埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-3-24 18:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
女儿6岁,一年级,来加两年。登陆后6个月后,中文下降,英文进步迅速。之后搬来邻居,小孩与之年龄相仿,常说说中文,于是中文慢慢又跟了上来。上Kindergarden后,学校都讲英文,和邻居小孩也开始讲英文,中文水平停滞不前。; r8 f0 E% M0 K' {$ j$ J7 K
+ q+ p- t- a+ D9 X8 p
搬来爱城后,继续上双语Kindergarden,随后奶奶来,家里看中文电视,学校教中文,中文水平进步神速。图书馆中文书都有注音,所以都自己能看。作为家长很欣慰。6 O* c5 [: S' F. j

. e6 C; l. N, }: Z& x: q4 t目前发现的问题:
' J/ n( y# p. F) S
1 y% {7 J9 U8 z4 r3 n* G; u5 f学校的主体语言还是英文,中英文老师都说英文,同学之间也说英文。所以小孩很可能是所谓的中英文双语思维,有时数东西先用中文数一篇,如果反问一句,马上就用英文再数一遍,然后就很确定了。数字如15和50,12和21,说时经常混淆,可能是因为中英文思维的语序不一样。
6 m" I0 K! I7 n: S/ b
' P. W' _/ S8 U) G但说话也是这样,总是把地点说在最后面,如“我在马路边拣到一分钱”,她一定会说成‘我拣到一分钱在马路边’,典型的英文思维中文表达,发现这个问题很久了,纠正过几次,没有效果,想着听者也能懂,没太在意。/ n2 c( x1 E+ p; D( n7 m' `
, h& M: |; r6 i1 a
鲜花(1394) 鸡蛋(16)
发表于 2005-3-24 18:48 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(163) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2005-3-24 18:56 | 显示全部楼层
5 I" H( R8 g1 y4 U4 ^3 w) S( r; K6 ?6 ]1 Z& x/ d
比如,在沈阳,我会对我媳妇说:“你先给我点零钱。”: ?4 T8 ?% P5 I9 D  C- R: E) E3 d1 Y

2 M  L+ S* B& n  ?$ V可是到了深圳,我会说:“你给些散钱我先。”$ t2 f) c3 p4 z1 ^

# N' c0 J1 Z' W. w0 `7 U2 y9 V纠正是必要的,但也不必强求。
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2005-3-24 20:01 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
Originally posted by 老杨 at 2005-3-24 07:48 PM:
' K5 H' \1 Z' D8 v7 @' W( h她是否读书较少?我的意思是自己一本书一本书地读。
  C2 f2 B3 `; w( A
# e6 ]% `5 a) o
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-3-25 09:41 | 显示全部楼层


Originally posted by 片儿刀 at 2005-3-24 06:16 PM:
; W7 q1 U! x3 ?) d6 L$ i4 z女儿6岁,一年级,来加两年。登陆后6个月后,中文下降,英文进步迅速。之后搬来邻居,小孩与之年龄相仿,常说说中文,于是中文慢慢又跟了上来。上Kindergarden后,学校都讲英文,和邻居小孩也开始讲英文,中文水平 ...

6 K3 ^- X$ {4 f! D/ C: t1 Z: s( l; Y
' s# A+ X, K# E4 B! |
; d0 M: q5 I8 j至于孩子,尤其三年级以前的孩子,两种或三种语言的语序或句式都会有混用的问题,在此出生的孩子,英语是他们的主语,中英文有语序或句式的混用是正常的,一旦发现这种错误,稍加纠正,孩子就会注意的,不要刻意去纠正,免得孩子反感。
; u* g# Q# Z+ r  h; g! J& X/ I7 s% y  E3 s) X$ d. E
鲜花(7) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-3-25 23:06 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2005-3-26 07:30 | 显示全部楼层
孩子现在整天迷西游记,包括动画片和真人版。现在和爷爷通话再见都开始说“告辞”了。感觉看中文电视对词汇量的扩充功能远大于对语法的修正效果。5 f" s, H  I* E* p6 h; ?9 l

3 x( p2 w" ?3 X, A! D2 u5 O4 a* [, MMcNally老师说得有道理,我赞同,但相对于语法十分自由的英文,中文对语序的要求有点太严格了。我当然希望看到这批从小在英语国家接受教育的孩子们,能创造出一套有加国特色的中文。但孩子之间讲的还是英文,所以肯定只能是我的一厢情愿了。
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-3-26 16:06 | 显示全部楼层


