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鲁迅 明天 英文

鲜花(152) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2022-10-24 08:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
TOMORROW% K  m' M+ Y; b5 l, Q, X) ~

2 L6 j) ~0 J1 r- N% p/ ^8 C4 V- E! D+ g5 Q7 R5 T
"Not a sound—what's wrong with the kid?"( s6 @8 E9 S2 E' q; O5 l+ P! N, k

  A, j6 y5 ~1 j8 xA bowl of yellow wine in his hands, Red-nosed Kung jerked his head towards the next house as he spoke. Blue-skinned Ah-wu set down his own bowl and punched the other hard in the back.
" o5 T) e) s. ~9 j% d7 O. B
, i4 J3 W! H# M" P  u3 c"Bah ..." he growled thickly. "Going sentimental again!"
* y6 |9 f# `! \/ z5 F
6 {! F- W, q( o& v' ]& V+ a  ?Being so out-of-the-way, Luchen was rather old-fashioned. Folk closed their doors and went to bed before the first watch sounded. By midnight there were only two households awake. Prosperity Tavern where a few gluttons guzzled merrily round the bar, and the house next door where Fourth Shan's Wife lived. Left a widow two years earlier, she had nothing but the cotton-yarn she spun to support herself and her threeyear-old boy; this is why she also slept late.
4 e1 t$ v/ V* E/ ]0 b5 j' J4 F( u/ ]9 n
It was a fact that for several days now there had been no sound of spinning. But since only two households were awake at midnight, Old Kung and the others were naturally the only ones who would notice if there were any sound from Fourth Shan's Wife's house, and the only ones to notice if there were no sound.% j& N' o0 i# e" ~$ q0 J7 w/ r2 y
' A3 n- U9 |) `
After being punched, Old Kung—looking quite at his ease—took a great swig at his wine and piped up a folk tune.# g8 N2 |8 ~8 u" f: L
8 s5 L0 v9 Y- Z- e# D  t3 k
Meanwhile Fourth Shan's Wife was sitting on the edge of her bed, Pao-erh—her treasure—in her arms, while her loom stood silent on the floor. The murky lamplight fell on Paoerh's face, which showed livid beneath a feverish flush.
  \' m- h  r% r( P; x& {5 D
& v' q/ H, I0 C+ q"I've drawn lots before the shrine," she was thinking. "I've made a vow to the gods, he's taken the guaranteed cure. If he still doesn't get better, what can I do? I shall have to take him to Dr. Ho Hsiao-hsien. But maybe Pao-erh's only bad at night; when the sun comes out tomorrow his fever may go and he may breathe more easily again. A lot of illnesses are like that.") J0 \. L8 [( X8 Y1 I: X$ x
5 }& {9 n& {1 P( y9 N$ T! ], s  R
Fourth Shan's Wife was a simple woman, who did not know what a fearful word "but" is. Thanks to this "but," many bad things turn out well, many good things turn out badly. A summer night is short. Soon after Old Kung and the others stopped singing the sky grew bright in the east; and presently through the cracks in the window filtered the silvery light of dawn.
; v3 h1 ^3 E$ @# T
1 J6 G* g& j2 L, L7 T/ l. P  a% V8 M 2 o+ f# A; ~7 T, z0 h2 H
4 o% u# c- S' t  S& _1 C
Waiting for the dawn was not such a simple matter for Fourth Shan's Wife as for other people. The time dragged terribly slowly: each breath Pao-erh took seemed to last at least a year. But now at last it was bright. Clear daylight swallowed up the lamplight. Pao-erh's nostrils quivered as he gasped for breath.& p& @7 X/ {2 ]' Z0 E
' X* ~5 Q0 A0 o# S3 C8 i4 |3 Y
Fourth Shan's Wife smothered a cry, for she knew that this boded ill. But what could she do? she wondered. Her only hope was to take him to Dr. Ho. She might be a simple woman, but she had a will of her own. She stood up, went to the cupboard, and took out her entire savings—thirteen small silver dollars and a hundred and eighty coppers in all. Having put the whole lot in her pocket, she locked the door and carried Pao-erh as fast as she could to Dr. Ho's house.9 H& ?3 b; u2 A! k2 s* G
: s5 A; t& p" [$ a
Early as it was, there were already four patients sitting there. She produced forty silver cents for a registration slip, and Pao-erh was the fifth to be seen. Dr. Ho stretched out two fingers to feel the child's pulses. His nails were a good four inches long, and Fourth Shan's Wife marvelled inwardly, thinking: "Surely my Pao-erh must be fated to live!" She could not help feeling anxious all the same, and could not stop herself asking nervously:
# n' l- `9 B( ?& U: a$ I, n" w
% U7 j! v- s* G5 q"What's wrong with my Pao-erh, doctor?"
* S- E- H, Y9 B! M/ D4 {# O! o' w& v& I/ T" W
"An obstruction of the digestive tract."+ c  U% [, }" r$ l) S

