埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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[招聘信息] 急聘邮局和便利店经理

鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2013-11-12 12:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
急聘有经验的零售经理做邮局和便利店的经营管理。如果你有这方面的经验并愿意% y/ V9 c# X- c. N/ J7 q% j
做零售企业的营和管理。请付上你的简历和联系电话。6 p- ^; x% H7 b4 [/ K. S+ U3 V

# ], B( ]' i) y: B- v地址:2070 sumas way, abbotsford, bc, v2s 2c72 M( L& x  H) f9 X5 n3 w
. J' Z: Z" h5 M& ^: b) [' g* P
with the business increased, we need a store manager for  canada post 0 `0 H) x" a  h
office outlet  and franchised smoke shop immidately. you must have reta
) u; e; U7 h+ c% s- V* eils experience before and have been a manager or supervisor or  a leadi
" q( Q5 I- U, T1 I& A& z& R8 i* ?ng role during your past years\' experience. ) x4 h' l  ^0 s) }
' X/ J  e0 e* ]9 w" d
Please send your resume to Manager via email:
! U/ u! G1 O' K9 q4 b
$ \0 a9 z4 X  \4 X3 aweichangjun@yahoo.com
$ j) A3 e1 ]3 `+ E  F
5 u: q9 Q- W1 P! d; K9 J, o/ Jor 778 898 3309) o4 @/ h1 a: x% \* j1 n  i$ Q- i6 K

. N: H$ B7 Z  U' c/ ^7 }3 iThanks for your interest. only shortlist candidates will be contacted.$ h7 w' G- [# e9 k3 k+ P

2 b4 N0 ]7 f7 `9 _) y  |, E3 d& f  a8 a8 W' |; R7 _1 b: n( x

0 F. I" x* Z& e; Y, H7 M- _& C! o8 u6 u( W4 V
鲜花(2) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2013-11-12 13:49 | 显示全部楼层
温哥华的招人广告打到埃德蒙顿了 千里招人 真是急啊
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