埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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11月10日起,H1N1疫苗免疫 增加两组高危人群

鲜花(1015) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2009-11-9 14:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
http://www4.albertahealthservices.ca/Immunization/# X6 j' N+ M6 p1 Z
  J# {" p0 a2 q7 ?2 Q2 J3 e
0 N. h* P2 @- F% K) ~! v* h
4 G7 a. N' i( N. ^0 d2 E' Q5 b: F/ y11月10日(星期二)开始,又增加两组高危人群可以得到H1N1疫苗的免疫。2 V* ?* a2 ~' f! A: I

4 B& k* u/ i3 @; O1,小于6个月婴儿的父母亲或者父母亲中一位加看护员(比如保姆或者奶奶等)不需要带婴儿去诊所,但需要提供婴儿的证明文件(健康医疗卡、生日证明或其它有效文件)(Health Care card, birth certificate or other valid documentation)。看护员如果独自去诊所需要提供有相片的ID和一封来自婴儿父母或监护人的确认信。
9 J2 J9 [# I8 x7 u4 y# k& M8 w: S( {4 m  h# r
2,10岁(以2009年11月1日算起)以下有慢性病的儿童。9 Z8 D4 c! n: {9 G
如果可以的话,请带上医生处方或者其它能证明你孩子病情的文件。不需要联系你的医生。( _& G" ^$ h+ u
' O7 ~) g5 _6 G3 k; f
5 Q8 W9 h. I- D" U5 ^! H
4 }) A9 k! M, [糖尿病$ a& |# H% v8 l
3 o. |9 e8 ^* f2 b( r. \" H4 z& o
肥胖(BMI>30)' ^# B" F) t0 o- y# z3 b, c
/ M. Y2 j+ |, [
! z2 P5 J0 X8 S
: ?) k( c/ m6 {4 s慢性肾脏疾病包括正在透析者6 B2 G) ?7 z4 r! @- {! ~

3 \/ }' `0 q- c( s( }4 P需要医务治疗的哮喘(比如说一个吸入器)
( _" G9 f1 ~0 x# z+ S. m0 M
8 j' _6 X/ ]4 y+ f5 s' ?) a" s8 f其它慢性肺部疾病如正在进行治疗的囊性纤维化
' y' V8 ?7 S2 x6 n8 h- N: ?! {' L
7 ]& ?9 j+ f9 ]4 L3 L先天性心脏畸形3 M0 x4 C' w3 ~
8 p" y+ A, V; A* O0 x* Y
脑瘫、癫痫和其它突然发作的疾病 以及 和吞咽和控制呼吸道分泌困难相联系的神经性疾病
5 v) m/ Q# H7 i. N, p; V- I* J/ U2 X& }' `
唐氏综合症和其它影响呼吸道分泌物控制的发育迟缓* U% B; Q6 i9 v
3 ]( `, Q2 a8 K# \/ _, z, O
先天或者获得性免疫缺陷,其中包括需要药物抑制免疫系统的- J0 Z4 K- a6 H2 _* g0 X1 T

' s9 ^/ k8 c2 W5 v任何需要持续进行阿司匹林治疗的疾病
4 C, W9 X/ O; J4 W1 J* Y
& F; c9 d4 r* J* H3 f贫血和血红蛋白病
: x2 |  `7 x3 b) S% K) C" C) J! Y6 b: U/ n+ |
# {+ C2 i2 d' D6 V0 a9 g5 \
& z9 l5 D- c  t8 j成群居住在看护之家的儿童
" V, a! _3 v  d8 |; M
$ Y! Z  g3 ~# U( I' Q/ l: w% W( |% ^* s

! M: ?! J2 V% x- B9 t1 j: {! m, {9 w& ~% o

6 K' `) f/ y+ c- |6 v. P6 L0 a  _, O" |

: B- H: d- F) I( w; ^) w* i0 ^" F8 qStarting Tuesday, November 10, two new groups will be eligible for the H1N1 vaccine.
' s6 F' d* u4 m' w* [Parents of children under 6 months (full details) # C+ Z- v: x7 |% U0 g( g$ D* X
) G, d1 {# f; `- L
Infants under the age of six months are at high risk for severe illness and cannot be immunized.
- N9 C' [8 q5 b& aIn order to reduce their risk, vaccine will be provided to both parents, or to one parent and one caregiver. Proof of the infant’s age (Health Care card, birth certificate or other valid documentation) must be provided by each caregiver. 8 c/ H- r7 h0 X4 Q7 E8 i  \% N
Parents and caregivers need not bring their infants with them, but caregivers attending clinics alone will need photo ID and a letter from the parent or guardian confirming their role.  
. H( |9 B6 _  D4 G% m: _, B
, N# c9 D6 v2 ?, f. G) ^0 y5 ]: C* I( {7 B0 h! m
Children under 10 years (as of November 1, 2009) with chronic illness (full details)
6 B4 y3 J& L/ `$ S/ O& f7 t" \Proof of age is required. If applicable please bring prescription or other documentation of your child's condition. There is no need to contact your doctor.
; J) l7 G' z# C0 p* S8 {) D
& t$ g0 L4 j2 J" `) JChronic health conditions eligible:
0 P  \% U, k7 i& U  c, t" }diabetes ) N7 H0 F+ X1 p+ }+ ]& S
obesity (BMI over 30)
, _1 Q- r  J& }9 d' N8 k/ ^/ scancer
9 m% q+ J6 _( \% ]  Vchronic kidney disease including those on dialysis
6 R1 q  c1 X0 @- _7 ?asthma requiring medication (such as an inhaler) 1 U; N) l. m( ?$ v% i& v
other chronic lung conditions such as cystic fibrosis which require ongoing treatment " `+ [) d& p8 f
congenital heart abnormality
. `- _! I6 m+ O: Xneurological disorders including cerebral palsy, epilepsy and other seizure disorders as well as those associated with difficulty swallowing and managing respiratory secretions
8 h6 t3 a" Q0 C$ g  x8 WDown Syndrome and other developmental delays which affect managing respiratory secretions ' K5 h9 ~8 v( @( ]
congenital or acquired immune deficiency including taking medications that suppress the immune system
% u$ E8 A3 H5 o- E" L2 \8 ~, Tany disorder requiring ongoing ASA (aspirin) treatment
5 ~7 [& O( U  w1 k4 L  manemia or hemoglobinopathy 4 H% ^: k# l. N6 u2 ]: T
chronic liver disease   H* H" r& S* Z( R9 K7 p
children in group living facilities
鲜花(1015) 鸡蛋(1)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-9 15:10 | 显示全部楼层
以前的两组高危人群:+ S! e1 b' Y# M
3 V% ^2 {6 |5 `3 J) u! B
1, 11月1日时年龄在6个月大以上至5岁以下的幼童;
6 p& e) b9 m' e" }; [: O$ @# { 2,  孕妇6 s# f( f, ~- j  y9 g; d* [" v. L# w& J

: Y1 F+ Q; ~/ m依旧可以继续接受疫苗免疫。
鲜花(1015) 鸡蛋(1)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-9 15:23 | 显示全部楼层
如 儿童孤独症、注意力缺乏、胎儿酒精谱系障碍(包含了胎儿酒精综合症及其他因生前酒精暴露造成的情况)等 儿童慢性疾病,因流感不会增加其重大疾病的危险性,所以不在这次增加的免疫范围内。
4 _2 O6 e7 @; ?% w$ Y1 K1 G. H+ v& W' G
Children with chronic disorders such as autism, attention deficit disorder and fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, are not at increased risk of severe illness due to influenza and are not eligible for vaccination at this time.( g3 b4 b. `8 j# }
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