8 \  j# ]# V) {, Q9 z- S"Is it serious? Will he . . .?"7 ?9 t. J) M( V) B

8 Y; s+ D& Y0 w1 Q7 w( i# u; j"Take these two prescriptions to start with."  W6 s0 O* g) K8 E

! A) j5 z5 W' Z- a/ W"He can't breathe, his nostrils are twitching."
8 e% `5 N# F! o5 Y% L0 {
+ L8 P5 J+ x+ \& U" L# j"The element of fire overpowers that of metal. . . ."
) `. I& Z$ x# _+ k; C* u& L4 J+ @$ Z
Leaving this sentence unfinished, Dr. Ho closed his eyes; and Fourth Shan's Wife did not like to say any more. Opposire the doctor sat a man in his thirties, who had now finished making out the prescription.
) k1 E+ v4 S5 P1 q2 \$ g% i5 f* d1 {& M, m1 P
"The first is Infant Preserver Pills," he told her, pointing to the characters in one corner of the paper. "You can get those only at the Chin family's Salvation Shop."
1 \  ~( N" \- y3 C6 f( W; `2 N& }0 q, x1 }7 z6 w  s2 x( H% J
Fourth Shan's Wife took the paper, and walked out thinking as she went. She might he a simple woman, but she knew Dr. Ho's house, Salvation Shop and her own home formed a triangle; so of course it would he simpler to buy the medicine first before going back. She hurried as fast as she could to Salvation Shop. The assistant raised his long finger-nails too as he slowly read the prescription, then slowly wrapped up the medicine. With Pao-erh in her arms, Fourth Shan's Wife waited. Suddenly Pao-erh stretched up a little hand and tugged at his loose tuft of hair. He had never done this before, and his mother was terrified.
+ Y0 ^0 C" ]) j# j8 G; i  b
& q& b$ D3 N7 k+ uThe sun was fairly high now. With the child in her arms and the package of medicine to carry, the further she walked the heavier she found her load. The child kept struggling too, which made the way seem even longer. She had to sit down on the door-step of a big house by the roadside to rest for a while; and presently her clothes lay so clammy against her skin that she realized she had been swearing. But Pao-erh seemed fast asleep. When she stood up again to walk slowly on, she still found him too heavy. A voice beside her said:
7 h- i& ?6 N" X9 K8 Q3 O( i) C; H8 ?& |5 C8 h5 D$ c
"Let me take him for you, Fourth Shan's Wife!" It sounded like Blue-skinned Ah-wu.5 v2 f5 X* w& U' F' @( ~8 d

; }" k: F9 w2 K# m& _When she looked up, sure enough it was Ah-wu, who was following her with eyes still heavy from sleep.2 i$ ^2 e7 v) @. c

