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[聊天灌水] 联邦政府批准北部门户管道

鲜花(8) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2014-6-17 19:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Sonja Puzic, CTVNews.ca  @3 B- m& O+ f
Published Tuesday, June 17, 2014 5:09PM EDT4 V+ T; {% ?* K0 E0 |6 m) y4 {9 E
Last Updated Tuesday, June 17, 2014 8:23PM EDT
2 E: U0 b/ ~5 ]5 h) s! @) i1 K; V( u: T- s3 U+ d3 v8 x6 Q
The federal government has conditionally approved the controversial Northern Gateway pipeline project between Alberta and British Columbia’s coast.
, {" u! b' L/ x* l) [3 b( _4 X+ @% C! |" M
Before the 1,177-kilometre twin pipeline can be built, Enbridge Inc. has to meet 209 conditions set out by a joint federal review panel back in December.
& g+ _* Q- `4 ]& A1 R0 L$ m  P  t" ]9 f. _
Those conditions include consultations with aboriginal communities in B.C., and regulatory permits and authorizations from federal and provincial governments, Minister of National Resources Greg Rickford said in a statement.7 Z/ ~6 S3 c1 O7 [+ Q9 A
6 Y6 \0 i* r' H  q% i
“The proponent clearly has more work to do in order to fulfill the public commitment it has made to engage with aboriginal groups and local communities along the route," he said Tuesday.
" f( Q$ _6 s- K) M' S8 J8 @/ y' n* `  H& ~
Opposition parties, along with environmental and First Nations groups, are vowing to do everything in their powers to block the project.
; s/ t5 v; Y2 N8 J: @" z7 F' N( @1 t8 C/ Y' H  V) m% Q& s
The New Democrats immediately denounced the pipeline approval, saying it proves that Prime Minister Stephen Harper will do anything to push his “big oil agenda.”
1 @. W1 ^4 g1 R5 U$ f- u: T' z
" }" Q2 ~4 U8 k( o' UOpposition Leader Thomas Mulcair said an NDP government would immediately set aside the pipeline project after the 2015 election. He said Northern Gateway will be a “big ballot issue” in B.C.7 j' y6 B' X* p

3 \) n1 C. w. M“It’s an environmentally dangerous activity that could compromise the major economy of the whole province,” Mulcair said.
% N. D9 D  A+ _& ^& N/ Q/ Z2 |3 J" c* H7 @  {' i) Y
Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau also said the pipeline “will not be built” if he becomes the next prime minister.4 m, E* F% \% F' e+ d* H" s+ Q1 Z

2 b  ?) N% e. }9 {He accused the Conservative government of “blindly” supporting the Northern Gateway project and acting like a “cheerleader” instead of a referee throughout the approval process.: u6 Q) j3 o8 f' i
4 S; g8 _; A6 E5 B% B$ c  t: w
Green Party Leader Elizabeth May said that, if built, the pipeline would spell out disaster for First Nations groups whose land is affected by the project, the B.C. fishery and the environment.6 x8 o5 Q$ @. q, k1 _" P

# B) V4 z2 ?6 t: U8 bBecause the proposed pipeline route would go through ecologically fragile, uninhabited areas, a spill would be very difficult to reach and clean up, May said.5 h4 b, i% O2 N; r
$ }' y( ]. e. R
Environmental groups issued statements Tuesday saying the Northern Gateway approval “rejects science” and ignores concerns from First Nations and the B.C. government.7 x* s- t% W; p2 ~7 V
9 _2 t0 F6 W0 k' _2 h5 ?
“Despite cabinet’s approval, the pipeline will not be built,” Tin Gray,of Environmental Defence,said. “These conditions cannot be met -- an approval with conditions is as good as a no.”
. O9 ~, \. ^' t& n6 m3 {  Y( E
7 q! w8 A8 g0 |+ d1 q& _Talk of legal action ) G& c" K) Z9 B5 n' x2 D
5 v' e/ f" U9 O! p0 N! P2 y' u( u
Several First Nations and environmental groups have already filed legal challenges, which include applications for a judicial review of the approval process.$ @; p9 o/ o5 O7 f/ i# M
5 X5 L" K0 c" D
The Gitxaala and Coastal First Nations have already said they are preparing lawsuits over the pipeline project.
* i8 y  y( A; S
' T1 P3 U& w* }9 L3 Z. N4 N5 y+ v0 _% XA statement signed Tuesday by the B.C. Assembly of First Nations, the First Nations Summit and the Union of B.C. Indian Chiefs, along with 28 individual bands, said legal action against the project will be “vigorously” pursued.1 m2 @: i" N+ O- \* d% A1 c
$ `7 [# x6 D0 Y: s  m: y
"This project, and the federal process to approve it, violated our rights and our laws. We are uniting to defend our lands and waters of our respective territories," the statement said.% _5 s0 r6 f) @7 ^+ g

