埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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List of Clinic Info for Swine Flu Vaccine

鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-10-26 15:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
The list is the conclusion of all of the avaliable locations and business hours for Swine Flu Vaccine. It maybe useful for people who have no time to check online.
  ^7 \+ g% Q7 J) O- K# R* wBest wishes for everyone's health ! ! u0 p" x6 x0 m4 c8 j
8 }# [" o9 h! d8 k- r
Westmount Centre % r! Y3 u! f: ~4 x2 H2 \
Time:                 Monday ~ Thursday 9am to 8pm; Friday ~ Sunday 9am to 4pm; Closed on Nov 11th; Until Nov 13th
8 n( ^0 T0 |" N5 ?$ xAddress:         114 Avenue and Groat Road (apprx 134 Street)
8 N0 y3 K/ m. h# _. t/ i9 xClinic accessible ONLY via the very far north wall of the mall. Access NOT available through the mall.' Q6 [# ~: ^. W) w
& t$ I5 H3 d: n& x, w; C+ g; y
Northgate Centre ' o$ H0 A. h# \3 f% f9 w1 O+ t
Time:                Monday ~ Thursday 9am to 8pm; Friday ~ Sunday 9am to 4pm; Closed on Sunday and Nov 11th; Until Nov 13th
) z1 g5 |3 u/ O% \$ j& b& aAddress:        9499 -137Ave
1 P/ Z* h  X2 J2 Q5 I  qClinic located in the health unit on the upper floor at the east end of the mall above Zellers.
7 k2 w7 Y  O0 D
  T" G7 b, ]# H9 {1 cBonnie Doon Shopping Centre
( l% S  S8 ]: _+ k, p7 G- pTime:                 Monday ~ Thursday 9am to 8pm; Friday ~ Sunday 9am to 4pm; Closed on Sunday and Nov 11th; Until Nov 13th/ Y+ ?  H' ~4 V" H& n( D
Address:        82 Ave - 83 St
6 R) t# o# Y; O  ~8 }% OClinic is located at the south end of the mall near Safeway.
7 L6 u1 x5 M' \6 I' a: N% b$ m$ y# d$ d6 z/ s/ F
Millbourne Mall/ }2 v6 p" m. L& M& O- h' t
Time:                 Monday ~ Thursday 9am to 8pm; Friday ~ Sunday 9am to 4pm; Closed on Nov 11th; Until Nov 13th
% D# R1 k$ L+ t! T9 ?  {Address:        7609 38 Avenue . N9 k4 P7 ^4 F4 T+ l
38 Ave @ Millwoods Road Inside the mall near the food court. The Millbourne Mall should not be confused with Millwoods Towne Centre - where there are no clinics.
3 \( f- x5 E: }& e* P
( V+ u, w/ P, h$ QRutherford Health Centre: J( e( ?( B# s7 j5 B
Time:                Monday ~ Thursday 9am to 8pm; Friday ~ Sunday 9am tp 4pm; Closed on Sunday and Nov 11th; Until Nov 13th; v" b6 v$ M4 A+ w6 [0 t
Address:        11153 - Ellerslie Rd, 2nd Flr' A3 w5 z' g1 g- t% q: s# e* D/ Q
Clinic located on the upper floor of the strip mall, above the bake shop. Elevator is thru the 2nd door, to the left, by the dentist's office.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-10-26 20:54 | 显示全部楼层
thanks a lot
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-10-26 21:10 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(1015) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2009-10-26 23:16 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
鲜花(2) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-10-30 08:53 | 显示全部楼层
thank you
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-10-30 16:23 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-11-8 01:06 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(1015) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2009-11-10 23:34 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 vilna 于 2009-11-10 23:46 编辑
) F! _( V# X/ k# k- y3 w' U4 M- W3 m% q
Commonwealth Stadium" O' D, a" C  o; V$ M9 C8 h

- \# G! u4 A5 Y. O! gAddress:     11000 Stadium Road) y6 w) v; @1 P$ W- q, A. a$ z
* A0 f  h0 }: T. C  I/ W1 Z1 ^

& I- V/ g1 J/ G! G% M/ DStrathcona County Health Centre
# d/ x' p  w3 }3 q: o
2 U( W. V7 Q! a9 BAddress:     2 Brower Drive    Sherwood Park
6 N+ C3 k+ M1 g9 m* [4 U) q
4 O8 e  }" s, X% D& V1 S: o7 W8 \/ ]* w  E. R. c0 `. i
Grandin Park Plaza6 T$ n/ h/ n: Y  X. E8 A
Address:     22 Sir Winston Churchill Ave    St. Albert
鲜花(1015) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2009-11-10 23:35 | 显示全部楼层
* O% ]! Z$ G" O. J1 c5 K2 Y1 t