0 j* R7 t3 Z2 w! wThough Fourth Shan's Wife had been longing for an angel to come to her rescue, she had not wanted her champion to be Ah-wu. But there was something of the gallant about Ah-wu, for he absolutely insisted on helping her; and at last, after several refusals, she gave way. As he stretched his arm between her breast and the child, then thrust it down to take over Pao-erh, she felt a wave of heat along her breast. She flushed right up to her ears.
- h& |8 _8 L5 G1 n/ v; v# o8 ?9 b$ }
" \& O/ ^* n) e  U7 D: }! p4 C7 lThey walked along, two and a half feet apart. Ah-wu made some remarks, most of which Fourth Shan's Wife left unanswered. They had not gone far when he gave the child back to her, saying he had arranged yesterday to have a meal at this time with a friend. Fourth Shan's Wife took Pao-erh back. Luckily it wasn't far now: already she could see Ninth Aunt Wang sitting at the side of the street. She called out:
6 c% D8 M. b3 D1 O6 f5 O3 ^% m6 P' c
  m, a- ~  W# ~' \* p+ P7 D"Fourth Shan's Wife, how's the child?
0 P) A! J" o+ X% Y* e
2 w" A4 C5 E+ W. A2 r4 J  UDid you get to see the doctor?". P5 l: P  c4 M" f  @# s, }. [( Z

6 ]- H0 s  L1 O, Z2 n+ |" i"We saw him . . . Ninth Aunt Wang, you're old and you've seen a lot. Will you look him over for me, and say what you think,?"
9 y/ a6 q: h0 C* K6 K3 H1 ~0 f- e$ @) Z) k+ h3 H6 V- {7 d
"Um."6 h$ l" z! p3 [  V' P4 A

1 s0 h* B# h( N( I. v' z"Well. . .?"3 _+ _: z8 z5 Q* \( d( E& B

- ?8 u3 _; i0 k5 @; V- Y0 {3 F1 U"Ummm. . . ." .! q; F& O" W- H: B- i+ y. q/ H

$ p5 U* K0 |+ X# j5 f4 D0 w; Q, [When Ninth Aunt Wang had examined Pao-erh, she nodded her head twice, then shook it twice.! Q2 Y& S7 ]4 z: z* b1 K$ ~! r

! j% R5 }- W. ^) ]( i. qBy the time Pao-erh had taken his medicine it was after noon. Fourth Shan's Wife watched him closely, and he did seem a good deal quieter. In the afternoon he suddenly opened his eyes and called: "Ma!" Then he closed his eyes again and seemed to be sleeping. He had not slept long before his forehead and the tip of his nose were beaded with sweat, which, when his mother felt it, stuck to her fingers like glue. In a panic she felt his chest, then burst out sobbing.) e3 c$ j2 e" z0 v5 J
+ O. H' D" d  L0 l8 N4 R, J# c; C
After quieting down, his breathing had stopped completely. After sobbing, she started wailing. Soon groups of people gathered: inside the room Ninth Aunt Wang, Blue-skinned Ah-wu and the like; outside others like the landlord of Prosperity Tavern and Red-nosed Kong. Ninth Aunt Wang decreed that a string of paper coins should be burned; then, taking two stools and five articles of clothing as security, she borrowed two dollars for Fourth Shan's Wife to prepare a meal for all those who were helping.
( o" E0 j8 X  T6 q5 w2 i
7 s: o6 j! Q& e* g" [/ y  w: eThe first problem was the coffin. Fourth Shan's Wife still had a pair of silver ear-rings and a silver hair-pin plated with gold, which she gave to the landlord of Prosperity Tavern so that he would go surety for her and buy a coffin half for cash, half on credit. Blue-skinned Ah-wu raised his hand to volunteer to help, but Ninth Aunt Wang would not hear of it. All she would let him do was carry the coffin the next day. "Old bitch!" he cursed, and stood there grumpily pursing his lips. The landlord left, coming back that evening to report that the coffin would have to be specially made, and would nor be ready till nearly morning.
5 T& C; Z& E+ ]# a) f
- ^0 G1 ^/ t3 |; E" Z9 o& ~By the time the landlord came back the other helpers had finished their meal. And Luchen being rather old-fashioned, they all went home to sleep before the first watch. Only Ah-wu leaned on the bar of Prosperity Tavern drinking, while Old Kong croaked a song.
9 [- w3 Z0 n( W5 @. j! X6 ~) c: G' Y* A0 t$ A4 D
Meanwhile Fourth Shan's Wife sat on the edge of the bed crying. Pao-erh lay on the bed, and the loom stood silent on the floor. After a long time, when Fourth Shan's Wife had no more tears to shed, she opened her eyes wide, and looked around in amazement. All this was impossible! "This is only a dream," she thought. "It's all a dream. I shall wake up tomorrow lying snug in bed, with Pao-erh sleeping snugly beside me. Then he'll wake and call: 'Ma!' and jump down like a young tiger to play."
- v! I3 J3 ]' r1 p% X! H) w2 \8 ~+ ]
Old Kong had long since stopped singing, and the light had gone Out in Prosperity Tavern. Fourth Shan's Wife sat staring, but could not believe all that had happened. A cock crowed, the sky grew bright in the east, and through the cracks in the window filtered the silvery light of dawn.
$ q* B# Q% n- A: F7 O1 C/ j! u; d6 N$ @) F( ^
By degrees the silvery light of dawn turned copper, and the sun shone on the roof. Fourth Shan's Wife sat there staring till someone knocked, when she gave a start and ran to open the door. A stranger was there with something on his back, and behind him stood Ninth Aunt Wang.0 ]5 v9 Z* q8 y0 ^! Z2 n' L. G
1 X& ?, @1 L* L# x' [5 G* D' \
Oh, it was the coffin he'd brought!
* f$ C& E2 A7 Q8 ^: k3 N+ ?) m' ]# i& y- d" |9 v

