埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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CFA Session 预告

鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-10-11 19:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
19号星期四在Westin Hotel 10135-100 ST  British Columbia Room, b) |: P- z7 O- B, h
$ E2 p2 x3 k' s" ^5 x6 q对CFA感兴趣的同志们,抓紧啊!
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-10-11 21:55 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(23) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-10-11 22:02 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 edmontonese 于 2006-10-11 21:55 发表
+ R' {( Z# i9 t! L什么是CFA?

' V# e4 d% B  w" x$ x# i1 M$ o# o8 j# M5 s
鲜花(6) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-10-12 15:58 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
谢谢通报。昨晚一看是星期四今天就跑去了,结果那里摆好了吃的准备开饭了——自助餐。一打听原来是ATA教育年会,心想可能弄错了,果不其然CFA Session是下周四!只当是探探路了:进大堂左拐,滚梯上二楼右拐左手第一个就是BC ROOM
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2006-10-12 18:11 | 显示全部楼层
如果大家(especially wlhappy)真的感兴趣想去的话,下面是活动的详细说明,不过非会员要交25刀(会员20刀)。如果想考CFA,可以吃饭的时候问问负责人,他们正在推广,刚到U of A做过宣传。
4 j9 y2 Q! W( y& k1 ^+ U* v' J3 ~) n! F1 J# }

. l- C6 \$ U- M& l6 V' _P.O. Box 479, 21 Standard Life Centre
4 w* v  J& U" x4 `' W0 g1 i10405 Jasper Avenue$ w8 _9 A: z. T: V3 L
Edmonton, Alberta T5J 3N4
1 p/ M9 m% m# ]6 m  y' `$ kinfo@edmontoncfa.ca www.edmontoncfa.ca, [# }8 L0 e  f4 `7 W( Q2 Q1 p
Luncheon Program: Thursday, October 19, 2006
" b& G' N4 w8 u8 X; P6 C+ x, GTopic: Private Equity - Accelerating Value Creation
! h" B* ?8 }" m8 J7 ySpeaker: Kevin Jenkins, Managing Director of TriWest Capital
$ {# Z1 G' }+ A, z) A: c* s( c( aAs a Managing Director of one of Canada's leading private equity firms, Kevin Jenkins will discuss the robust deal market in Western Canada, the circumstances when private equity is the best alternative, and the role of private equity in portfolio management.
$ ^. g. v. M" W6 ^" @Kevin Jenkins is a Managing Director of TriWest Capital Partners, a Calgary-based private equity firm that makes significant investments in profitable companies and works in partnership with management to create opportunities for growth and superior financial returns. TriWest has more than $175 million of committed capital, largely provided by institutional investors.
  H+ S* t) `" D# R( [8 D0 gFrom 1996 to 2003, he was President & CEO of The Westaim Corporation, a public company that launches emerging technologies into the marketplace. Prior to joining Westaim, Mr. Jenkins was President & CEO of Canadian Airlines. He served in a number of senior executive positions at Canadian Airlines from 1985 to 1996. In the early 1980’s Mr. Jenkins was a partner in an Edmonton law firm.
9 d, A: M3 h  @' H, M1 ]8 m" ]He received a law degree from the University of Alberta and an MBA from Harvard University.
* D7 ]+ F, g. C& yMr Jenkins’ other activities include:
  d4 y/ `% f; p5 W* V2 G: e' M• Member of the Board of Directors of Nexen Inc.
$ q3 y- P" u  Z/ h! v$ q) q• Board Chair, Young Life of Canada6 ]  h0 r! u7 r, Q, @
• Member of the Board of Directors of World Vision Canada- n! |7 G. q; I* V' v  ?% l
Date / Time: Thursday, October 19, 2006, 11:45am to 1:15pm
8 a8 N% L5 U# b9 c) vLocation: The Westin Hotel, 10135 100th Street - British Columbia Room9 Q: k$ F$ t; [) M) s
Price: Edmonton CFA Society Members/CFA Candidates and Students $20, Non-Members welcome $25.
, D( D4 z3 }3 N- U& E6 QTo register, please email us at info@edmontoncfa.ca or fax this completed form to us at (403) 206.0650. RSVP deadline is Monday, October 16, 2006. Payments are accepted in advance with VISA/Mastercard or by cash or cheque at the door with confirmation of your faxed/emailed reservation.
  Z7 o' N* b# h**It is the policy of the Edmonton CFA Society to bill “no shows” that have not cancelled and not paid for their reservation. Refunds cannot be given on cancellations received less than 48 hours prior to the event**! C$ r. ]( c5 ~0 n  M
1 Z$ [! b% \5 d5 z6 d3 w* [Company:. U  D! j. u5 ?2 k7 f$ {0 L
Phone Number:
) m0 w- `( m# JFax Number:
/ J1 ^) I' k# A& K% Q) nEmail Address:
$ V) G, x1 O0 h5 fGuest:
5 u# r( y4 z0 E2 Y2 p, O* ?0 VGuest:
: p' g; g6 a0 a  f8 Q  lGuest:
% Z. c+ f9 I  E, ~8 XGuest:
; {. b* d  n- C  UMember:
7 u1 U  D2 |! S6 N6 \1 u$ n/ JNo6 l2 m9 @- L0 J3 t
Yes #8 p# Z5 ?" a# k6 n8 r6 ?
CFA/Student? Yes #+ ?5 s6 y  j! V/ M. f! F6 m+ w
Other?) z# c# V9 v) ?
Number Attending:
3 S6 {  \+ x) {$ M1 sTotal Amount Due:
3 X. G4 e. |) X( d9 UCardholder Name:: c" S# t; C3 S; e+ Y6 j. m
(Please print exactly as it appears on your card)
# @# s3 r5 \4 a$ }7 jAuthorized Signature:
8 M: g; w6 e0 A1 y" |$ L( H/ kVISA/ MC Card Number:& \0 t0 {6 V4 a# s+ R
Expiry:$ X5 \- @, o! H: P6 d
As a participant in the CFA Institute Approved-Provider Program, the Edmonton Society has determined that this event qualifies for credit for the CFA Institute Professional Development Program. Eligible for 1 credit hour.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2006-10-12 18:13 | 显示全部楼层
% n+ V% Y+ K7 k) _. t! Q  f3 a是Chartered Financial Analyst3 `! g$ }7 x, y4 g
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-10-25 11:38 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 芳草萋萋 于 2006-10-12 18:13 发表
$ f8 X5 X! M1 U* |, s: pCFA
: i6 N" d$ L1 d) T- W是Chartered Financial Analyst9 V7 ^+ O) x) d) Z+ b/ P4 u
5 {5 z+ q9 u, V: H: A3 R3 E
3 _3 h$ j! c( C% d. Z; j
不要误导。CFA is a certificate originated from the States. Because of it's high criteria, it is well accepted around the world. CFA is mainly for people who are interested in fund management, investment banking etc. It is not 加拿大搞Finance最高的证书.
( Y$ H5 c* ^* G2 C) i8 kIf you are interested in finance, depending on which specific area you want to work, there are different courses and certificates to take. CFA is not necessary the best one.
7 e4 Z5 P1 o/ ]Recently, CFA society is heavily promoting the certificate itself as well as their activities. Depending on the topic, it might be an eye opener for you. However, I don't think it is for every one. But their lunch is normally good.
鲜花(87) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2006-10-25 23:00 | 显示全部楼层
pay for their lunch and listen to the bull crap ? dont think so.  
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