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[招聘信息] 可办工作签证和移民,能源公司诚聘客戶代表

鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2013-2-10 14:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

2 l7 l6 \, S6 s+ Y可办工作签证和移民,能源公司诚聘客戶代表0 R; W5 e: \+ Q
每星期賺$ 800 - $1200。有销售經驗人士可以每年賺超過95000美元。我們有20歲以下的工作人員每週收入超過1,200。工作很簡單,只需說服和提供最佳的解決方案給客戶。
8 j4 q3 J! S: M7 d; b" O無需經驗!我們將花費時間,精力和金錢,高度訓練你。如果你認為你不害怕被拒絕,請向我們發送您的簡歷及聯繫方式。我們將聯繫每個候選人在24小時內通過電話或電子郵件。4 i* |. j; w9 X7 J1 d6 }9 T8 b3 m/ `
6 {  I3 v7 L9 o6 ~5 N# t- b •良好的溝通技巧
8 {6 z% D7 X0 |9 z! @  k+ [ •能力說服和為客戶提供最佳解決方案
. @# K" g- c  s; i •精力充沛,開朗的性格。
1 L: j; D6 h, g  {! ]) i7 Y/ y7 N•喜歡快節奏的工作,高能量的銷售環境。: a8 ^; l% C* c1 P  ?
3 `  `4 G! d# i' E•時間管理,規劃和前瞻性思維能力。
' U( g/ V$ @' T( E" l5 J0 v. e# f•年滿18歲,無犯罪記錄
. h9 S* c1 ^; b( V/ n •無需任何車輛。
+ j% D: x) k$ r& L) L9 b5 hKachak 投資有限公司是經授權銷售 DIRECT ENERGY 的經銷商。, e' F+ M" y5 h- t$ B" r4 k
有意者交请把简历及联络方式发送至 lian.hu@kachak.ca
9 L  i$ @3 u. Q: r# v) ^: T9 z' C, t
鲜花(10) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2013-2-10 15:28 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-11 09:11 | 显示全部楼层
Thanks for your reply,百乐门,It is performance based.
& G! q3 l2 U7 z& E We will provide all the training free to all new agents. If you're positive, love a company that spends time, energy and money to highly train you, and are willing to learn and work hard, you definitely should contact us and see what we're about. THE WORK IS REALLY EASY. BUT WE WANT QUALITY PEOPLE. NO experience required for entry-level positions but a good attitude is essential.- m9 e( I4 H9 Y6 l# z, ]  T
If you are the type that has the "black cloud of doom" following you around everywhere, please don't apply here. We have staff under 20 earning over $1,200 weekly. The work is simple. You just need to be trainable.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-12 21:12 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
$T2eC16VHJHgE9n0yFjbvBRC nOrOFg~~48_35.jpg
鲜花(2) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2013-2-14 09:15 | 显示全部楼层
Wow! much more than go to regular work.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-14 22:08 | 显示全部楼层
Make  $1200 starting per week! Hight paying job!  ~& w- J) {1 t6 \/ R4 R
/ z* x! g0 Q- L7 F9 Z  }
Kachak Investment is an authorized independent sales distributor for Direct Energy.
8 F4 y$ ^1 ]; O3 o% J
3 L: _3 X8 V$ X; e; tDo you see yourself as a Manager? Management opportunities are available! 3 t5 j  x% [( H' @0 A, @( }' V
We are looking for the best of the best. Ask about our daily bonus, trip bonus, and referral bonus.
+ Q5 @9 z( p' b$ }# C) C3 kTop employees can earn over $95,000 annually. Some of our staff under the age of 20 earns over $1,200 weekly.6 Z4 F& |5 ~- H9 F# A& e7 v
The work is simple, just convince and offer the best solutions to customers. You just need to be coachable. 6 i( p3 h/ S4 I' r7 u2 z0 t; g
We will spend time, energy and money to highly train you.
, Q. r2 O. I3 t0 g1 q4 j6 FIf you are positive and willing to learn and work hard, definitely send us your resume with contact information. - `: }' U# W4 M# W4 ^
We will contact each candidate in 24 hours by phone or by email.  # J  i- O# j8 ]7 R+ B

! k  ?2 ~! s! G7 hThe work is really easy ,but we want qualified people.
' o9 ^" J+ X0 ]( O0 ]5 K5 @0 B 9 M7 ~2 h# K5 c$ w% f- V
Qualifications: 7 C  y$ H2 q* t5 ^) X( a
• Excellent Communication Skills% J, Y; F2 A# \$ j% y) l' f; @7 b
• Energetic and outgoing personality. . q9 W9 |6 ]. T; C/ H6 ?
• Enjoys fast paced work in a high energy sales environment.$ R( \2 F$ u- O! g4 r# Y4 Q
• Self-motivated and a professional attitude
( g; O6 ?1 y; K• Time management, planning and forward thinking skills.
: p( D4 I( H* M$ v5 K" E• At least 18 years of age with a Clear Criminal record0 b5 g/ T8 t7 L% L: s' i4 I' C
• No vehicle required
: U, w& O/ ?. O/ l# O4 g7 J( g* X• No experience required - w0 l" [& h( w
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2013-2-18 17:41 | 显示全部楼层
Do you still hire employee? My wife will arrive in Edmonton next month, but she doesn't have work permit
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