埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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[招聘信息] Food Service Supervisor

鲜花(47) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-3-13 10:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
转发招聘信息,有意者请直接发简历给雇主申请,谢谢!+ l. }( m0 x6 s
2 o2 D& F% V5 V! N2 k' c; }- ]3 }$ A, v
Position:         Food Service Supervisor (NOC 6212): [( P# c: L+ X8 ?
Employer:         1215238 Alberta Ltd. o/a Ellerslie Dq4 s1 p- \+ P, v6 S8 Q+ I5 }
Location:         11190 Ellerslie Road, Edmonton, AB, T6W 1A2! Q4 x# a" x+ e9 G- f
Wages:         $13.30/ hour, 40 hours per week 3 v. @' w. H1 {8 W$ |, \! Z3 Q' E
Shifts:                 Rotational / day / night / weekends ' g, G( A6 h" J: W" a9 b' W$ v) \
Vacancy:         39 W, g0 a5 I6 C; u4 Z
. A) Q/ Q0 W: p- C$ A# U6 f
' v) G  J+ q1 ^$ m
Main duties: ' w8 W; N: o# @$ I/ V
•        Supervise, co-ordinate and schedule the activities of staff who prepare, portion and serve food # L3 e: Q9 X) J) b- r- Z
•        Estimate and order ingredients and supplies required for meal preparation 6 Z) s: _/ _. x
•        Prepare food order summaries for chef according to requests from customers - p& L8 l7 Z( _5 f7 Q
•        Establish methods to meet work schedules ' e' v4 P6 q! b0 V) B1 s
•        Maintain records of stock, repairs, sales and wastage % }7 M: g. Q3 V; ]! c" r
•        Train staff in job duties, and sanitation and safety procedures
+ P3 D) U; e" A) J) p  ]+ I0 X•        Ensure that food and service meet quality control standards , s/ W7 H1 Q3 U" g. F
•        May participate in the selection of food service staff and assist in the development of policies, procedures and budgets 7 g6 g& C0 `  X( L, y3 X  m. k  [
•        May plan menus and determine related food and labour costs" J. p: F$ m4 A# }0 B" Y- `

) I; `: I9 r9 z7 D/ O+ RJob Requirements:
3 V6 x* r" ]) |1 w  {* v•        Completion of secondary education is required
  S1 X6 |" y+ x0 H•        2 years of experience in food preparation or service are required
5 t+ c. D% R7 N; C% y" t6 L: E1 Y; i•        Availability to work day, night and weekend shifts and “on call” requests are a must
4 k7 N1 |& @( H/ ?•        Viable candidates must  have a suitable means to travel to and from work regardless of time of day
6 Y# r1 m2 z9 e/ C' |8 _6 o# \$ x! y- C( r+ ^. j7 j; J! Y. D! c# t

; g3 {, P" [% U( _% @/ D: nPlease send resume to   ellersliedq@gmail.com  or apply in person at:# a0 D6 n+ X, z# Y

+ g+ T1 M5 F7 Y  e5 R$ SEllerslie Dq( X% ~* v! Q9 h2 b" ], i$ O" N
11190 Ellerslie Road
/ Z# t' V  [( F8 k& ?4 FEdmonton' q! T' Y5 X/ f+ z9 B+ p
AB - T6W 1A2
  R6 p+ f+ Z9 W/ m
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