" B& l& O( W8 A& Y" o' p: C( Y/ R
丘八【原创】Short Explanations: Stress the crest, forget the rest.; f* s- ~/ `; g& _3 Y- q
, i" Y- c& P( B7 R; G+ A7 k6 q$ W, W% G
1. Local or regional accent should preferably be modified since Canadian English is sometimes considered as a hybrid English according to literature. A "good" example is "tire centre", mixing BrE and AmE spellings. Spoken-language-wise. If we are not striving for best pronunciation, why bother?$ @, n6 ^* _0 L$ k3 s# y
- E# g4 \* J! u: B6 K
2. In English, if I remember correctly, there are about 80 disyllabic words following the pattern of stress shift as mentioned. The rule is: “Stress the crest, forget the rest.”
" Q) V2 c" c' \: {0 F# l- _! P7 Z- x4 a, k* k# d7 M
3. This is an influence from the Chinese Ru4sheng (entering tone) which is kept in some non-common-speech languages.! S! b# O. e; x$ ^3 q$ E( Y
) l: }) D3 w% u$ |2 p, |% k
4. Vocoids (vowels) are for auditory comprehension while consoids (consonants) are for visual comprehension. (Interested readers are advised to refer to O’Connor, J. D. (1967). Better English pronunciation. London, England: Cambridge U.P.).4 H9 ^' ]& C% j3 l% Y) T4 j. i

8 R/ B# Y  E+ o2 {9 X# v5. Refer to #4 above. Here is an example. When one says: “Please give me a piece of pie,” one may write it down as pls gv m pcef pi, as personified shorthand using mainly consoids only. Good for note taking, but needs practice as well.
& [5 J' m3 w% `, |' d
+ z7 n% T9 _* j7 `& J6. Please strive for both accuracy and fluency. Any improper language one uses does nothing but reveals the level of the user. If the speaker is not careful, the listener is./ W- N; t9 P$ i" O1 ]! B, L  U

. u3 V* t+ ]0 G& C5 V  [In a nutshell, please pay more attention to suprasegmental phonemes, than to segmental phonemes. (Interested readers are advised to refer to Gimson, A. C. (1962). An introduction to the pronunciation of English. London, England: E. Arnold.).2 `7 r8 T1 r2 F6 \- J' i
4 U' k- H- Q, ]' ?
Pretty good summary, Wonton, very tasty (a joke)!
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2005-3-27 19:58 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-3-27 20:09 | 显示全部楼层
Originally posted by 片儿刀 at 2005-3-27 19:58:
( a! V+ C  y. r7 G$ w真的不是太懂,悬赏1000大洋(社区金币),英译汉。先到先得。
3 G, f# D6 e7 H0 j/ ?
$ d; [7 @) Y8 q3 D
钱太少了! 别太小气了, 出手大方点!
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2005-3-27 20:28 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-3-27 20:30 | 显示全部楼层
Originally posted by 片儿刀 at 2005-3-27 20:28:
% d! ]/ H  x' e% b豁出去了,加个零!一万!最优者全拿。
2 q- {! b4 }. j6 o3 D

; o, f) `4 l( A+ _7 k/ N好! 为了钱,豁出去了, 我也翻!
鲜花(29) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-3-27 20:32 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
Originally posted by victorw at 2005-3-27 20:30:
: G8 i. j! ]; X8 D好! 为了钱,豁出去了, 我也翻!
  V6 ~1 x3 F2 _( n1 h

& g/ l$ ^- x2 O" c* ?原来你是志在必得!' E0 r5 g9 o/ m8 O9 {) F6 s
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-3-28 19:50 | 显示全部楼层
丘八【原创】Short Explanations: Stress the crest, forget the rest.) Q5 S9 L' D- G( C5 `

