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[招聘信息] FINNtech accepting applications (heavy equipment technician)

鲜花(8) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2013-3-28 10:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
0 x: g- ]% b6 g; H; G4 kDo you know someone who would like to become a heavy equipment technician? If so, be sure to tell them about our FINNtech program.
0 E4 @4 x7 j$ G8 P: Q4 u7 G
  f4 P5 J* a! x# g& l: u: YThis 20-month program is designed to provide the technical training to meet the Alberta Apprenticeship and Industry Training Examination requirements for Heavy Equipment Technicians, and offers students first-hand theory and technical training focused on Caterpillar’s equipment.
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During the program, students complete five rotations of 16-week terms consisting of both technical training and paid work: they go to school for two months, then work for two months (earning while they are learning), repeating the two-month rotation five times.
0 b' O: p$ z4 L. N; D
( e5 L- N  S2 K/ u# i4 B  vUpon successful completion of this program, students will have obtained a Heavy Equipment Technician Diploma from Keyano College, as well as 20 months and 1800 hours of work experience recognized towards their apprenticeship. Additionally, all students who complete the program with an average of 80% or better, and who are hired by Finning and remain with the company for at least two years, receive a toolbox valued at approximately $10,000.
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The FINNtech program is now accepting applications for the October 2013 intake. The 20-month course will take start on October 28, 2013 and continue to June 19, 2015.; p/ p% \+ z: ~& }% l$ [5 {

+ j6 t- v$ b4 C* M% s8 @; k, h2 A
( [: t# ]" h: O- A+ ZImportant Dates to Remember:
, ?7 y( P& H* H. l
1 C6 @: ?! o4 V; |! ]! D: n·         Application deadline – June 7, 2013
1 ]8 M6 ~& D+ a' U: Q; p* J: N- l" x: `9 H0 B: V7 }
·         Last day to write an out-of-town Differential Aptitude Test (DAT) – June 21, 2013
: a* l% t" u$ ?% N* M$ x/ T
4 y( a, M$ I: P+ Y4 @! }·         Last day to write and in-town DAT – June 28, 2013" g' h" ^  X, P( ^

" T( L9 F1 U2 W$ E8 M·         Document deadline – June 28, 2013
) u! U" H& |: _0 ^* s+ M5 {3 [. x5 k/ F
·         Registration deadline – September 20, 20138 v: B$ }' l) q2 a5 S! v
& d* X# E8 A: U$ y2 U! T
·         Start date – October 28, 2013
7 D& p! d  y7 ^1 W( C; j! l" R. ]0 V; \" q( O0 g' O1 n" ]

) p6 v4 x+ V" M& h0 B
6 v, X3 M$ ?& c' b9 I9 ]What do I need to do?
: B) ]; W1 H+ Y
4 ]4 s' n9 A$ j6 y+ K1 ?  t) ]9 b" s; g5 w- `& n
Step 1:   
* E6 Z5 t7 E! F# O- Q6 O0 c' A' S/ ?3 s0 `! k$ {
APPLY NOW  for the Heavy Equipment Technician Diploma program online at http://keyano.ca/ or complete the Application for Admission form (attached) with the required $50.00 application fee. Arrange for official High School transcripts to be sent directly to the Office of the Registrar. A photocopy will allow us to consider your application on a conditional basis. Please note this is not considered an Apprenticeship application, it is a regular admission for a diploma program.4 ^, Y% m. E8 G  I& t3 q3 \5 O

7 N: \" E# _5 o; M$ u1 t; y* ]4 z% I  @) O/ k$ q% n' P
Step 2: # C( G+ j3 A3 x

  u3 g  P  |8 Z# T. b4 kComplete the attached candidate profile package and return it with a copy of your resume to the Office of the Registrar on or before the document deadline. ! W) C* t3 k6 x+ V2 K% A% ~
$ P4 P8 p! A( U+ m: B

7 {9 ^8 c3 F9 o
+ g9 \6 {: q3 O: n; e: d+ x) r! B5 ~3 zStep 3:  " i7 V# v3 D8 X8 A8 e
! }4 y1 J, `8 k) z0 e
·         Register and write the Differential Aptitude Test., e- V% Z6 Q( i' M* T6 Y  y8 q

