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CRY FOR HELP-我的雅虎信箱收到的一封信

鲜花(150) 鸡蛋(3)
发表于 2005-5-9 15:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
CRY FOR HELP( Assalamualaikum)- f9 y/ c! m5 c4 v; l3 y

. l2 w$ `* O9 w( X3 u) XNOTE FOR SECURITY REASON,REPLY TO: helpmarah1@myway.com. H* }0 ?; v9 o% {2 O* E
4 e  k0 m( u/ [2 ?
% Q( n( [2 J" Z, M8 }6 W
Dear sir/madam,
$ A7 _- q( \/ ?! s7 _7 Q" G: x- w1 d/ H! {7 t2 v1 J
This mail will definitely be coming to you as a surprise, but i must  
$ ]9 O* B5 c/ r/ ~+ ]5 x2 E% Pcrave your indulgence to introduce myself to you as I write with peace $ [2 N) c, ^  Q" B) p
and  honesty.
9 W% Q! z; ]4 b3 s( ~$ N( d( E6 e* d
I am Miss Marah sadija, former mistress to the son (Qusay) of the  
/ x9 D8 y$ m- x+ tIraqi former leader, Saddam Hussein.
" `% a. G2 f* [, u$ r4 T& A: ~, W# w  D/ e! D+ f2 g/ A
I am anEthiopian, by birth and i am presently in a refugee camp in
8 T" Z& I8 S4 K2 S% E, qZimbabwe,where the living conditions are unbearable., F* U$ L6 U/ U/ Q
/ [& J0 }( i$ k# o: _) J/ ?6 N1 c
I do not wish to take your time with a lenghty mail, but i have to  put
% w" P9 X$ y# T0 n) ~# x- {this proposal to you so that you can assist me.$ Q9 i# s3 G& {
% o% ]& U8 ?; U/ n+ m( h
While i was still in contact with Qusay,he made a deposit in my  name , p  J% P0 x$ h
to a  security firm in Spain, which has an affiliate branch  in
- I  B% f3 A1 E& XAmsterdam. This deposit was made in my name and the secret code and necessary
" `/ P4 l; e& e3 Jdocuments are  presently in the possession ofan attorney, presently in  * u/ D& S) v, U: Q4 X- F2 b6 u
London.  This deposit was made in the form of a consigment and the
% z% L" `9 _2 g/ h" _content is a considerable amount of money in United state dollars' x9 y+ f- x' B: }  @- _
which i cannot disclose  to you for security purposes, until you have   P9 z+ @' `: J9 ]8 @6 |. C4 t
confirmed your willingness to assist me." Q% p$ U/ H4 I3 X1 \
4 i' |9 s- R5 z- q3 x
I would be pleased and grateful to you if you could assist me in
$ s! B2 \+ N8 P3 E% Fcollecting this consignment on my behalf from the security firm in Spain,
* H% S; O/ ~/ W" B- g3 F  ~  X' tupon which i will be offering you a percentage for your efforts.
! I3 F* a3 r) O/ b! U& v0 X$ p+ G% X$ _; P0 X8 L' W3 ~" l
The attorney in London, will arrange an authority to release and pay in
  L0 O  O" f- e" R5 V- X  Zyour name which you will tender to the security firm coupled with all
9 z$ U8 r4 X% h; k" h" N! Hnecessary documents that will back up your claims in collecting this 5 s) r' f( I6 [, G2 V
consignment on my behalf.
8 D7 i3 Q0 ^$ V8 l1 V+ O, M) S0 v. k/ _( ^6 p7 {" h. |) K& y
I have to stop here now as your response will determine our subsequent
1 R* E1 h/ r; {: l3 Y+ R5 pcorresspondence. Please feel free to disregard this proposal if it is
) X/ i4 j+ u7 cnot in line with your principles.* M& x3 C6 D7 J* ]7 `8 q; _5 U

$ e& Q! Q. _& j9 DPLEASE RESPOND TO: helpmarah1@myway.com7 J4 j* i3 O" \+ R5 |& w

* b" b3 j3 N- q3 |/ @0 j9 _May the Peace of God be upon us always.
# `- {4 m  ?$ s, C
$ y0 z" |7 G* u* W" L9 S) y( {Marah Sadija
% ?' t; C; Y! c5 R6 A( ]6 ~4 i******% {% F3 u( c' p: E- v6 H9 X
! ^/ D4 M" C, j  [" Q; V+ [( b& c
鲜花(1539) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-5-9 15:41 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-5-9 15:46 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(48) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-5-9 15:50 | 显示全部楼层


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