埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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[加国新闻] 来之不易:华人在加拿大的投票权历史

鲜花(70) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2018-3-13 08:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
来源:歌壮编译; P0 _9 Z5 n  W

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When the Chinese were first banned from voting in 1872, they formed the majority of voters in some electoral districts. Cities such as Vancouver and Victoria also had rules against using taxpayers' money to hire Chinese workers.
Saskatchewan was the other province that did not allow Chinese to vote in its ...
Cunningham and A.G. for B.C. v. Tomey Homma and A.G. for Canada [1903] A.C. 151 unsuccessfully challenges the lack of suffrage for Chinese, Japanese, and Indian people in B.C.
The 1903 decision of the highest court of appeal for Canada affirmed the power of the provinces to restrict voting eligibility on the basis of race. ... Election Act that
disqualified Japanese Canadians from the vote, along with First Nations, and Chinese Canadians (women were also excluded from the vote).
Municipal Elections Act S.B.C. 1908 c. 14 s. 13(1) - No Chinese, Japanese, or other "Asiatic" or Indian person is entitled to vote in any municipal election in B.C.
Saskatchewan denies the right to vote in provincial elections to Chinese people - R.S.S. 1909, c.3 s.11
In 1920, only one province – British Columbia – discriminated against large numbers of potential voters on the basis of race. British Columbia excluded people of Japanese and Chinese origin, as well as "Hindus" – a description applied to anyone from the Indian subcontinent who was not of Anglo-Saxon ...
Under the Provincial Elections Act, S.B.C. 1939, c.16 s. 5, Chinese, Japanese, Hindu or Indian persons are denied the right to vote in provincial elections in B.C. 1940
Finally, in 1947 the exclusion act was repealed and Chinese Canadians were given the right to vote in federal elections. Ten years later, in 1957, Douglas Jung was the first Chinese Canadian elected to the House of Commons. However not until 1967 were the Chinese given the same immigration rights as any other group ...
直到1947年华裔加拿大人才容许参加联邦选举投票。十年之后,即1957年,第一位华裔加拿大人郑天华(Douglas Jung)被选为加拿大下议院联邦议员。但是直到1967年,华人才和其他族群一样拥有同等移民权。
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