% f1 Y% k$ c+ g) E7 x& h·         Contact the Office of the Registrar (780) 791-4801) for testing dates, to register for the DAT and pay the test fee ($75 + GST).
5 y5 t% Z* |3 j0 O" j/ o
$ P3 B8 @$ u3 i' y·         Testing takes approximately 4 hours, so please plan accordingly
' V% S% d7 D0 V0 X4 s( m0 Z# v+ I3 x2 H0 S- o9 S4 Q
·         Please arrive 30 minutes early and you must present government issued photo id.
8 \, d! B$ d1 b* @! V% t0 N
" l8 P  C/ o( \5 Z·         A preparation document is attached to this email to give you an idea of the type of questions to expect.
/ e* J& C3 u! x! B) m8 m8 w! M
: }8 x1 v$ u! m2 i3 }: Y1 [" b; @·         The book “Differential Aptitude Tests” (ISBN:  9780837358123) published by National Learning Corporation, is a great study tool and is available at the Keyano Bookstore (780) 791-4960. ' f. ]) z, y9 e. j2 s8 F* `
* i7 G& u" [/ b& K6 C0 p1 O+ ^
·         To write an Out of Town DAT, you will need to pay the $125 fee for an Out of Town DAT at the Registrar's Office (780-791-4801).  Then you will need to locate an institution that will invigilate a 7 section DAT exam.  Once you have located the institution willing to invigilate, you can forward that information to testing.services@keyano.ca. They will send a package to the institution. You will be responsible for supplying the institution with a prepaid envelope so they can send it back to Keyano for marking.% ?0 q- a$ M; X1 r2 N

8 M# w1 H7 d2 _4 R1 A
, i8 y2 F4 V/ f) y0 a" y1 n1 ~
, R( L6 a% m7 O. M5 B6 X! `/ DStep 4:  
2 @' |9 |7 s0 x
0 }0 Z0 v2 I. X6 {: S' h' k! cAll candidates will be notified if they will be moving on to the next step of personal interviews and physical demands testing.
0 v$ K5 L2 I  j' l& W/ ]+ H9 x( z; i+ ?( n) }; ^, F/ `
; b* \0 `, s) S& `
6 R0 }/ g# N( `. u. P

9 W8 n. U' D  d9 p
" i/ N  o3 c+ q+ cIf you have any questions, please contact Konnie Williams at the numbers listed below or by email.  If she is unavailable, please leave a message with your full name, phone number and she will return your call as soon as possible.
% u( |1 \( E, I) v5 L2 F& C# H! ^

* }0 \5 Z  E) K  I  zKonnie Williams, FINNtech Coordinator1 e$ g# d2 d! F5 v# |

5 {" g) j, @- X! }Trades and Heavy Industrial Division
" Y* K8 I! |9 C$ b; k, {% R
5 W4 \$ M& N5 F7 X2 c* kPhone: 780-799-8604 or 780-838-6476* [8 L$ `* u/ ?7 G& _1 m0 `; a

' S2 x- z8 f7 h+ F6 E& eFax: 780-791-1579% C9 `) G- r( T9 R! V0 D5 k0 w8 U2 T
7 w& W+ o4 }7 S0 m' j+ n( T
Toll free:1-800-251-1408- j) P3 }- L/ `3 j
: x, A& N9 e' S, n
Email: konnie.williams@keyano.ca# G; t/ q; X- c# v

8 V! G# P' m8 R0 oWebsite: http://www.keyano.ca/4 Y/ m9 y6 J0 m  `
鲜花(12) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2013-3-28 15:13 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(41) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2013-3-29 11:20 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(8) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2013-3-29 16:12 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
这个培训计划是Finning 和keyano学校联合办的,地点在Fort Mcmurray。学生边学习边实习,实习期间的工资据说还可以,如果实习期间表现好,并且通过了Keyano考试的要求,Finning一般会优先考虑录用为正式员工。 可惜我没有参加过这个培训计划,具体细节不太清楚。如果想了解具体细节,可以咨询Konnie Williams。有关Finning的情况可以浏览http://www.finning.ca/
+ m7 Q+ B* w! e这个工作一般是从事重型移动设备(比如Caterpillar的推土机/大型卡车等)的维修,工作环境一般在车间或室外,冬天有点辛苦,另外安全始终是第一位要注意的,不过工资外加加班费,一年下来也很可观。
鲜花(41) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2013-3-30 14:44 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(41) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2013-3-30 14:46 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
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