/ e2 Q1 q' V8 qNorthern Gateway would carry bitumen from Alberta to the B.C. coastal town of Kitimat through 1,177 kilometres of pipeline. Once it reaches the B.C. coast, the bitumen would be shipped overseas.
1 ]: u1 N% N: h. l$ S" q) y( R7 b' g; n
Even though Ottawa has now given the project a green light, the B.C. government has said that Northern Gateway still doesn’t meet the five conditions for approval set out by the province.
+ X0 {0 _$ f3 N' n2 Q2 W
! H6 Z2 q# @3 ?, r& nB.C. Environment Minister Mary Polak said Tuesday that the project has so far only met one condition: passing the federal environmental review process.
3 a3 N0 @- C3 }6 f1 ]% [/ p& F" K+ {6 K" h
Other conditions include having a “world leading” marine and land oil spill response, satisfying aboriginal and treaty legal rights and making sure that B.C. receives its “fair share” of the project’s economic benefits., _: ?' e* F  G
3 ~' o6 ^: |  ]) B" o" E+ o/ c. s# g
“There is still much work to be done if a Northern Gateway pipeline is ever to be built in British Columbia,” Polak said.2 h3 R0 J+ }0 V0 D- \

5 b; I0 l8 q0 \6 `$ q& U3 ~Meanwhile, Alberta Premier Dave Hancock said Ottawa’s decision on the pipeline is “a step forward in accessing new markets for Canada’s energy resources.
. H) C* L; Q0 Y3 l" X, H3 ?6 d5 U% Q# {/ a+ O
“New markets for our products will create and support more jobs, and generate increased revenue to help pay for vital public services like quality health care and education for all Canadians,” he said in a statement.
7 J% s' s/ B; |0 E- G- X* X9 U. g2 i2 {5 ]8 f! x
Read more: http://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/fed ... 73279#ixzz34wwQsWqK* J5 q/ E. U3 W' h
鲜花(46) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2014-6-17 20:09 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(23) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2014-6-17 20:41 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2014-6-18 08:40 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
鲜花(2) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2014-6-18 16:14 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(8) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2014-6-18 20:59 | 显示全部楼层
Harper 同志看似下了着险棋。但有人为之叫好呢,反正不管怎样,阿省和沙省是先捞着好处了。下面是叫好的参考文献。/ k  w- ?# S$ n' n

. L) s. j- a) e' J3 ?! @! F0 MHarper Conservatives turn golden opportunities into lead: Hébert& B- t! M8 B1 e; c/ p

( e' I4 ]' t! xFor Prime Minister Stephen Harper, this was supposed to be the year of introducing shiny new policy. It hasn’t worked out.
4 F, A7 h* @- E' L! K  p
4 \0 Y% r7 E, i! R- TBy: Chantal Hébert National Affairs,  Published on Wed Jun 18 2014 . y% @( W: z  D

: Q) t1 A# A* B3 p  y; OMONTREAL—With about a year to go in Stephen Harper’s third mandate, policy wins are becoming few and far between for the ruling Conservatives.! g+ ]7 s) E0 q1 Q7 a
9 j% ?' z$ R; T- V
Time and time again over the past parliamentary year the government has turned what could have been policy gold into lead.' ]3 e) q0 i2 K" y& z
& R' \: v5 h/ w( [& F7 K
As often as not, a chronic incapacity to approach policy as more than a tool to drive a wedge in the electorate was to blame, with diminishing returns to the Conservatives.4 c& S! z* F( Y) a# ~, N5 B2 b
% o* r6 }2 s4 M7 H

