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发表于 2016-5-27 15:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Catholic Social Services
7 i; Q; _: z% v: w8 t$ j8 m1 x/ I' P* L天主教社会服务中心
/ I& m5 P4 {% C4 g; d( R$ G5 C2 [- h. c: V1 s" Q2 s- T
讲座:如何在两地不同文化中扮演父母角色(英语课程)5 t1 Z. n5 h- i: D" T' a/ l; P# y3 j, L' }
+ Q" c8 c/ M" ~6 n% S& m
时间:持续课程(共六个课堂)% D- P' c* x0 b  v6 t# f
逢星期四:六月九日、六月十六日、六月二十三日、六月三十日、七月七日、七月十四日1 z/ L3 e! ?8 N" h$ l2 e
. a/ X2 |3 E- C  d$ C0 R. i0 Q地点:Intercultural Centre, McCauley School, 9538 107 Ave
8 d4 L# Y1 k" A5 [- U$ m费用:全免       
. ^7 H6 m8 q! ^语言:英语(可提供中文翻译,请于登记时要求中文翻译服务)               
1 J% [( |' P8 o: g提供茶点及照顾儿童服务9 t% m' [2 B) Y
参加者必需出席全部六个课堂才可获得证书5 X, \  c# v% l" ~$ k9 x
. |; j1 D" Q& P
如何在两地不同文化中扮演父母角色旨在为新移民及难民家庭提供以下讯息:7 H) F9 S( j' l' F& a' P
-探索在加拿大如何从自己的种族有效地扮演父母的角色3 q8 Y: w' ^" _# A
4 y! _: L6 z/ Q0 {9 e" u7 g-探索有效的沟通方法& ?! v6 S) X/ r5 J/ k" H: A
  k! t: S. L; f/ e-了解正面管教及怎样运用$ y1 w5 }  L+ k* L4 j6 y
-正视家庭暴力问题" q3 o, m" n& Q9 s
- L  U# [5 g; o; s3 `- L# D6 [: S: x8 _" L( M- R
有興趣人士,必須致电予:Isolde Schmid 780-391-3267(直線、英语)、email 至:isolde.schmid@cssalberta.ca或致电予Diana Mora 780-391-3220 (直線、英语)、email 至:diana.mora@cssalberta.ca作預先登記
: U, t1 p' f3 b/ m# R由于座位有限,必须预先登记。登记以先到先得的方法为准则。
& U$ z; }- `! U: C8 }/ V++++++++++++++++++++++/ z1 K7 a9 u0 m4 o$ |$ F- H# K+ C
" m' h5 `- ?5 I# ^( X' Q
Parenting in 2 Cultures Program+ G9 m. G/ {( G. R, s1 s9 V
Interpretation provided
/ K7 j) V4 N& N( X# l. t+ ]+ y1 QWhen:                6 Thursdays: June 9, 16, 23, 30, July 7, 14, 2016*       
$ c6 v) s# J6 ~- i9 m. x. WTime:                 11am – 2pm
0 l3 k7 ^: T2 I( L: Y! f0 I9 Z6 pWhere:           Intercultural Centre, McCauley School 9538 - 107 Ave% q7 l$ }$ E9 K$ ^1 f' h. a
Child-minding & Refreshments Provided.
$ s1 W4 H( ]7 ~/ p% K8 I5 pThe Parenting in 2 Cultures program provides an opportunity
+ ^/ V* v! S: S& o8 ^for immigrant/refugee parents to:
, E6 Y- [7 v  V( i4 |- F% \: t•        Find out how to parent effectively in the Canadian context while drawing strengths from your own ethnic identity.
. ]" a. U- b! x& ], P, C3 B•        Explore ways to build trusting and supportive relationships with your children.& }1 a8 y( i" P. z. t3 b
•        Discover opportunities to effectively communicate in our families and communities.
: k% e5 @( v( g. Z•        Explore parenting strategies and problem solving from each other.& j  q$ X* N  p$ \7 y
•        Strengthen support networks by connecting with other parents.# L5 J5 u2 x* l+ C1 l

* K; i& G( D" T4 m8 r! BFor further information on upcoming courses or to register please contact:
. \6 p1 P$ V" P3 @* _Isolde Schmid at:  780-391-3267, email:   isolde.schmid@cssalberta.ca
) t  v, i! i9 @, g! D8 ]) qDiana Mora at: 780-391-3220, email:   diana.mora@cssalberta.ca" u- R+ v- D/ ?0 [9 I1 Z
Registration is on a first-come, first-serve basis
$ y7 s% J5 h$ m# {' `*Participants are expected to attend all 6 sessions to receive a certificate.: [) }/ L3 Y: z8 C3 O5 I3 w% M
4 x8 ~1 D0 D( O' o4 W" F% T# q
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