埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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Go Landing -- Edmonton US border

鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-3-27 09:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本公司现提供登陆服务 (Edmonton -- US border). 帮助你在一天内完成登陆. 早晨出
7 `  s/ y7 h( n8 {发, 晚上返回. 价格合理.* z( \0 V7 n+ V8 m8 j- {  ~
1. 全新MiniVan, Cars.
' m7 O3 e- |3 a- t4 {4 F2. 5+ 年加拿大驾驶经验.
/ @0 S# W5 H+ @- q' F+ z3. 丰富登陆经验.
  Z0 m9 u9 Q3 @! t1 d: eComparing to take Greyhound, You can only depart 12:00 midnight and arrive
( g2 j' d% X4 w  m11:30 @ noon next day for about $130. Probably you don't have enough time # Q+ t1 f+ s$ }$ l' S
to return at the same day.* g1 u" }0 d' Y, {
2 N9 U* `9 N9 }1 z* ?/ \- C
Gillan.Li@shaw.ca.: l/ K/ U- M  ?1 W( i, Q4 E

- {9 k5 v: `7 O* s8 V! B- K, y$100/person.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-3-27 11:30 | 显示全部楼层
搂主的主意真的不错,我怎么就没有想到这发财之路呢??4 ?# o  v# k. z$ W1 Q% G/ O  G' n' w( ^
本人全家(3人)去carway landing,早上5:30 出发,晚上6:30 返回,gas费不到70$,平均每人不到25$。唉,赚钱别瞄同胞,你的意图是好的。
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-3-27 12:34 | 显示全部楼层
Originally posted by 别申请了 at 2005-3-27 11:30:
' C) N# E6 P$ n搂主的主意真的不错,我怎么就没有想到这发财之路呢??4 c# A4 M7 A! |
本人全家(3人)去carway landing,早上5:30 出发,晚上6:30 返回,gas费不到70$,平均每人不到25$。唉,赚钱别瞄同胞,你的意图是好的。

  u6 G+ y5 W  Z8 r3 [) x' q( }2 M, K% _% ~

5 T5 ?) T9 a. s5 H# ~. B能说仔细点吗?+ v4 [7 x" f- _# t  I
Carway 在什么地方? 路线如何0 K3 X, m; V: E6 T; `( w' c" s
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-3-27 14:06 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
Originally posted by luckibird2 at 2005-3-27 12:34 PM:
7 ~5 V& G, ~; S3 F, U: L! w/ b能说仔细点吗?' |% T) ?* q( i
Carway 在什么地方? 路线如何% U2 v  l! O8 L4 X+ f
( U, F5 w, U" G: K
" d, P8 I6 r- ]' N  X# r1 O5 M
路线简单的很!!沿着2号公路cagalary方向一直走到底,6个半小时到。我也第一次去,非常非常好走,如果你能把车开上路的话。用我家LD的话说,方向盘挂块狗肉都能开过去。:lol::lol: 最好就是早晨5点半前出发,12点到,如果你不想在路上万的话,下午6:30 肯定会回来。
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-3-27 14:25 | 显示全部楼层
Originally posted by 别申请了 at 2005-3-27 14:06:
' N3 A* L9 m! C7 I' e路线简单的很!!沿着2号公路cagalary方向一直走到底,6个半小时到。我也第一次去,非常非常好走,如果你能把车开上路的话。用我家LD的话说,方向盘挂块狗肉都能开过去。:lol::lol: 最好就是早晨5点半前出发,12点 ...
& N9 R0 r( k# z* E
: }3 u& T# }" F  W- Z# D" D9 ~0 k
/ Z# O) J" D# g& K0 b; Q4 r. |, ~
别兄, 谢了.
, T) S; \1 i! ?carway 是个小镇? 有个标志吗?
5 D% q7 ~$ k5 [! I在哪(具体什么地方)办手续.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-3-27 14:59 | 显示全部楼层
Originally posted by luckibird2 at 2005-3-27 02:25 PM:
0 }* Y+ X9 \3 V别兄, 谢了.
4 Q; l0 l# C3 Y. I# T2 e4 Ncarway 是个小镇? 有个标志吗?7 d5 h3 o$ W" h' [1 L% |' j

