埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2004-8-7 13:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
鲜花(115) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2004-8-7 13:44 | 显示全部楼层


Part I – Program Description
& G' S/ g! {' {* sThe Edmonton Mennonite Centre for Newcomers (EMCN) offers the Engineers’ and Technologists’ Integration Program (ETIP) each year from January to October. This is a program specifically designed for internationally educated engineers seeking rapid and effective integration into the Canadian engineering field. & x& v: Q% t  p  O9 u2 W" N- y
The main objectives of the Engineers’ Integration Program are to develop the participants' English proficiency, enhance their previously learned technological knowledge and skills to Canadian standards, and gain Canadian accreditation as engineering technologists. After one year of Canadian experience, a successful participant will be eligible to apply for Canadian accreditation from the Alberta Society of Engineering Technologists (ASET) as a Certified Engineering Technologist (C.E.T.).. c, @9 m4 u) l3 ]* G
This program enables participants to:
% S- r$ T! a4 J  k§        Develop their English language skills in the areas of technical communication, presentation skills, and technical writing., R2 O6 U, @, l( o4 ^
§        Increase their technical knowledge and to familiarize themselves with Canadian standards and workplace environments through up-to-date technical training at the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT).
8 `3 ^: C- M* `9 U- v§        Increase their understanding of Canadian workplace culture and employers’ expectations.
. h* l6 H! i/ A§        Gain networking skills through association with ASET.7 y0 K) k. R  n+ S. S
§        Increase their employment prospects in Canada.  f; Q) P, I& r5 y% Q
At the conclusion of the program, all the participants will be well prepared to:1 b6 R" S4 ~1 a) ^  ~' m! I
§        Communicate more effectively in the English language through improved oral communication, presentation and technical writing skills.; U' V! J; E* v) f; P# t
§        Gain or improve basic computer skills (MS Windows, Word, and Excel).
6 |1 j" M# E4 @% p4 O§        Learn to use up-to-date technical tools such as AutoCAD to supplement existing technical knowledge. S7 J9 O( h, W" k7 A$ h
§        Have an increased awareness of current Canadian workplace norms and expectations such as flexibility and working on a team." {' ]' V" k0 A% n$ o
§        Be familiar with Canadian labour market trends, develop long and short-term career objectives, and know how to use available resources to conduct a successful job search.$ _- @6 |: p9 e& s2 @' D0 \( ^
§        Qualify for Associate Membership in ASET - leading to full certification after one year of Canadian work experience.2 ^# _1 T1 C0 Z: m8 g- C! \  y4 H
§        Obtain employment – the program's record is that at least 75% of those completing it will have obtained employment as Engineering Technologists or equivalent, six months after graduation.3 W2 C: W+ p8 Q- C1 S" J