, M5 Z- a0 f; X0 @; j+ j3 EOne needs to look no further than to the government’s handling of electoral reform or its run-ins with the Supreme Court to find recent instances of self-inflicted damage.
4 b7 H/ F9 A& u8 @! U. e
) S3 n% ]' G; k7 Y* T: E% ~
7 i8 ^0 o  S" G/ _$ \& _( g1 u/ @! FBut perhaps the most vivid illustration of the perils of a my-way-or-the-doorway policy mantra pertains to the energy agenda that has long been at the heart of the prime minister’s economic strategy.
7 B& @4 j6 Y3 M, ~4 r
) t4 t7 l( H3 k7 n9 k! s6 {. g; G
6 I/ @/ C6 H6 N, x  k+ yEven for a government that has never been in the business of giving Canadians more than a glimpse into its policy thinking, the absence of a designated ministerial pitcher to talk up the decision to give the green light to the Northern Gateway pipeline Tuesday was a stunning admission of how its handling of the issue has rendered it toxic.1 U& V% D- \$ u

/ s: ]; `# f7 V" w7 |
4 R9 x. V! g2 `1 ]- B$ ~* SIn the worst of the constitutional storms of the early nineties, Brian Mulroney managed to keep more bridges with non-Conservative allies open than Harper has on a project that his government has defined as strategically important for the national interest.
0 R: |! M& J; e4 r# d0 r* L5 R3 A
+ G' x  Y7 d" L
In the House on Wednesday the Conservatives — starting with the prime minister — retreated behind scripted lines that, when decoded, amounted to the government limply washing its hands off the Northern Gateway process.
8 S. a4 c- ^6 R1 U# j3 J3 ~' t
4 w# x+ B2 r. z( m$ o; i/ B; [1 W- i8 N% F/ q
Unless they step up to the plate and defend the merits of their policy choices, the Conservatives will have nowhere to go but down in next year’s federal election.! y3 H! E' J( l0 b

* R4 e- H; ?; W8 g+ O2 p" E2 e6 I
" Z5 U( |, q* n2 C4 e+ LThat starts but does not end with British Columbia where only magical thinking would allow the ruling party to believe that not engaging with the public in a serious conversation on Northern Gateway will alleviate the risks to its 21 seats.
0 \0 p4 h, @1 e8 Q7 j  L9 R, G. {7 z

, w8 P9 ~; E8 f* W! z0 a2 TThose risks cannot be mitigated by prospective gains in Alberta and Saskatchewan, the two provinces where the impact of the Northern Gateway decision is guaranteed to be more positive for the Conservatives.
  [, ?2 ?6 n5 D- J7 i$ X: a0 _1 s: h$ t0 F

5 q# d8 s8 y! `. qThey have little or no room to grow in either province
& {* m: V+ h( {; |
( e$ _9 d# m7 p- a) X  F& C% _4 i* K! H. r
Then there is Ontario, whose electorate seems to be at ideological cross-purpose with the federal Conservative brain trust.
3 B# g3 l7 d0 T$ B. _) x' H/ {- N7 l" ?

: V$ X# x& {) T4 lThe party has yet to come up with a popular figure to fill the vacuum created by the loss of Jim Flaherty and it will nowhere more sorely miss his voice than in the late finance minister’s home province.
& b4 M5 e, u+ d5 p$ D7 d! u# G/ Q0 w+ L! j7 ~

# y9 @/ g% P. X) {, D# H" ?! rBased on last week’s provincial election results, Harper may have a lot of convincing to do to win back the moderate conservative Ontario voters, whose support polls show his party has lost since 2011.7 v* s( J. t1 }) s% r" x8 f' J

% J( K" x0 g& q- B" }  Z; ]6 |
3 k& s: r4 Y' v3 P! K1 TMore than a few of those voters were instrumental in giving premier Kathleen Wynne a majority mandate and a clear majority of those who cast a ballot in Canada’s largest province last week supported parties that, in contrast with the Harper Conservatives, see government activism as a virtue.
4 A4 l+ E. k0 Y9 h! ^6 c# e# U  ~% A$ C

9 x+ e" G, E3 ^0 {' Y6 M: DShould the pattern of next year’s federal vote replicate that of the June 12 election, not even a division of the progressive vote between the Liberals and the New Democrats will give Harper a win in Ontario.
! ~3 Y4 J; m, h! Q) j$ R/ E' Y$ k/ ?

