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拥抱代握手,可以防流感?Flu to trigger hugs in British churches: report

鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-7-25 12:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 awake 于 2009-7-25 13:33 编辑
1 o4 b2 c8 H  H; h& V. V0 |# C6 X% U
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LONDON — Some British parishioners are being advised to hug rather than shake hands "as a sign of peace" in measures by churches to try to stop the spread of swine flu, a report said Wednesday.
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The Church of England has introduced the measure in its Southwark diocese in southeast London as concerns mount about the spead of swine flu in Britain, the Financial Times said.
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/ N0 V. L5 T& u2 `5 Z' |Some churches have also begun to allow "intinction" or dipping bread in communion wine rather than sharing the chalice, while others have stopped offering wine altogether, the newspaper said.
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) R! [8 A# J4 s: RA British bishop has already advised his diocese to suspend holy water from churches in a bid to halt the spread of the A(H1N1) virus.
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- y3 l- {- ?* v. _3 Q0 Z) Q  tThe measures follow ones being introduced in other countries, including in Portugal where church goers are to take communion by having the host placed in their hands, not their mouth.
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Swine flu has now killed more than 700 people around the globe, the World Health Organisation said Tuesday, as experts debated whether schools should be closed to contain the pandemic.
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本周三有报道称,一些英国教堂建议教区居民用拥抱代替握手来传递“和平的信号”,以防止猪流感的传播) W( |" v' m: m  I3 T0 N& f

0 Z/ |+ }) l( E. Z7 J: H' A1 w《金融时报》说,由于越来越多的人担心猪流感在英国扩散,英国教会在伦敦东南部的南华克主管教区推荐了这一方法。. H$ }9 e! K& M0 ^
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报纸上说,有的教堂已经开始允许用面包蘸圣餐酒,不再共用圣餐杯,而其他一些教堂则完全停止供应集体圣餐酒了。( }4 u- ?6 f, b3 n

, k  p+ X/ R* ~: U一位英国主教已经建议他主管教区的教堂暂停供应圣水,从而防止甲型H1N1流感病毒的传播。
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8 u) s6 L; m- l' _4 t* Q9 Z. `这些措施效法了其他国家的做法,例如葡萄牙,那里的教徒领圣餐时是把面包放在手中而不是放进嘴里。
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$ W5 i* x  G# p! Y) V世界卫生组织本周二称,目前猪流感已经在全球夺去了700多人的生命,专家们正在讨论是否应该关闭学校来抑制猪流感的大规模流行。
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-25 12:31 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(1015) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2009-7-25 21:25 | 显示全部楼层
奇怪,拥抱的时候不是鼻子嘴离得更近?危险程度越高?6 G, W& }& c- e
awake 发表于 2009-7-25 13:31
- E3 E" w7 L+ ^+ E, @- l' y
* B: h( X4 j$ ~! G
; g, ?/ [% n! K9 Z! A9 x( Z" F超级表扬一下!你这翻译稿可以向国内大网站投稿了~~~~~~,翻译得非常准确,并且文字顺畅!
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-26 00:08 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
把头偏了放在对方的脖子边上~~~~~,屏住呼吸! $ W. Z8 y" Z7 J+ d% S

  @, }# u4 M: K) P5 Q超级表扬一下!你这翻译稿可以向国内大网站投稿了~~~~~~,翻译得非常准确,并且文字顺畅!
0 n; o4 C  J8 g2 ^vilna 发表于 2009-7-25 22:25

7 w+ S# q3 \. E0 I& A1 {# T1 E1 T7 `3 T6 D
前半段,维尔纳看上去已经有实践经验了. 7 T* A2 |" B' i* I3 b5 B- \" y

" {0 V3 q, A( b9 T$ G后半段,不是我翻译的啦!
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