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[招聘信息] Food Counter Attendant

鲜花(47) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2012-3-13 10:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
" }( B6 C0 O- M* I: e- E* v1 P' `* o
% s# e5 t  i; z& ^Position:         Food Counter Attendant (NOC 6641)
% e5 l0 |# r4 u7 jEmployer:         1215238 Alberta Ltd. o/a Ellerslie Dq: j% m8 w  m; \# z9 o; u
Location:         11190 Ellerslie Road, Edmonton, AB, T6W 1A28 L' m) M6 g7 ^+ ^8 F# m& Y
Wages:         $11.15/ hour, 40 hours per week( `3 ?* o2 G% q! v2 y4 S9 O7 u
Shifts:         Rotational / day / night / weekends
  K% ~& I# |% oVacancy:         3# A' _+ l8 s3 d; H

9 C& m3 i" s/ w8 C+ ?6 v; q6 Z* g  Z, m: S+ R+ l8 k2 G
Job Description:
3 E! C9 D2 j. N. a/ J- H•        Take customers' orders and receive payment
- z4 O2 Q# v& z; O. ^•        Serve customers at counter
4 `& a2 @% H4 S& o& s) R2 f•        Clean, peel, slice and trim food products using manual and electric appliances. |& a" Z) @9 }  Q+ h
•        Prepare food such as sandwiches, hamburgers, salads, milkshakes and ice cream dishes
% \+ `7 r; R" x+ K: ?# b: A. ?•        Portion and wrap food or place it directly in appropriate packaging for dine-in or take-out food7 `/ q7 Q5 d8 W1 W0 N) q
•        Stock refrigerators and salad bars and keep records of the quantities of food used, D. r2 `4 u7 _3 O' v7 ^
•        Clean working areas at times
9 t: o/ u1 L; U! a4 }1 D* x% b) l8 j* u9 P' E6 c
Skills/Requirements:$ y  E( [: n0 V- q  u' N

/ z4 |; m0 h; f5 V' D•        High school education is required / x* c1 p+ O0 \: H, M- n% S; o
•        Onsite training will be provided. w" n! P2 q0 _% a& R3 n1 ?
•        Service customers in a timely and courteous manner in accordance with company standards+ J4 f) s  J6 D! U' S) l9 v, \# ]
•        Experience in cash handling, food safety and willingness to be a team player is an asset
1 T, H; J3 i, T' \4 e- W+ P4 N+ _
1 y3 F0 N  E# l
9 d2 ^& q6 v5 V" DPlease send resume to   ellersliedq@gmail.com  or apply in person at:
- T) g" O9 t& u0 |$ Q4 REllerslie Dq
$ S4 M! l7 d+ Z' w" K( i2 ^$ K11190 Ellerslie Road
- c1 Q; q1 _0 P4 T0 r  K  i' |% W' AEdmonton
4 R8 J; P6 d  e- uAB - T6W 1A2: y0 M+ i8 M1 x* _& e4 N3 Z
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