埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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发表于 2006-4-14 11:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
T.A.N.G. Youth Program is an educational and activity-based program aiming to equip ; X  R. v4 S, D7 A1 u
Asian youth to make healthy and safe choice. Recreational challenges, volunteering 5 ]3 g  j( g% |3 ]
opportunities, leadership training, as well as educational sessions on 2 ^/ M+ R  ]. i4 s/ R
interpersonal skills, anger management, personal development,
4 K0 C( J0 |1 Gand  Canadian-Asian culture are some of the ways in which this goal is achieved.* ]& [# h" \9 M% j

' C' i2 i, i9 N4 [6 }. E! G
2 q, Q8 E3 ]* Q) A* KWhat will take place in the sessions?
, j- h0 x1 e5 q" ?; A! q7 S0 _Each session presents concepts through interactive activities that encourage active discussion and participation.9 p8 N% n4 X- q' c1 T
' m: [9 C5 ]  ^4 J
These activities will enable youth to:1 S' ~. t: a% A( K5 A
 Explore personal interests in arts and recreation
" ~* k2 z  F6 s0 B, H Learn how to access community services and programs
0 z2 R9 k) Y/ P8 G! A' W0 u Develop self-confidence and problem solving skills
. }4 ^/ ]  J. B+ }" Z$ B- U Identify personal leadership strengths …& V( u! H1 z- {- N

" d# `1 P( ^# J: {4 e) p' e$ i  |8 G
Program Schedule:
1 c) g8 P% ?2 o& C$ T- t9 gRegular Spring and Fall Group Sessions: runs on alternate Saturday afternoon from 2 to 5 p.m.$ x$ o- P0 x3 X& K2 ]  R; [
Summer Group Sessions: 2 consecutive weeks in July from 9 to 5 p.m. daily
, g, d6 o( G( z  J0 C9 F- L) w                              2 consecutive weeks in August from 9 to 5 p.m. daily
; L9 w" l6 l; A: t4 ?# X! u( C
+ Z7 l, O8 h* y7 VWho can participate?* H: E% Y1 g& F% F) p; \4 N
Asian youth aged 11 to 15, who are new immigrants or locally born Asian living in Edmonton or surrounding area.
4 M2 k% g! t  Y6 O, f; w! L: k' y* p% M
What is the cost of joining the T.A.N.G. program?
/ w+ F4 l( Q& iIt is FREE and space is limited to 15 to 20 participants per group.
5 L) F6 Z# c! G  V4 c
+ o/ T- p4 j8 m* f5 J# j& m8 |4 a8 {4 C4 u8 G
Volunteer’s Duties:! r( H  @$ i* q- ]* G4 v& s

. q: h& Z5 |$ d7 p  p$ e Distribute promotional flyers to schools, churches, communities and social services agencies
- J$ x% `# l6 ~4 [# k% V Facilitate and/or coordinate   activity-based function such as to host a gym day or sport tournaments or workshop on personal growth development
" {3 _: }8 @5 \! { Facilitate or assist in ice-breakers and/or other activities% r! y( J$ [7 l# m: A3 E5 m
 Facilitate or assist in small group discussions
; j' t' h9 \4 L( X: E3 h* E Research activities related to the sessions’ topic
7 r: |7 s5 T2 k( K$ L6 B Enforce safety rules during program sessions and fieldtrips
. Q1 |+ S7 a& C/ L4 z; D, H" B" | Assist in program planning  |5 A$ b% B- d/ e. S/ A/ V
 Be a role model
- W1 e$ M. v+ d. ]; O* p4 u. [! e9 @5 e! J, S6 G; g  K# v  G) W, z5 Q
Volunteer Commitment:- z. |1 b0 y7 v; ^: Z& d7 e

# b. s8 `4 p3 L* B On-going volunteers (we have volunteers dedicated themselves to the program for almost 4 years)5 S0 L4 ]4 d/ C, I/ B+ s, D: B
 One time volunteers:  minimum commitment is one seasonal session, i.e. 8 – 10 sessions in Spring, Fall or Summer
/ t: k! h0 K8 d- P. x/ L- m9 l) c1 m) E/ A. R$ q/ O( w4 ~
Attitude/Skills Requirements:
5 E. B6 U- s% A- o6 C9 f  R( p& D) _! O1 I; H' d* ?; D7 C
 Mature, patient, organized, willing to take and follow instruction from Program Coordinator
+ p1 ], J8 Y- t% M! [, B8 r* q Open and willing to initiate and maintain a positive relationship with youth in the program
; U! S/ ?# B8 h6 ? A team player0 i9 K; {& k/ c# @6 [
 Able to work independently with minimum supervision* B# J3 c* ?% B7 }% f) N  @
 Value the building on strengths of  children, youth and families; }8 @6 ^# A' G0 }  V
 Willing to work with youth including youth at risk
( b7 _: }7 P& T# F: v2 G
+ |" N# D& G& j1 R- K% PBenefits to Volunteer:, W$ I( M$ a! I1 \& Q  j" E

. m% K* m- u* F* {5 C Gain work experience
% q; r# g7 q" U; [5 F Contribute to the well being of children, youth and families- Y/ o% Z: v- ^. x6 s; I
 Make good friends
6 h; F& o2 l' C* W, ~( G Develop a sense of belonging with the community and get a chance to participate proactively
$ N% v; L2 q2 p- ?6 D2 @/ z6 w Use your personal knowledge and skills for a good cause in the community) B9 o, |2 r$ Q6 @
 Opportunity for team work. Y0 Q9 T* V) b
 Reference for future scholarship, education and employment applications
6 ^0 t6 D3 o( M+ O% j5 M4 E( b Make a difference in someone’s life8 i. b! j5 x8 u. l5 v& C
- C) }8 s0 ^( b" Q/ Z$ D
If you are interested & to be a part of our volunteer team, please call  Daniel at 429-3111 or email to chengrongmei@hotmail.com or daniel.suen@assistcsc.org
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