+ o, w3 }- E% f& ^( z7 n) S: s5 ~' K* Y( P4 L' H1 t5 F8 H
Not till that afternoon was the lid of the coffin put on, because Fourth Shan's Wife kept crying, then taking a look, and could nor bear to have the lid closed down. Luckily, Ninth Aunt Wang grew tired of waiting, hurried forward indignantly and pulled her aside. Then they hastily closed it.
5 \# D' J6 v2 h
$ n! s9 O: I! V6 e3 wFourth Shan's Wife had really done all she could for her Pao-erh—nothing had been forgotten. The previous day she had burned a string of paper coins, this morning she had burned the forty-nine books of the Incantation of Great Mercy, and before putting him in the coffin she had dressed him in his newest clothes and set by his pillow all the toys he liked best—a little clay figure, two small wooden bowls, two glass bottles. Though Ninth Aunt Wang reckoned carefully on her fingers, even then she could not think of anything they had forgotten." Q( v  w2 R0 ^# j' C
( \" b! z1 j; I! ]  a6 i
Since Blue-skinned Ah-wu did not turn up all day, the landlord of Prosperity Tavern hired two porters for Fourth Shan's Wife at 210 large coppers each, who carried the coffin to the public graveyard and dug a grave. Ninth Aunt Wang helped her prepare a meal to which everyone who had lifted a finger or opened his mouth was invited. Soon the sun made it clear that it was about to set, and the guests unwittingly made it clear that they were about to leave—home they all went.: }  m+ Y7 v7 d/ @

+ R2 |" d, W; D+ d: `Fourth Shan's Wife felt dizzy at first, but after a little rest she quietened down. At once, though, she had the impression that things were rather strange. Something which had never happened to her before, and which she had thought never could happen, had happened. The more she thought, the
2 C! Z7 o% v5 `+ `1 V9 ]' a' h, c( @& e# U8 H
more surprised she felt, and another thing that struck her as rather strange was the fact that the room had suddenly grown too silent., y5 j* \: `& Y. O  D( K5 k3 J7 F/ i