3 r/ N; R5 t$ x" \1 g$ y% {8 W简短说明:强调关键,忘掉其他
& b; x4 Z) m3 q见:http://www.edmontonchina.com/viewthread.php?tid=6928
$ |$ c; ]3 ~/ Z5 P+ [4 o
2 _6 U$ ^) P6 R( J; m- H1. Local or regional accent should preferably be modified since Canadian English is sometimes considered as a hybrid English according to literature. A "good" example is "tire centre", mixing BrE and AmE spellings. Spoken-language-wise. If we are not striving for best pronunciation, why bother?
9 }" v4 b+ z, }: X
% f! C' l9 P8 @9 |) ^方言和区域性语言应该修改一下更好一些,因为从文献上来看加国英语有时候被认为是混血英语。一个很好的例子就是“tire centre”,把英式英语的拼写和美式英语的拼写给混合了。从口语角度来讲,如果我们并不需要力求最好的发音,那就没必要吗。
3 ~5 u2 Y4 `2 y% f' a2 W6 o5 P6 f, g) w
2. In English, if I remember correctly, there are about 80 disyllabic words following the pattern of stress shift as mentioned. The rule is: “Stress the crest, forget the rest.”2 {# [" }; [. h7 V3 j" |

$ V4 w, {, o  v/ U, H英语中,如果没有记错的话,大概有80个双音节的词汇遵从所提到的重音变换的模式。规律是:“强调关键,忘掉其他“
4 r0 v8 D1 ^' U. @+ l* W/ V
8 ]; g6 \9 i0 r/ P# ?3. This is an influence from the Chinese Ru4sheng (entering tone) which is kept in some non-common-speech languages.; m( x- K/ V  H3 H2 ?( w) k% G$ j
& Z! Y) a2 ^5 a
这种影响来自于汉语第4声(1.阴平,2.阳平,3.上声,4.去声),在一些不常说的语言中有。! ~; W: n( X' G2 `7 X

: `4 |: D3 P! a4 Z! A4. Vocoids (vowels) are for auditory comprehension while consoids (consonants) are for visual comprehension. (Interested readers are advised to refer to O’Connor, J. D. (1967). Better English pronunciation. London, England: Cambridge U.P.).
2 U/ S4 F* r, l7 q
! Y; y4 F) {3 h* Y# H元音字母是为了听觉上的理解而辅音字母是为了视觉上的理解。(有兴趣的读者可以参考O’Connor, J. D. (1967). Better English pronunciation. London, England: Cambridge U.P.). ' q1 c* k3 N! l, W
" W% z0 p. [$ ~* `2 w
5. Refer to #4 above. Here is an example. When one says: “Please give me a piece of pie,” one may write it down as pls gv m pcef pi, as personified shorthand using mainly consoids only. Good for note taking, but needs practice as well.
; j0 J2 w0 M7 \1 Y0 z$ T: H" H3 M1 E: ?3 [5 \+ W! U
参照上面第4项。这儿有个例子。当一个人说:“Please give me a piece of pie,” 你可以写成“pls gv m pcef pi”, 大部分只用辅音字母,这是很人性化的速记。用它记笔记很好,但需要很好地练习。, [( ]3 _: h; K; x6 o
" U% N3 q5 G! _5 r) ]$ X- ?
6. Please strive for both accuracy and fluency. Any improper language one uses does nothing but reveals the level of the user. If the speaker is not careful, the listener is.
0 Q+ Q# |9 |$ L6 {9 X& U% W% y7 h5 X7 E; E3 l
要力求准确并且流利。被使用的任何一种不正确的语言(说法)只揭示出使用者的水平而没有别的。正所谓言者无心,听者有意。6 z1 I  K; Q1 h9 _* `; P
+ ], n; _: r, l0 W3 H
In a nutshell, please pay more attention to suprasegmental phonemes, than to segmental phonemes. (Interested readers are advised to refer to Gimson, A. C. (1962). An introduction to the pronunciation of English. London, England: E. Arnold.).
  A/ e$ r* |8 o: g( V2 z) G; O9 P2 L4 x7 h: R
简而言之,请更注意超切分音位而不是切分音位。(有兴趣的读者可以参照Gimson, A. C. (1962). An introduction to the pronunciation of English. London, England: E. Arnold.)
, A2 p8 T8 B3 C# f& h
5 Q; J" [# ^+ I; ?Pretty good summary, Wonton, very tasty (a joke)!6 j' J$ f$ K) |0 N% y! n

3 M$ j# E! y+ m# X# Y5 A很好的一个总结,馄饨,很香啊 (开个玩笑)!# Q3 G; p/ l! L5 Q# Z

7 D5 w2 r4 i: m7 Z. K[ Last edited by PJ on 2005-3-28 at 07:55 PM ]
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-3-28 20:34 | 显示全部楼层
小猪的口号是:快跑。所以大家就别惦记了,小猪已经成了万元户了。屁股后面的帮小猪再改一改吧。/ G! ]4 C# K$ a* j% l5 o
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