3 M, M& t# W; k! b( i" \9 u  Y: ?" T+ s6 i  B8 j
( i- N% C+ r: U9 D6 M* Q& f( y) `6 r3 F+ w  Z2 M8 C
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2005-3-27 17:45 | 显示全部楼层
Thanks for the advice from the guy from second level.
# h8 v0 o  m% \% r' ~$ ~* d! X' O. \8 c
When you try to put some comments for something, think about it.
5 G! ^( e. z# U9 A# n1 H. E; [& H
9 P  m- F) w  X$ G  n8 o. Q; @if you want to dicuss the cost, fine, we are talking about the cost!
0 `  B( O3 w6 M+ w' O. m$ N
* n$ u  t. d' s1.one driver, $10 for each hour, 13 hours for $130, Hope it should be reasonable!. W! q& M) h- Q+ c4 N9 F, v; U/ l9 `
6 a: H, y/ @/ n3 b
2.One brand new US car, $25000, after running for 100K, probably cost only $8000 at most, for this trip, 1.2K." k7 J& u- G$ {

# e, D9 I& [9 U, xthis variable cost for each trip will be around $200.
2 {: D$ H* x- }" B7 _6 A: D. l$ \3 l4 r: K% _0 I
3. Gas cost, $75.
4 p0 [9 b# G- H" `2 C1 i, K5 v( J) ^# j; R' _" V1 n$ ?" H8 J
Total cost, around $300. this is not even including the car maintenance and insurance.
1 \, i) E! r% j1 i0 F8 g8 I8 g
$ U, ^( E8 y4 e4 P3 b' t% ~
5 x7 S% a* R% h' c# s( oLady or Sir from second level. Please make comments before you really understand a thing.1 f, N9 `: y9 ~& M0 X( U/ E" ?/ L. {
5 E  E1 u1 E* k# u2 d
anyway, thanks for your comments.
鲜花(634) 鸡蛋(5)
发表于 2005-3-27 18:07 | 显示全部楼层
( l7 O5 ^7 W" A% Z4 \1)包括食物吗?
+ u# v* o. d8 N5 R2)如果出意外(比如车祸),怎么负责?
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2005-3-27 21:57 | 显示全部楼层
Good questions, banzhu.
2 k6 \+ c$ y( \& T$ b) k
' X0 q( R( Z8 s7 o6 Awell, It's just like what greyhound did, all the insurance will be covered by company's group insurance./ E* y7 |/ b  v' d0 z
; l- P; E/ P5 K1 O* E1 v
! T% G# q; ~4 T5 u
and unfortunately no food included.
鲜花(634) 鸡蛋(5)
发表于 2005-3-28 00:25 | 显示全部楼层
Originally posted by GoLanding at 2005-3-27 10:57 PM:
  i. \6 q. K, S6 U$ x6 hGood questions, banzhu.7 e$ W3 r8 B9 I( G* K. q# v+ Z

. D1 E; P; E" ]5 D7 n; cwell, It's just like what greyhound did, all the insurance will be covered by company's group insurance.
0 j$ o) `1 L: ]$ b9 w( s3 A5 Z: Y: J
+ _5 v( N& J3 k2 q  P) o
% |3 b& u2 f/ rand unfortunately no food included.
7 M& L) D! U; f9 i, }) W9 d
2 W' s* m- {4 m* J/ N4 W( N" i
5 t! Y9 u) |# M4 r  Z6 }) n1 h我觉得你应该展开管饭业务,价格可以区别出来。$ p8 g% D& p( W# d+ B

. F9 L9 @: n9 W3 t7 R9 U另外:扁啊,谢谢你提供的个人办事的信息,给大家一个参考。不过楼主说的汽车磨损也是的确是一个支出。另外比如你老婆需要去,你不需要,那你陪着去还搭上一天班呢。至于100块贵不贵,这就是看市场供求了。
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