( d/ o, J; O& C; o0 oIn order to be selected by the program, an applicant must:
% Y' J, h4 T' I$ t1.        Be a resident of Alberta for at least three months prior to the program start date, be unemployed or underemployed.
) b9 L+ d  J! T6 d2.        Complete a Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) evaluation, administered by NAIT & ASET, in order to make an appraisal of the applicant's technological background; individuals who demonstrate the required competency level will be referred to the next selection phase – English language testing.
0 T$ ^9 F+ \: t8 i3.        Have their English language proficiency assessed according to the Canadian Language Benchmarks (CLB); in order to participate in this program an applicant’s score averages must not be below ‘intermediate’ level (CLB 5+) in Speaking, Listening, Reading, and Writing.
) ~: D, ]0 [) X# M; Q0 @! C. e4.        Pass an interview with a panel of trustees that includes a Department Head from NAIT, a representative of ASET, and EIP staff.
7 q5 g: k; W1 ^& }0 g8 Q5.        Apply for support through Students’ Finance (LMDA – Other Albertans or the EI stream).. }2 g3 V' D8 C, |7 Z1 y
+ b3 _' }/ v% c4 ]5 i1 G+ jDepending on number of applicants, the engineering discipline, and program availability at NAIT, we can have a maximum of 45 funded learners in up to three of the following programs:8 @& t. P$ c; q4 I  G
§        Mechanical Engineering Technology
0 ]& `' c% m* C/ d& R( p§        Civil Engineering Technology $ a5 L3 t- ]/ y% s& z
§        Electrical Engineering Technology 9 e$ k  z3 x  g; J% L
§        Chemical Engineering Technology: V8 k. b0 d' t2 g. L( a7 e7 t
TRAINING PHASES0 j4 ]& {* G3 a/ h; l! p' ]: `
Once the participants have been selected, the program will run from early January to the last week in October every year. There are six training phases:- L. p+ q8 [9 b$ d
1.        English Communication Skills and Technical Writing (300 hours) – at EMCN
" C) A) `4 @) P. p& y, a( o6 C+ k! Q2.        Computer Skills (120 hours) – at EMCN
8 ]5 P! O; Z% |" n3 z* X3.        Technical Training (450 hours) – at NAIT4 h% s; y% x# W$ m! h: E
4.        WHMIS (12 hours) – at EMCN
# _; q9 Z- U- b5 [% T9 c* h- \5.        First Aid (14 hours) – at EMCN# s/ @+ n6 D5 U: v/ B9 J! g
6.        Employment Readiness Class/ERC (80 hours) – at EMCN
  o# v- a8 ?) L  b1 V/ d1 R. K* a4 tCOST OF PROGRAM( t/ [5 L* }+ Z" ]2 q+ G9 Z
Program Tuition is $7,697 and books cost an additional $750. Financial assistance may be available to qualified applicants through the Alberta Human Resources and Employment (AHRE), Skills Development Programs (SDP)/Students’ Finance – for both SDG/Other Albertans and ELMDA/EI streams.
- I( a2 W+ ]3 D) E0 c# v4 h0 r' aOctavian Bosonea$ r2 X, B& @8 P
ETIP Program Administrative Coordinator
8 K5 l, T# f1 Z( _3 n; }- N4 TDir. Ph. (780) 945-2279; Reception Ph. (780) 421-7400
8 _3 [+ u; g  u/ ~Fax: (780) 428-4252, or 428-5242
9 X5 _3 O# R* z/ n( X& }2 R  p# xE-mail: obosonea@emcn.ab.ca: A/ d6 i. y% z# O; Q, ?7 R8 z
8 G, _! w7 u9 `' ?. k+ g
Part II – Participant Selection (detailed)' e) h9 `- M! ]
The program aims at re-qualifying engineers (usually Mechanical, Civil, and Electrical – hopefully in the future other specialties like Chemical or Petro-Chemical, will be added) as technologists and is a result of collaboration between three local institutions: EMCN, NAIT (Northern Alberta Institute of Technology - www.nait.ab.ca), and ASET (Alberta Society of Engineering Technologists - www.aset.ab.ca).* [) X/ I8 V. O: O5 K
The advantage of this program is that an internationally-educated engineer could get a job in the field of engineering, in Canada, with greater ease as a technologist; the process is shorter and less complicated than trying to be re-certified as an engineer.
  v$ W/ M6 m* x# p) DTo qualify for ETIP, you must:
5 @. d3 t5 c) Z1.        Be a resident of Alberta for at least three months before the program starts – you must have ‘landed’ prior to October 1 of the year before the start date in order to be eligible for ETIP.8 h! V1 q! R( D* [4 w" x& B1 W( A2 G- I
2.        Submit a Resume (Curriculum Vitae) to EMCN before September 10, 2003.
/ o- ?7 W: A; }7 C) f% U3.        Attend a general meeting at EMCN in August – September for all of the candidates (we will call you).; B( Y+ a  ?  f7 v
4.        Submit when required: (1) copy of translation of your University/College/Technical Institute transcripts (Bachelor/Technologist degree) or Master's/PhD topic(s), i.e. subjects you took, number of hours and marks; (2) copy of Landing Document or of Refugee Status.
" P  r- C) V9 f6 I5.        Submit a self-assessment form (named PLAR – Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition – which is an assessment of experience and academic training)- you will be provided with a copy at the general meeting.
% C8 I7 E. @0 r; B6.        Take an English language test (CLBA; a minimum of 5 in Listening/Speaking, Reading, and Writing is required) – we tell you when and where.
% u7 ~2 Y7 O2 P; l! |  G* D  y$ L7.        Come to an interview at EMCN – when we call you.
4 g8 S4 u/ K' t" W# y0 Y8.        Apply for support through Students’ Finance – our program is funded by the Alberta Government and you could get free support if you qualify (the grant – comprising tuition and books, and a monthly allowance – will depend upon your actual financial situation at the time of your application).
1 M9 y5 O* b' O" E# QThis is a competitive process; every year we have more candidates (even with Master's and PhD degrees) than positions. Applying for the program does not automatically mean you will be selected.
$ C! P! T$ k7 l# D  xShould you be working more than 20 hours per week at the time of your application, you need to seek assistance from an AHRE counsellor in a Career Development Centre. Or, if you are currently enrolled (or plan on being this fall) in another grant or loan-funded program that is not ending before December 31, 2003, you need to inform a counsellor or a case manager in your school of your intention.
& U7 a5 |( T" _9 t0 V. f, JWe suggest (provided that your English is good) you also explore other options, such as graduate programs at the University of Alberta. If you are not proficient in English then you should probably take English (as a Second Language) classes and strive to improve your communication and comprehension skills as quickly as possible. Your success in finding relevant and rewarding jobs is dependent, first and foremost, on how well you master the English language!
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2004-8-7 15:57 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2004-8-7 18:27 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
谢谢版主, 有没有IT专业的?
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2004-8-7 19:03 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(64) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2004-8-12 13:33 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(50) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2004-8-13 21:39 | 显示全部楼层


曾经遇到过这个问题,问过一个鬼佬老师,叽里呱啦讲啦半天,还是没听明白。6 q2 a" Q# \( }4 j: z# M3 [# p* m! w

( M& F. q7 W, \5 j你这里好像是说一种合作就业的计划,可我看的那个出处,似乎是指一种公司的运营方式。1 A# @: y: m. w( e
" V; W3 ?& b5 X
麻烦解释一下。 谢谢。
鲜花(50) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2004-8-13 21:46 | 显示全部楼层


我个人认为,关于你的专业能力不会有太大的帮助。但的确能给你一种自信。而你的工作offer, 就是来自于这个感觉。所以对于一些新移民来说,的确是个很好的加油站。
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