6 y, o" J- I8 bCommonwealth Stadium: 12pm - 8pm- O4 h: s! @' V6 D
Westmount Centre: 12pm - 8pm
) \. U5 G9 ^* U& ONorthgate Centre: 12pm - 8pm6 E9 h% z4 {- x
Rutherford Health Clinic: Closed
3 o0 }6 z. \7 l6 x' Z$ pMillbourne Mall: 12pm - 8 pm. P6 Q) M6 B/ m3 |+ \* W
Bonnie Doon Shopping Centre: 12pm - 8pm' S+ G. p$ X+ D% t6 `: v

0 y; o! e# [+ l( ?! {
7 U' o# r: o& _3 _# T9 yMONDAY-THURSDAY
% d# N6 H& g7 }# ~, W: lCommonwealth Stadium: 9am - 8pm
5 ?/ ?7 X4 @) @: a* fWestmount Centre: 9am - 8pm
/ N. Z# \4 x9 o4 SNorthgate Centre: 9am - 8pm
) X& p% D$ X. ]/ Q' CRutherford Health Clinic: 9am - 8pm( L* _' W" ]  l$ J6 `- i3 G( h7 }
Millbourne Mall: 9am - 8 pm3 @! f# U6 r+ e3 ^; l
Bonnie Doon Shopping Centre: 9am - 8pm
5 f+ N5 V7 X) u! X  j# oStrathcona County Health Centre: 9am - 8pm! z# L" x( l# q2 P' c7 d) P
Grandin Park Plaza (St. Albert): 9am - 8pm
& r1 o' z' y2 K6 s2 J+ W9 _. Q$ D% o4 l( L5 s2 P1 l6 r

( n5 t0 K9 G' H! H9 y" mFRIDAY & SATURDAY. N& @5 M+ N* m; c$ |
Commonwealth Stadium: 9am - 4pm
9 j& d0 D) [! j; d7 K! K0 EWestmount Centre: 9am - 4pm- Z0 T* g% r- \7 ?( \8 s; M
Northgate Centre: 9am - 4pm6 D& Q/ Z4 o. j5 u  ], ?
Rutherford Health Clinic: 9am - 4pm
* y0 C& l, N+ a$ N0 J8 N2 CMillbourne Mall: 9am - 4pm
. h8 V8 u) T$ b0 |& `( g7 K1 i& q3 NBonnie Doon Shopping Centre: 9am - 4pm
8 H3 R) O$ B  u4 X% LStrathcona County Health Centre: 9am - 84pm
5 e8 f$ n: N& m$ w( YGrandin Park Plaza (St. Albert): 9am - 4pm
" P6 p/ X5 M0 L! l5 d2 _/ t6 F& T4 `6 z% }6 D( ?4 @  s
. Q5 P1 @+ z, R* U  J! f
SUNDAY! a* N+ R$ u( F) w/ [9 h
Commonwealth Stadium: 9am - 4pm& f* ^' b( D; {, L3 q
Westmount Centre: 9am - 4pm2 q# g2 e2 l, W1 L5 C
Millbourne Mall: 9am - 8 pm
鲜花(1015) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2009-11-12 23:32 | 显示全部楼层
Bonnie Doon clinic  将从14日起关闭不再作为流感疫苗注射点。
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-11-25 10:18 | 显示全部楼层
1# 稀客 $ D% v& R" F% K0 B1 |
0 t  n) o7 h0 L8 Z
many thanks
鲜花(48) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-11-27 14:51 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(22) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-12-12 18:40 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
鲜花(1015) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2009-12-13 21:38 | 显示全部楼层
Commonwealth Stadium 和 Rutherford Health Centre 诊所
. A; ]+ a5 `6 u7 u
12月12日 下午四点关闭后不再开放。% H$ t# H9 J1 |5 @" h1 _

- a' K: j, [. u$ g; v$ \/ eGrandin Plaza ( St. Albert) 和 Strathcona Health Centre 诊所 12月16日 晚上八点关闭后不再开放。
) g9 I! F- a" F/ C' _0 Q
# K9 ?1 C) q$ W3 Q% |, xNorthgate Health Centre 诊所12月19日下午四点关闭后不再开放。- T. J& x; u  H, W* L1 P
: O1 s0 N+ ?( O: l3 o, A1 X# d' L
Millbourne Mall 和 Westmount Mall  诊所  12月21日至23日  下午一点至晚上八点开放。
- B" ^0 r+ s6 X3 k* j
" k1 b: H: x2 k# Y; X" F新年期间  所有流感诊所都将不开放。
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