埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(115) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-5-12 23:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
“爱城单身俱乐部”活动通知 (主持人:Lucy)  请参见: http://blog.wenxuecity.com/myblog.php?blogID=3818
( s9 ]. ?4 C& w8 w( n5 T3 ~6 c
+ K! \. x/ P4 X6 oMeeting on May 21, 2005
, y" R: f4 i) E; Y# q7 m2 N8 E4 a: W4 K. n# j$ u: `
The last gathering was wonderful with17 Singles showing up, eight women and nine men. They are all Chinese, new immigrants, graduate students or professionals in Edmonton. Thank you all for coming out.
2 T: d7 h9 x5 L0 V$ k
$ X" J) c8 Q# _" q0 ?% U) L: RSingles Club will meet again and the specifics shown below.
% T! a8 B+ G" N4 Y* l) P) P
( s% H! F* d5 g# e4 f1 tWho: Single man or woman! o- J' N4 a! B

: i! ]6 Y! g* {( ~  |Where: around Duck Lake, William Hawrelak Park nearby the University of Alberta.: G" ~+ F7 T. Q" z- h
  l6 s- Z% l, B; h; C$ N5 A
When:  2:00PM -5:00Pm Saturday, May 21, 2005% W" l- k4 ^6 V+ e( c5 d

% P9 F6 _: p0 oWhat to do: romantic walk, play soccer, play poker game, and more.
5 N$ Q; m& i" e
0 y1 M) X; Q. e! f0 x6 ~5 `) lWhat to bring: you may bring your own drinks, snacks and napkins. You may also bring some games if you wish.+ R9 h! d# h3 _
; P: P5 `& B( p. n; o6 |7 C2 ~' P1 c

0 ^" B, K* C' O; X9 W' N  HNo drop-in is allowed. Please sign up for this event and indicate your gender by replying me to this email address. Should you have any questions, email me at
: w, `9 T1 O) {7 a+ P
) V7 o! E  q" K* Pedmontonwoman@hotmail.com or call me at 429-0688 (home).
  @$ I3 R1 x8 w
--------------------------------------------------------8 R( z) U* s( k' r3 r! Q
去 :William Hawrelak Park
+ f# m% S) C& _- s# k) C9 W( M5 T& V2 C6 C3 W3 J
http://www.edmonton.ca/transit/r ... s/current/RT128.pdf! N7 }8 N# y- a$ F

% H: Z* q9 }) z4 z8 w9 i: |- N128路从UA到westmount经过William Hawrelak Park旁边。5分钟就到了。
: Y# R' N9 V& ]  Q+ H' X% s8 E7 l2 U9 i, f' ]9 P
128路从westmount到UA经过William Hawrelak Park旁边。8分钟就到了。; R7 v, z! x1 r$ g& i

) s' i  x5 I7 O( q8 U) |- L  Z1 {. V: J+ y7 ^% }& c! ]' Z( X8 P0 F, y% u

. |& H( h# _" ~% D; }
6 B' N1 \- P0 T6 }0 A4 m( p, x$ V, N1 P
[ Last edited by youthheart on 2005-5-19 at 08:40 PM
% N# t, \  \& h]
鲜花(115) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2005-5-19 17:41 | 显示全部楼层
5.21 meet again
鲜花(115) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2005-6-12 14:44 | 显示全部楼层

June 12, 2005 again

Hello, Folks:
# a7 ~* \* N9 Q: ^# W
+ C7 k2 c$ l6 \Singles Club is going to have potluck and a small birthday celebration this coming Sunday, June 12, 2005, and the specifics shown below.
3 z3 H5 V# @# @6 A  w: i8 A  b+ G
5 z$ l/ C, q5 l# ?0 KWho: Single man or woman
+ q) q6 W  T- ?9 `When: 4:30PM -7:30Pm Sunday, June 12, 2005   C7 e; ~) w' Q3 G" q
Where: site #4 nearby Hawrelak Park Lake (also called duck lake), William Hawrelak Park by the University of Alberta. For detailed direction and location, please visit the following web site
$ \% i5 `7 c8 E- Q1 x( [( m, t5 bhttp://edmontonchina.com/viewthr ... 02&sid=3f4XHoQ4
; L) j, V/ q  E5 EWhat to do: potluck and a small birthday party celebration for Lucy Miao
. l1 A* ?* n. S" h5 T( m* YWhat to bring: bring your favorite dish which shall be enough for 3-4 people.
2 s0 ^& W8 ]2 F. z- B
2 W7 A# |2 e% o; \7 @+ ^The club will provide drinks, plates, forks, napkins and other basic party necessities. ' s, ^8 R& H7 k
; B4 y( a- K5 ~6 }# I' R6 X
No drop-in is allowed. Please sign up for this event, including your telephone number and what dish you are going to bring so that I will coordinate food better. Email me at edmontonwoman@hotmail.com or call me at 429-0688 (home).
( [. X3 I  D8 \' ~, i
7 \. [- `, }- A! d9 \Good wishes for Lucy's birthday may send to this email account. Thank you in advance. - H8 A* n% ]3 g& F- M

8 a# \; j/ z1 C; E$ L, yA list of dishes you may bring along
4 j- f+ L/ r% U3 a- |3 O! s
8 `- {& a( j- Z& JChinese food (meat, fish, and vegetable) # ?' H8 ^5 S9 R* r
0 n# v( }2 F! w5 i3 ~3 CSalad 3 e7 N/ ]; N9 s$ H/ b6 y$ Q' W
$ F' n& D0 ~/ j, G1 O* ISnacks
# E" Z& E# w; B( g  LSweets
0 n. d; n* {/ O/ O- V/ R7 s& h" u
Lucy Miao
7 Y1 G6 Z5 U0 k% S0 a, F: I" kThe President of the Singles Club
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-6-12 18:21 | 显示全部楼层

May I point .......?

老杨团队 追求完美
"Who:Single man or woman " should be single men or women.可数名词不可以裸奔!!!!
% K& d/ ^+ Z3 T6 e& o9 K& t' ?- P# c7 [4 B/ I5 z
[ Last edited by spring05 on 2005-6-12 at 06:23 PM]
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