/ s( [& A2 X4 Y, i/ Z0 n5 e7 f5 hAfter she stood up and lit the lamp, the room seemed even more silent. She groped her way over to close the door, came back and sat on the bed, while the loom stood silent on the floor. She pulled herself together and looked around, feeling unable either to sit or stand. The room was not only too silent, it was far too big as well, and the things in it were far too empty. This overlarge room hemmed her in, and the emptiness all around bore hard on her, till she could hardly breathe.
- {, N4 v' B6 O+ S/ R2 i" j( N5 t2 e& C, K/ {8 V
She knew now her Pao-erh was really dead; and, nor wanting to see this room, she blew out the light and lay down to cry and think. She remembered how Pao-erh had sat by her side when she spun, eating peas flavoured with aniseed. He had watched her intently with his small black eyes and thought. "Ma!" he suddenly said. "Dad sold hun tun. When I'm big I'll sell hun tun too, and make lots and lots of money—and I'll give it all to you."
6 p" Y  }, W3 f9 B% L
( s, P8 @  D) P" x* A+ {5 aAt such times even every inch of yarn she spun seemed worthwhile and alive. But what now? Fourth Shan's Wife had not considered the present at all—as I have said, she was only a simple woman. What solution could she think of? All she knew was that this room was too silent, too large, too empty.4 D2 r: I' Y' |1 z: l
* h, s7 e0 @2 H  f
But even though Fourth Shan's Wife was a simple woman, she knew the dead cannot come to life again, and she would never see her Pao-erh any more. She sighed and said: "Paoerh, you must still be here. Let me see you in my dreams." Then she closed her eyes, hoping to fall asleep at once so that she could see Pao-erh. She heard her own hard breathing clearly in the silence, the vastness and emptiness.
! h2 R" {6 [6 o. O! ]; ]) d, I1 _% Q/ ^6 b
Ar last Fourth Shan's Wife dozed off, and the whole room was very still. Red-nosed Kung's folk song had long since ended, and he had staggered out of Prosperity Tavern to sing in a falsetto:
! e$ Z) k& d( \8 @$ A5 c3 d2 a  d- V) E* d8 D7 n# e3 p
"I pity you—my darling—all alone. . . ."# h2 u; y! K& e" }

) ]8 Y/ B& J6 }! r$ ?Blue-skinned Ah-wu grabbed Old Kung's shoulder, and laughing tipsily they reeled away together.2 O# @0 I- M5 {2 R3 |
* T+ q0 S0 i0 {5 L3 U3 J5 d0 D
Fourth Shan's Wife was asleep, Old Kung and the others had gone, the door of Prosperity Tavern was closed. Luchen was sunk in utter silence. Only the night, eager to change into the morrow, was journeying on in the silence; and, hidden in the darkness, a few dogs were barking.
$ q8 d+ a( ?9 V3 _% Z
  {3 v4 @* c3 @2 }" y. t8 j5 U# }
" S! @/ o" H8 z
& q1 Y# c) a$ ]* i8 U9 a______
4 P8 i* m4 z7 t5 p* D
) I7 Y" e2 @7 A% d: e[Note: element] The ancient Chinese believed that there were five elements: fire, wood, earth, metal and water. Fire could conquer metal. The traditional Chinese doctors also considered that the heart, lungs, liver, spleen and kidney corresponded to the five elements. Here, Dr. Ho is saying that heart trouble had affected the lungs.  m$ W/ i- J+ z# _6 V. |3 R4 H

) U+ v: B( c  T0 I% n8 c6 z[Note: Incantations] A Buddhist chant.
+ d! n' S+ q/ E/ i: z
! G( H4 h3 F9 o/ ]; p[Note: hun tun] Dumplings stuffed with meat and boiled in soup.- R; |' B" i6 g4 r; L

9 W* f6 {  }% e
7 [8 j  ]1 i5 b( w0 Z5 T4 Z3 |* u# {7 e7 A" {6 W2 {
June 1920
鲜花(152) 鸡蛋(1)
 楼主| 发表于 2022-10-24 08:30 | 显示全部楼层
“没有声音,——小东西怎了?”- j: v1 o! e. G& Z) _- T& B
( y+ t* l4 a. b6 B& h0 P
红鼻子老拱手里擎了一碗黄酒,说着,向间壁努一努嘴。蓝皮阿五便放下酒碗,在他脊梁上用死劲的打了一掌,含含糊糊嚷道:! ^+ l9 {; I) Q* [0 O
0 `! w- f; s4 p) H& n& L5 s+ s9 h
“你……你你又在想心思……。”1 i/ D" f! ?9 h6 m7 N. @

