埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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发表于 2024-7-19 12:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
地址:1913 120A Street
) I: y6 }: O7 U7 f3 D, g, E8 N7 V. i: H) s8 k8 m9 n; A
售价:$568,0000 O, X$ v. L* b& R

4 f& q8 D' v. A& I联系方式:老杨团队
9 w1 @$ m" q: o" d+ P/ H4 l
1 i8 r8 T! x) A- {# x/ O/ F/ T; ?http://www.fanyangteam.com
0 O  @8 D1 H) O4 y$ ^& [& p3 a- C9 x' q% k  a2 J( C
& w9 f6 b6 n0 B  L" Y4 l
( n3 D3 [) y5 q) ?2 [' ^( N爱城名区Rutherford经典美宅!超2200尺宜居空间,整装地下室,海量东南大窗明丽通透,采光充沛!  v1 e9 T) l* R) q2 G4 z. i+ L5 P

$ g9 z' T3 b$ K5 e步入室内,寸寸精致,海量细节彰显超高品质——宽展门厅边是独立餐厅/弹性房,舒适客厅安装了额外大窗,燃气壁炉和订制地幔相映成辉。梦幻美食厨房安装了转角餐具食品存储间,美丽庭院景观静待君临。
6 K! P! H2 O1 x( ~' X4 V/ Y& H; U# W+ K! }. B7 ]- R- P
拾级而上,二楼超大居家客厅+3间宜居卧室映入眼帘。主卧配备了可步入式衣橱,套房宛若SPA会馆,安装了按摩浴缸和超大独立花洒淋浴房。地下室另有一间、全卫浴间和娱乐室。. Y- u/ b! i/ n

/ {7 K5 g0 r: k' k6 I4 [好房好价,万事俱备,欢迎看房!4 w3 f  V/ ]/ I8 p
! C& q$ a5 Y3 ~( [5 S. f- C1 x2 r
Classic family home in a good location in desirable Rutherford is waiting for you. Over 2200 (Plus a fully finished basement) of well-designed space. Lots of S.E. facing windows make this home bright and cheerful, and there are lots of details to be appreciated. There is a spacious entrance, a separate dining/flex room, living room with extra windows, a gas fireplace and custom mantle, and a dream kitchen - extremely functional with corner pantry and a view of the beautifully landscaped yard. Upstairs a large bonus room and 3 bedrooms. The master features a walk in closet and a spa ensuite with jet tub and a large separate shower. Basement features another bedroom, full bathroom and a recreational room. This home sweet home is clean and shows well!
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