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埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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Fort McMurray Downtown one bedroom Apartment for rent.Sept01.

鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2018-7-20 16:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Downtown Richard Street, # `; q; Y9 I% g/ D4 b. ?* Q
Located close to shops downtown, MacDonald Island, Golf Course, banks, restaurants% u3 ?" f  G4 Y( d( R  v
Close to bus stops
0 u5 k8 V& r& u" M& g$ M( y7 [Easily accessible to nearby services without vehicle* |" S$ J# V! R% r3 Q
Spacious and very quiet  1 Bedroom/1 Bathroom/880 Sqft. Ideal for professionals or couples
0 x* `: u# g9 ?: s+ ^  \& [2 i/ Funfurnished Condo on the second floor# `. F" W5 D9 P/ P- ?3 Q
Very clean and newly renovated with ensuite laundry  3 w: x2 ]1 I5 @
Heated Underground Parking
0 D( M2 N# K3 b7 H/ OThere is also a GYM ROOM in the building and nature gas BBQ on balcony. 6 i) L1 a/ R; M/ D+ B0 Z
1,350 per month all includes( heat, water,  underground parking
. c. y8 [6 K+ z8 B9 z$ o' [Please text or call: 587-646-0749 (will respond within 24 hours) for viewing.
7 r, s5 f8 [: n( o2 F2 |
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