' D" L: d% e: F$ g) ?原来鲁镇是僻静地方,还有些古风:不上一更,大家便都关门睡觉。深更半夜没有睡的只有两家:一家是咸亨酒店,几个酒肉朋友围着柜台,吃喝得正高兴;一家便是间壁的单四嫂子,他自从前年守了寡,便须专靠着自己的一双手纺出棉纱来,养活他自己和他三岁的儿子,所以睡的也迟。
' U1 p9 }+ j7 _  i4 f; I$ B) ?3 Y/ I2 _; ~  \* p) ?
这几天,确凿没有纺纱的声音了。但夜深没有睡的既然只有两家,这单四嫂子家有声音,便自然只有老拱们听到,没有声音,也只有老拱们听到。% a* ]  H8 [4 \3 ^" M7 [8 n

& I% o; L) P# T老拱挨了打,仿佛很舒服似的喝了一大口酒,呜呜的唱起小曲来。1 A# v: p0 `, v  b

: ?6 t6 {+ S- E+ v; K" Y这时候,单四嫂子正抱着他的宝儿,坐在床沿上,纺车静静的立在地上。黑沉沉的灯光,照着宝儿的脸,绯红里带一点青。单四嫂子心里计算:神签也求过了,愿心也许过了,单方也吃过了,要是还不见效,怎么好?——那只有去诊何小仙了。但宝儿也许是日轻夜重,到了明天,太阳一出,热也会退,气喘也会平的:这实在是病人常有的事。  h- b* ~' v& |

4 b* H7 h3 _" M' L) a单四嫂子是一个粗笨女人,不明白这“但”字的可怕:许多坏事固然幸亏有了他才变好,许多好事却也因为有了他都弄糟。夏天夜短,老拱们呜呜的唱完了不多时,东方已经发白;不一会,窗缝里透进了银白色的曙光。
! z- Q. N" ~5 C+ Y+ \; K6 J
+ z" v* W" p. @* c$ k5 E" ?7 T* @单四嫂子等候天明,却不像别人这样容易,觉得非常之慢,宝儿的一呼吸,几乎长过一年。现在居然明亮了;天的明亮,压倒了灯光,——看见宝儿的鼻翼,已经一放一收的扇动。
/ n# U$ C. u- }0 u# D( ?# x; b. @0 r$ r$ U" `! O1 w
9 [; G( ^2 G4 q; @- o  Y3 ^- Q1 H4 E( j1 D. v
5 [& f( z5 Q% _1 V# x
; R1 L8 o) F; n: |4 c. M“先生,——我家的宝儿什么病呀?”
" g: Q" w: C4 c6 W2 d7 V$ J8 V; V' R
9 a( S  ]# u, W/ e& z/ ^3 C
0 W3 E+ l2 o9 \  S$ U- ^# W“不妨事么? 他……”6 i# f- s, i" P; T) y- M

6 K; `! ?3 o% L9 G& @+ j“先去吃两帖。”
( f5 i) i4 \: v; n/ }8 f* `( z  E4 C  L, K7 K) v6 k5 S2 f9 a9 r6 O
“他喘不过气来,鼻翅子都扇着呢。”) x- G/ M/ ?1 E% W4 m5 J
. G, j8 e5 Z4 h9 B2 S1 P
“这是火克金……”$ i+ Q5 W* `0 c, ?) S/ d
5 U& s+ `8 B9 u1 T( k/ e
何小仙说了半句话,便闭上眼睛;单四嫂子也不好意思再问。在何小仙对面坐着的一个三十多岁的人,此时已经开好一张药方,指着纸角上的几个字说道:2 B& j& o/ ~$ Y

