埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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发表于 2017-8-2 07:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 夭夭灼灼蓁蓁 于 2017-8-2 09:17 编辑 ; }7 W: b: C0 X" _- W5 J
  I- B+ i' B( _: n# u
优秀的简历和求职信是帮助你获得面试机会的关键。ASSIST 西南办公室将于近期举办一场讲座,教您如何书写简历和求职信。如果你正在积极努力地寻找工作,我们邀请你来参加这个讲座。 * k. ~% q0 t; l4 x5 l6 g( a
1 t" d6 ~  O/ q+ M0 _
" S# h1 w# a# T* _

$ ^) e7 @6 a4 f. c# ]/ H2 E3 k% D
讲座面向人员: 永久居民/ 受保护人士/ 持有工签的住家保姆

. A6 ~5 |7 e; }
( B* _% r# q* H8 _/ G日期: 2017年8月19日 (周六)
1 b1 ~9 m, V" b$ @3 C/ x时间: 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
" ?" e& d: L: ^- Y地址: ASSIST 西南办公室 (Unit 2, 810 Saddleback Road)0 z2 e/ ^- V% Q7 Y+ o
语言:英语, |' r- s7 I: z9 X' y# x6 W+ {9 f
费用: 免费
& \. U! p- X/ d; ]! a' k5 l& S. K3 a
讲座内容:; [7 E1 K" ]7 l# M# O2 @0 _& Y
简历和求职信的书写格式4 B  X( ^3 T+ d# Y! K
& ?# L1 r. O# Q# W如何使简历满足招聘启事的要求
) y+ S+ v  I: i1 i" d如何得体地递交申请
0 t2 x0 I; e& |' K如何联络雇主以后续跟进; K8 [+ x# V4 p( Q

* A# t+ Y' i' b0 [6 P! B请拨打电话780-429-3119以了解详情或报名登记
4 v4 }& o: N4 ^' x- `8 Y
) `" ^  Q+ c% Q7 W" x: b- Q5 F* j; S2 F酌情免费提供公交车票; w! \7 ~' `( Z6 f. E& h
免费停车% r' G4 a1 I# A
; N* M! O6 t, Y+ K' ?/ ?. p& }! J8 l
+ q/ T+ r. b; X: s5 U9 M3 L前来参加讲座时请携带您的枫叶卡/登陆纸,或住家保姆工作许可证,或难民申请资格确认信(Letter3 f+ K5 ~' {7 k0 |2 i
of Acceptance for Refugee Claimant)。

6 ~' o+ J5 g( x- w! q- X) R7 Z* `6 G0 t0 T6 l" h; m8 n& [& z
" {; N% c$ ~9 c4 bASSIST Community Services Centre 为加拿大新移民提供政府资助的安顿和就业辅导服务。请访问我们的网站获取更多资讯: www.assistcsc.org., P* Q5 v$ A- B

$ m$ c* h7 J2 H! \' f+ ?9 N4 L8 h6 r. \6 Y$ E
Writing Effective Resumes and Cover Letters

7 j: R  g; `7 r: c: S
Permanent Residents/ Protected Persons/ Live in Caregivers with Temporary Work Permit

  K5 D2 w6 f3 G$ V3 c0 Q+ g5 e1 k& ^
Cover letter and resume are key documents which help you to receive interview invitation. If you are actively looking for jobs, you are encouraged to attend this workshop.
8 Q) K# R5 K" }, r/ E4 d) J
- l+ C" |3 m/ W% Y+ @Date: August 19 , 2017 (Saturday)& p1 D- G* [; P/ N' l
Time: 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
" z# @/ C, E8 N* o$ r6 @Location: Southwest Office (Unit 2, 810 Saddleback Road)
, D- _. {* V% z4 k; h' b8 I+ }Language: English* i) r  m6 J# Q/ f1 I+ p+ l  p
Fee: Free
  ~2 w; n9 o& g% O
$ ]7 @6 Y0 l9 e- U; m- v% {For registration, please contact 780-429-3119  h- Z- g2 `, D# n2 l% l
3 f& c3 B0 K! @; _6 v- b! t+ X
You will learn:
3 F2 v, V+ t; l  V1 E! hTemplates for resume and cover letter* H7 F4 l" B0 R9 E! E$ X
How to use key words to attract employers’ attention
% Q- P7 a/ J0 ?( J& C$ _0 aHow to match resume with job posting
* p" K! O! B4 n( y  V, tHow to submit your application professionally& }+ T% |& L: |
How to follow up with recruiters/HR/ K4 F* [3 r+ E/ q4 J0 H$ _( O7 P+ z

1 z6 Z% h, t9 K' q2 ?5 d3 aPlease bring your Permanent Resident Card or Confirmation of Permanent Residency in Canada, Work Permit for Live-In Caregiver and Letter of Acceptance for Refugee Claimant.
  ?2 e  u$ G- p& y' }# T/ A+ q( {& B1 z3 \  t
ASSIST Community Services Centre offers government-funded settlement and employment services for newcomers to Canada. Visit us online for more information: www.assistcsc.org." {1 C/ ?3 }% K- V# t. @: V& _
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