埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-7-10 18:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
http://www.cbc.ca/canada/edmonto ... flu-death-h1n1.html
: Q, o: @  i& V3 L  \% ?3 h. X2 I+ l
A young woman with no pre-existing health issues has been confirmed as Calgary's first death linked to the H1N1 flu.$ ?' y4 k" a* |9 B2 x2 o, ~! G# B5 _
( Z! l& [- r, E/ Q+ ~2 w
The victim, who was not named, had been sick for about two weeks before she was admitted to a Calgary hospital on June 29, said Dr. Richard Musto, medical officer of health for Calgary and area, on Thursday.
- r+ H0 i$ `, w  T1 ?; y- Y' `0 O4 G+ W3 z  |
Tests confirmed she had swine flu on June 30, and she died Wednesday night, he said.
0 [& k. h6 K. e4 f  @0 B  |) C  O' r' B
"That's our assumption, that swine flu was a major contribution to her death," Musto told reporters.
0 D. A+ ?+ _5 ]& k' L$ x
& S' H. R4 E: h+ n"We're not exactly sure where she contracted it, but there's no travel history that's relevant."
1 ]: j- [- J, `
$ {3 f( T9 R4 WMusto did not name the hospital to which the woman was admitted but said that regular procedures were followed to "effectively protect other patients and staff."6 v- {5 f# k$ \' n" E
/ g8 Q5 H# l$ t' ^0 g3 b, |
The death is the third in Alberta that's been linked to swine flu. Two women with pre-existing medical conditions — one in the Edmonton area and one in northern Alberta — were the other cases.0 m4 v; `: z3 b' Y  Y  m6 K9 q$ E
) `7 h8 o5 T2 n9 R( c, T
Alberta has registered more than 1,100 cases of swine flu since the influenza outbreak began in Mexico in March.2 r- `7 \: v( K+ Z4 K3 ~
+ O$ {+ s$ ~& w, Q; r, u9 B+ W) [
"This is a global epidemic; most people will only have mild illness," he said.
" z( `& F$ e1 j4 ]
" a. j- K" \( M3 T  |The majority of people who contract the virus — which comes with flu-like symptoms including fever, lethargy and coughing — recover, said Musto.9 w" t) A- T' T! L% J

/ Y+ @; B' F4 u5 F"Generally, the complication that occurs is pneumonia and respiratory failure," he said.
7 {+ J0 o" m1 R/ n7 m8 d5 M  d4 F, [" _. X
, w8 }1 t( F9 {+ d
Not connected to children's hospital cases
7 n! G+ k% {* O2 h1 W4 G  G+ U: Z( y
Officials said the death is not connected to an outbreak this week at the Alberta Children's Hospital, when two patients and a staff member were diagnosed with the H1N1 flu. A unit on the hospital's third floor was isolated to prevent the flu's spread.
/ D; \& j' P% {( a2 C  l
0 j! m# J- w2 [, OThe patients were isolated in their private rooms on the weekend when they became symptomatic, and the staff member stayed at home upon becoming ill, said Musto.
2 ^8 F( u0 H1 V0 ?
: a+ X5 }. [  h7 R1 ~Ted Woynillowicz of Friends of Medicare in Calgary questioned why officials publicized the children's hospital while the facility where the woman was treated was not named.
1 I% m# t/ n8 r' w- a. w7 n5 |5 J: }! C
"I think there's kind of a lack of consistency. And I think it should be publicized if it affects the public in some way," he said.0 |5 F, K1 V+ I5 ~0 d
) p8 k7 i7 d, x$ s/ B/ K3 E
Every year 4,000 Canadians die from the flu and a high percentage of them have underlying conditions that play a large part in making them susceptible to serious consequences when they get the flu, he said.
鲜花(1015) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2009-7-10 19:50 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(13) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-7-10 21:40 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(65) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-7-11 00:14 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
0 A* \9 o+ {+ F" P3 Y- r% f# Shttp://www.theglobeandmail.com/n ... ard/article1203826/9 u; r* i; ^8 P
8 E& h) L4 j9 n# D
鲜花(13) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-7-11 08:56 | 显示全部楼层
* ?- Z! S& Q& Q* u3 H1 z$ yhttp://www.theglobeandmail.com/n ... ard/article1203826/
* ?& i9 m3 |% n8 `* ]/ m+ |% M0 c1 G) Z& l- T
但多数文章给 ...; A" D4 [' B: Y
花儿红 发表于 2009-7-11 01:14

