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[屯事问答] 新移民的老人怎么申请床垫

鲜花(2) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2019-8-28 20:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
鲜花(152) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2019-8-29 09:44 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 billzhao 于 2019-8-29 09:49 编辑 * Y7 ]) N. Z1 \7 v
6 H% u, ^& A/ C* ?
https://www.alberta.ca/seniors-special-needs-assistance.aspx, g5 x+ Q; m) }$ ~! d& `

# v+ N. p: n0 U- F# ^Appliances/furniture2 D6 C+ Y+ t( |
Only one of each funded appliance/furniture type is considered for either a single senior or senior couple in a lifetime. For example, you can only receive funding for a refrigerator one time from this program.* `6 Q% Z4 X9 P3 M: H! ^

! Z# X- c1 B9 L# q5 zAdditionally, you can only apply for funding for one appliance/furniture item for a single senior or senior couple per benefit year, regardless of whether the expense is a primary or secondary funded item. For example, you can receive funding for a bed or a television in one benefit year, not both. Some exceptions are allowed as noted in the table below.. D1 U+ E1 q, b5 M4 x& l! f

, x! j1 Z$ D5 GWhere you live also determines which appliance/furniture items you can claim:
' v4 W6 h- w% y- ?2 ]; O4 q9 v/ x# c2 _& `( V" D# h
homeowners and mobile homeowners: all appliances/furniture
$ o% J6 F) G' Jrenters: bed, microwave, television and vacuum1 P! b6 }7 j( p: h! O% J& k
applicants living with and/or renting from family/friends: bed$ _3 ~" ?7 s0 j% L
long-term care: television" t! ^2 ^( R1 e+ B2 R% @& Z( T) u
lodge and designated supportive living residents: bed and television
7 B0 a4 R7 g/ H; Y* _" Q3 J. {The following are maximum amounts. Repairs to funded appliances may also be considered.. ?& ~2 j/ C" E  o& ?; m, y( B

- i2 k# p: P& U$ }* TAppliance        Maximum        Notes
  g* I% h/ m: g5 z3 t( mBed        $511        Includes mattress and frame.
0 }  @: K; w' i+ Q! ^# _% aDryer        $409        You may apply for a washer and dryer together in the same benefit year.
8 ?- E3 u7 A( Y' M7 ]4 i( NWasher        $511        You may apply for a washer and dryer together in the same benefit year.
. m. g7 V& O2 T* |1 F9 KRefrigerator        $715        You may apply for a refrigerator and stove together in the same benefit year.* H" r3 T, n# u+ k( [/ N0 D/ R
Stove        $715        You may apply for a refrigerator and stove together in the same benefit year.
鲜花(5) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2019-8-30 01:06 | 显示全部楼层


learning  在2019-8-30 18:36  砸了鸡蛋  并说:Ii我不同意你的观点,砸个鸡蛋反对一下
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