5 X& C4 v) K$ x* ?“这第一味保婴活命丸,须是贾家济世老店才有!”+ S, [! B, S: d! f6 O2 E) z- Q

2 b# R$ b+ t, {$ ]单四嫂子接过药方,一面走,一面想。他虽是粗笨女人,却知道何家与济世老店与自己的家,正是一个三角点;自然是买了药回去便宜了。于是又径向济世老店奔过去。店伙也翘了长指甲慢慢的看方,慢慢的包药。单四嫂子抱了宝儿等着;宝儿忽然擎起小手来,用力拔他散乱着的一绺头发,这是从来没有的举动,单四嫂子怕得发怔。
# U% U  D% \7 z  q6 i$ o7 S+ |1 d  _- W( n) T1 }
太阳早出了。单四嫂子抱了孩子,带着药包,越走觉得越重;孩子又不住的挣扎,路也觉得越长。没奈何坐在路旁一家公馆的门槛上,休息了一会,衣服渐渐的冰着肌肤,才知道自己出了一身汗; 宝儿却仿佛睡着了。他再起来慢慢地走,仍然支撑不得,耳朵边忽然听得人说:
$ ?& Q4 D% C$ \+ }
7 M7 Y0 ?" U5 v; o9 o& @% K“单四嫂子,我替你抱勃罗!”似乎是蓝皮阿五的声音。
, R  a( K6 s  |. I/ W* e& h, [, R$ G
, D" a) O  D) r* ?9 I- m" d他抬头看时,正是蓝皮阿五,睡眼朦胧的跟着他走。- Q9 H! M4 f& J- N* d3 k$ }2 g' N
2 ]6 W. k' o0 y4 f
4 [- T/ I2 P6 U
. T& \- }& n# R+ O( ~& j  q他们两人离开了二尺五寸多地,一同走着。阿五说些话,单四嫂子却大半没有答。走了不多时候,阿五又将孩子还给他,说是昨天与朋友约定的吃饭时候到了;单四嫂子便接了孩子。幸而不远便是家,早看见对门的王九妈在街边坐着,远远地说话:
: G3 z, Q( j2 |9 a
& Y5 t4 D+ {; @  s6 o“单四嫂子,孩子怎了?——看过先生了么?”; K- ]4 j: C8 X8 j

5 u, E9 [' L8 U+ g+ v; H3 p“看是看了。——王九妈,你有年纪,见的多,不如请你老法眼看一看,怎样……”" K2 y2 O' W. M+ u, v3 S

$ b0 O! P, M, o8 V“唔……”! [2 s4 F% j( @+ e
" t2 `0 {9 ?: T7 O6 \6 B9 C
“怎样……?”$ l) o8 Y8 Z( R7 L3 Z/ n
' j/ T  f1 ?" E. f2 N) t& S
/ q# P0 B3 I# c/ h9 S) G
4 r3 @) ^# g: H- [5 F" E8 I宝儿吃下药,已经是午后了。单四嫂子留心看他神情,似乎仿佛平稳了不少;到得下午,忽然睁开眼叫一声“妈!”又仍然合上眼,像是睡去了。他睡了一刻,额上鼻尖都沁出一粒一粒的汗珠,单四嫂子轻轻一摸,胶水般粘着手; 慌忙去摸胸口,便禁不住呜咽起来。
% G" L- \. P  i. }$ J7 |
7 L! `  W7 c$ W' Z) C宝儿的呼吸从平稳变到没有,单四嫂子的声音也就从呜咽变成号咷。这时聚集了几堆人: 门内是王九妈蓝皮阿五之类,门外是咸亨的掌柜和红鼻子老拱之类。王九妈便发命令,烧了一串纸钱;又将两条板凳和五件衣服作抵,替单四嫂子借了两块洋钱,给帮忙的人备饭。, u) s% U7 _8 h% q9 r+ S6 b

, [  ^- ^, P, I( L) X" r. I  |第一个问题是棺木。单四嫂子还有一副银耳环和一支裹金的银簪,都交给了咸亨的掌柜,托他作一个保,半现半赊的买一具棺木。蓝皮阿五也伸出手来,很愿意自告奋勇;王九妈却不许他,只准他明天抬棺材的差使,阿五骂了一声“老畜生”,怏怏的努了嘴站着。掌柜便自去了;晚上回来,说棺木须得现做,后半夜才成功。; ^/ R0 G: t- f/ w

