埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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发表于 2015-7-28 10:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 夭夭灼灼蓁蓁 于 2015-7-28 11:08 编辑   w& R1 y( K! p& V, u
( v$ c1 a5 y8 Y3 y
ASSIST 西南办公室将于8月12日举办一场“如何申请入籍”的免费讲座,欢迎参加。: x8 ~& X+ s8 Q

$ b( {; T" ^) v讲座举办的地址是Whitemud Library, 讲座语言是英语。讲座详情如下:4 c1 I* _. M# {; M' i! y
% I# l) n& z8 V  E
How to Apply for Citizenship in Canada) \  W5 X9 ^% [9 v4 c( T

2 S' M: J* _2 @. w6 v5 |1 u- USouth Side Settlement Program is hosting a free workshop on “How to Apply for Citizenship in Canada”
  }0 E. M) i; ?% q! O# Z6 W. j( c# P: D
The workshop will include the following topics:
+ D/ w+ p9 x* r. H" G$ {- @8 y/ d●        Eligibility Criteria for Citizenship ! C9 ^9 P) d! T( E
●        Citizenship Application process 0 B% `; A  q2 M6 o
●        Bill C-24
! H1 t+ b; H5 p- D0 i●        Dual Citizenship: n- V( }3 z: l6 \
●        Q & A    $ j: R, z. M- X1 [
                   $ l) }. R' y* M0 s% f' ?
Day & Date: Wednesday, August 12, 2015
' l. ^. z5 Z' r4 i  qTime: 6:30pm to 8:00 pm
' q! |  B) M" wLocation: Edmonton Public Library, 145 Whitemud Crossing Shopping Centre, 4211 - 106 street, T6J 6L7  y- A* a: G4 [0 ^1 |
Language: English3 V6 i9 c/ c# p$ O6 M6 O1 D# U
Max Seating: 30& l% a+ \2 b5 z7 E& @
Registration: Required
. w2 a5 [& H/ p5 UCoordinator:  Amber Khan/Sunny Jeong3 _$ Q& O" q8 a
Contact Email: amber.khan@assistcsc.org  / sunny.jeong@assistcsc.org( C7 x1 p  |& p- e$ Z+ r  R
Guest Speaker: Idowu Ohioze, Barrister & Solicitor, Edmonton Community Legal Centre. k$ ?$ k8 P! Q; T4 R
9 y1 t2 v/ ^8 Q! `4 R% \; f* `
. q" \+ a: J2 H1 v, b4 I
For more information please contact (780) 429-3119
& Y, ^/ c* L5 @# I4 B# W+ n
5 a4 e, r: [2 Z# _4 X# \South Side Settlement Program is a free government-funded program; please bring a copy of your landing document or Permanent Resident card for the purpose of registration.* G, j. ]/ E  ]. V
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