$ ]0 E, J: m& j"死亡人士中有很大比例是健康人"的描述应该是正确的. 正如你引的文章中提到的: 即使你是非常健康, 在新病毒面前, 你也不是100%防弹的. 主要问题其实是来源于我们自身的免疫系统. 就我所了解的, 对于外来入侵物, 人体免疫系统往往很快被激活. 但激活的程度取决于对入侵物的认识程度. 如认识程度高, 如已得过的感冒病毒, 免疫系统只分泌相对应的巨噬细胞将侵略者消灭. 但如果不熟悉, 免疫系统就会不断分泌多种不同的免疫细胞, 试图消灭入侵者. 各种免疫细胞也不断变化, 以消灭入侵者. 这种反应往往导致免疫细胞对正常细胞的攻击, CYTOKINE STORM, 其结果是: 组织器官受损于免疫过激. 几年前的SARS和以往的流感大流行的高死亡率都是主要源于这种过激反应. 这很有些象白血病. 所以, 压制免疫系统过激是现在医学上的一个热点. 较常见的牛皮癣就是免疫过激的一个实例.
2 [' n1 P. }: `8 r! y4 D4 u/ f欢迎讨论.
鲜花(1015) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2009-7-11 09:35 | 显示全部楼层
在加拿大有25例死亡病历时,我看到过一篇报道说其中的12例是健康人,差不多是一半。$ c/ E. e+ k6 [2 o1 O& G2 `4 y1 G9 f! k
http://www.theglobeandmail.com/n ... ard/article1203826/
$ g5 p- j1 H* M+ A
% _# ^4 O$ C3 k' N8 Z+ Z3 d  Z) {但多数文章给人的印象是基本上或90%死亡病历是患者还有其它疾病,不知哪个说法是真的。2 m$ T, M2 L  E+ ]* V3 W
花儿红 发表于 2009-7-11 01:14
% e7 g2 J5 L$ C3 i) v; H
鲜花(1015) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2009-7-11 09:46 | 显示全部楼层
5# 衣食住行 ) \' m9 Y6 X& z2 t& L
2 @. f4 F! j: d  r# q
你的猜想正是一些专家们在猜测的。 但另一个方面,如艾滋病人也列入了流感高危人群的行列。究竟如何,还有待于专家们的努力工作。
鲜花(13) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-7-11 11:09 | 显示全部楼层
5# 衣食住行
5 i0 P' ?7 {3 n" F" W+ l6 ?, V
$ w  c: Z  k/ J4 I) _: |+ R你的猜想正是一些专家们在猜测的。 但另一个方面,如艾滋病人也列入了流感高危人群的行列。究竟如何,还有待于专家们的努力工作。
: C% H( g/ D; u- c- E, }vilna 发表于 2009-7-11 10:46

# O5 y# e, u8 p6 h9 p+ q( y; Y) ^AIDS 病人是另一种特殊情况, 免疫系统缺乏. 当病毒进入人体并开始繁殖, 艾滋病人的免疫系统反应迟钝. 这样一来, 病毒就会大量繁殖, 攻击人体组织, 导致人体死亡.
/ a% A# m* ?7 ?/ v3 |+ Z只有免疫系统在一个适当的平衡的状态才能给人最好的保护.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-11 13:33 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(65) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-7-12 11:57 | 显示全部楼层
谢谢衣食住行的解答, 有幸遇到专业的了!
0 k9 s4 p5 D9 A+ q; e
) ]& d, T7 ^- T# Wawake, 别太悲观了,活着可以很容易的,糊涂点就行!
+ M5 L% G7 {3 {0 w$ j
! p# Q2 h- L  |( |: v. g想活明白些就不容易了,而且越明白越痛苦。
5 ^  m$ ^$ K6 E"好好珍惜自己"是非常有限的,象衣食住行说的那些免疫系统的东西能通过"好好珍惜"控制它吗?* z% S4 t3 y4 F) q. \: _
% G+ x5 [% n! \. e所以,有时候把它交给上帝或许是明智的,本来我们来到世界上的时候就什么都不知道,不是活的好好的?
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-12 14:10 | 显示全部楼层
好好珍惜现下的每分每秒+ I# \2 s$ q! ]9 p

) H5 O$ M7 T  |' @9 G. g谢谢你安慰我,有时候想多了,真的会觉得很难受。
鲜花(1015) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2009-7-12 21:55 | 显示全部楼层
# v9 |6 u7 ]! ^( P/ S9 _7 ?/ \7 b  ?" j3 f
! ~1 L  v+ e8 Y5 ]% Nawake 发表于 2009-7-12 15:10

$ B- w5 F  l/ ^  `% G% h8 t& f我觉得花儿红说得很对,做自己能做的事,其它的交给老天。
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