: `2 G: ]! y. z. e- M7 ^/ s: {* VAmong the four major provinces, Quebec finally remains a wash for the Conservatives. With sovereignty off the agenda, the gloves of the majority of Quebec federalists who dislike Conservative policies are coming off.( j9 p4 J1 y3 f) ~

. V! F: r/ r# \2 e5 x* ~2 S) ~/ C4 {/ n* P6 V
The widest political consensus in Quebec these days involves a collective wish to turn the page on the Harper era. There is no guarantee that the party can even hang on to its five seats next year.
6 v: a$ B/ r: z. A7 G4 N: w. n) Y. `0 d# D
) Z# Q. b7 [8 T; E8 `
This was supposed to be the year when Harper broke through the dark clouds of a Senate scandal by moving forward shiny new policy.
  T6 Q5 @% h: [8 d$ Q) l" u5 w% f. z

( b5 M. L! c# a7 l9 `Things did not work out according to plan.& H  h+ m# ^' Y8 v! [

( s8 n: I; p# h% `0 t' h" j( v
2 C2 p/ z" v, MWhile the fallout from the scandal has been contained, the trust deficit that Harper must overcome between now and next year’s election has steadily increased.! }2 I2 o" ~/ v8 ^

' k$ h) W* Y8 T/ A( @, ]! o/ Z( @6 o; P
Chantal Hébert is a national affairs writer. Her column appears Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.7 E7 E0 @3 o5 Z' P" G' Q, N/ M6 y
鲜花(8) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2014-6-19 08:38 | 显示全部楼层
还有点中文的信息:$ b! l  ]. Y# N4 p/ M

& v; D- o; k& |; I: s! h- J3 r5 p1 [1 z
) [$ o1 ]# _2 W, d9 I. a7 q
: {* n- D  {! q5 q0 d) S7 z1 A8 v 2014年6月19日 06:12 来源:世界日报
! t* z; F2 F$ n7 d# C虽然反对组织信誓旦旦地说要让北方门户油管盖不下去,但根据安雷国际民调公司(Angus Reid Global)在17日联邦进行宣布后立即进行的调查显示,接近七成受访者相信油管终将设立,但对于联邦政府这项决定正确与否的看法分歧。而卑诗省民反对意见明显较强。
. y4 F9 P" s/ J1 s/ @2 }7 W9 {: y" k9 O' D* b, W
6 C. `: m' Q6 V
& l2 X( f4 b) J! E' J4 J3 p0 m9 r$ w3 E$ |
当受访者被问到计划是否正确的问题时意见就相当分歧,认为正确者为37%,不正确为34% ,不知道者为29%。当被问到209项条件是否足够时,约43%认为足够,37%认为不够,两成说不知道。: a* m2 Z' i" b7 I6 ?  M: z1 f2 K
( o# J" h& O$ \/ e# q3 z! j
$ }/ @2 R" U4 ]6 u
. ~* _, O) S. P3 _# a5 m* X  H其他省反对油管最剧烈的是魁北克省民,达四成不认同,安省以35%次之。最支持的省份为萨斯喀彻温省和曼尼托巴省的44%支持率。从政党属性观察,保守党员赞同者达到62%,反对者仅有16%。而自由党赞成者28%,反对者42%。与新民主党的20%赞成和51%反对的数字接近。
9 f) k% T' E5 [; l( C. X4 L' X6 g' M% \  D

* m/ n, l5 t* U" G此次民调在6月17日和18日透过网络对1773位加国成年人士进行调查,正负误差率为2.3%。 & J2 ~# n+ d1 r. |
鲜花(6) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2014-6-19 11:04 | 显示全部楼层
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