s) y- p, ?# T- C+ ~  L
Westmount Centre% f# x& y* s% e& }
Bonnie Doon Mall
; p+ {' V) V- H9 L8 w$ @Rutherford Health Centre : M% k' E% G& \
Northgate Centre, O# y1 B& S- B; K! {5 A# z
Strathcona County Health Centre4 ~, ]4 B, E6 {
Grandin Mall (St. Albert)
) x! x" ^3 R# C" U
; @, w/ _1 ~# Y2 O/ [+ A3 \卡尔加里将开6个点:
" K; B, |. B5 l+ c; R& h- o4 G. g( K0 d# f
Stampede Grounds - 新增
/ b+ g# L! N: v+ C' aAvenida Village site$ M; O! C6 J! [  E' D3 _$ n
Olympic Oval
# k* }  y: t; F  GBrentwood Village Mall
; Q! J# t+ b; ~Whitehorn EMS station
( q+ D) ^7 F2 a. ?, dRichmond Road Diagnostic and Treatment Centre' e) r, [4 T- ^! B; [# _* g) y

* L0 \) i, r  D3 v: S( V更多的信息,请读新闻' z2 Q3 Z( l6 s- }9 e0 }( ^2 z2 i

" [$ J) b4 f* A! F7 X
- T* H; L& B; E/ b$ T
) k. t) B8 _' n# F) p
& ~7 M% j/ F* T  H4 k& H8 h$ \2 p! ^( |
; m1 d' f; Y9 X7 o5 i. D! G2 f9 J
High Risk Targeted Immunization" t3 u7 F. k2 q7 ^  \! E+ {
% z4 F9 v' q; M3 w, I& V
Due to the unexpected national shortage of the H1N1 vaccine, Alberta Health Services and Alberta Health and Wellness announced plans to begin targeted immunization of Albertans at high risk. - t6 Z% H) }5 N8 V) m! h4 n

0 c. Z8 t) {( K! y4 a2 BStarting on Thursday, November 5, children aged 6 months (on day of vaccination) to under five years as of November 1st will be targeted.  Proof of age (Health Care card, birth certificate or other valid identification) must be provided.
% B7 m, p7 q0 l4 |9 w& \9 ~3 U# A
1 F7 M% \" P* U& V+ QOn Friday, November 6, the program will expand to include pregnant women.
3 d% I  x$ j8 C( h
: d" i% `8 k9 |- V% E& N: E8 E+ IAt this time, the vaccine will not be available to other Albertans. When more vaccine becomes available from the manufacturer, the targeted immunization program will be further expanded to include people under 65 with chronic health conditions. Details will be announced as more information becomes available on the vaccine supply.
7 [5 t7 p+ o) Y+ y) P! k4 }, f4 c! J. f1 ?' p- g) D7 k
All Albertans who want to be immunized will have that opportunity when increased supply of the vaccine arrives from the manufacturer.. `3 Q3 [6 S: u3 k2 [3 h
+ X/ M. d/ O2 E$ h# W$ q
To ensure vaccine can be provided to high risk groups, no exceptions can be allowed. This is a provincewide roll-out.
- m& z. m* V3 Y* I3 X; i) l# i
There will be more clinic locations throughout the province and more details will be made available once finalized. Times are still being determined, so please check back. / R$ N; Q, Z6 m4 ?
8 W' _8 n; k5 u3 n; F- R
Edmonton will be operating with 8 ongoing sites: ! p% ?$ h. {$ R0 t0 a- V
! [2 m4 L0 }6 ^
Commonwealth Stadium - New location
$ N  x8 L. b" vMillbourne Mall
5 D* ?6 Y! |* H' [+ x2 ]* ^* Z) lWestmount Centre
# K6 b8 [& L# L) }( s: |Bonnie Doon Mall
2 z  r6 i9 P7 h2 I( N0 n  O2 BRutherford Health Centre * B0 i& G8 |1 r' e0 Z
Northgate Centre
2 z- N8 j. J, H' PStrathcona County Health Centre
+ t7 ^# d4 |1 I4 @Grandin Mall (St. Albert)
5 ]' A0 \5 A) w$ }" Z2 U( V, z
( w' r0 f* k  G! A$ iCalgary will be operating with 6 sites:
6 h- |4 m- @$ H6 s* w1 |

) V0 I& b3 h  G* P7 r0 Q3 X3 rStampede Grounds - New location 1 u; v8 T3 _' V. ?
Avenida Village site
) f5 g! ~  {" }* COlympic Oval 6 q- Z) E. @: m5 |6 z. e
Brentwood Village Mall, `6 W8 N( B# M- X
Whitehorn EMS station
7 `  W; A$ ]& P: MRichmond Road Diagnostic and Treatment Centre
, L( X" u! V# ~: c1 |4 g* o4 n3 z- j" C% s; R, \0 J
For more information, please read the news release.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-11-3 21:25 | 显示全部楼层
4 X& [; |% d7 Y  k! ?4 `% q
$ e' d/ l# Z( a
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-11-3 21:36 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-11-3 21:49 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
不用争论打不打了- q- t4 _! Q# E  z, w2 h+ O2 _
zhanghua 发表于 2009-11-3 21:36

  P# C; v+ Y1 K7 [+ ]. ~! \, V9 O7 h! X4 ^
可不是么,没有限制的时候你还有选择,加了限制估计想要打的人就更多了" {  {& T! S  k; _. o- N& o5 [" r

' k( r! x" [% N) T. n1 p" {& k4 q得不到的才是好东西啊!
鲜花(117) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-11-3 22:32 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-11-5 09:31 | 显示全部楼层
gog  go go
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