5 t( N. ]1 U$ g掌柜回来的时候,帮忙的人早吃过饭;因为鲁镇还有些古风,所以不上一更,便都回家睡觉了。只有阿五还靠着咸亨的柜台喝酒,老拱也呜呜的唱。
8 w% a; A( r* K) \
( W/ ^& Q# M5 k这时候,单四嫂子坐在床沿上哭着,宝儿在床上躺着,纺车静静的在地上立着。许多工夫,单四嫂子的眼泪宣告完结了,眼睛张得很大,看看四面的情形,觉得奇怪:所有的都是不会有的事。他心里计算:不过是梦罢了,这些事都是梦。明天醒过来,自己好好的睡在床上,宝儿也好好的睡在自己身边。他也醒过来,叫一声“妈”,生龙活虎似的跳去玩了。: B$ `, _8 V0 Q; L
5 O- {# `4 U/ I* H6 X! f& `
老拱的歌声早经寂静,咸亨也熄了灯。单四嫂子张着眼,总不信所有的事。——鸡也叫了 ; 东方渐渐发白,窗缝里透进了银白色的曙光。0 ?0 h% `3 j& k. s/ d3 a
. N. z: Q( Y, _" \3 x
银白的曙光又渐渐显出绯红,太阳光接着照到屋脊。单四嫂子张着眼,呆呆坐着;听得打门声音,才吃了一吓,跑出去开门。门外一个不认识的人,背了一件东西; 后面站着王九妈。& a5 f! |6 ]& O# A! {' d6 R9 r

; k" y. n- k$ }! K9 C9 s+ g  k哦,他们背了棺材来了。% x: f( ?8 S/ k
% \4 }" P* e& @, o6 ?. h- Z9 @
( z2 ]4 |7 l$ f  X
% B% e, E, h/ t- u2 A$ E/ ^7 }但单四嫂子待他的宝儿,实在已经尽了心,再没有什么缺陷。昨天烧过一串纸钱,上午又烧了四十九卷《大悲咒》;收敛的时候,给他穿上顶新的衣裳,平日喜欢的玩意儿,——个泥人,两个小木碗,两个玻璃瓶,——都放在枕头旁边。后来王九妈掐着指头仔细推敲,也终于想不出一些什么缺陷。
1 F3 C" c0 _" @0 y2 s8 t% T# Y. A5 _% g: c$ I3 X
这一日里,蓝皮阿五简直整天没有到;咸亨掌柜便替单四嫂子雇了两名脚夫,每名二百另十个大钱,抬棺木到义冢地上安放。王九妈又帮他煮了饭,凡是动过手开过口的人都吃了饭。太阳渐渐显出要落山的颜色;吃过饭的人也不觉都显出要回家的颜色,——于是他们终于都回了家。0 ^/ K1 |: p. p7 ~
8 a, u" s6 o/ I# J5 I/ i2 a& L# D
单四嫂子很觉得头眩,歇息了一会,倒居然有点平稳了。但他接连着便觉得很异样:遇到了平生没有遇到过的事,不像会有的事,然而的确出现了。他越想越奇,又感到一件异样的事——这屋子忽然太静了。: h3 W1 Q1 Z0 R0 D- S7 Z3 g

! l: U! v1 k' b' H+ J& n他站起身,点上灯火,屋子越显得静。他昏昏的走去关上门,回来坐在床沿上,纺车静静的立在地上。他定一定神 ,四面一看,更觉得坐立不得,屋子不但太静,而且也太大了,东西也太空了。太大的屋子四面包围着他,太空的东西四面压着他,叫他喘气不得。8 x& T9 H, Z$ c, ?3 U% v! @
& @9 ?$ h7 |/ t8 A* ?7 }; x
他现在知道他的宝儿确乎死了;不愿意见这屋子,吹熄了灯,躺着。他一面哭,一面想:想那时候,自己纺着棉纱,宝儿坐在身边吃茴香豆,瞪着一双小黑眼睛想了一刻,便说,“妈!爹卖馄饨,我大了也卖馄饨,卖许多许多钱,——我都给你。”那时候,真是连纺出的棉纱,也仿佛寸寸都有意思,寸寸都活着。但现在怎么了?现在的事,单四嫂子却实在没有想到什么。——我早经说过:他是粗笨女人。他能想出什么呢?他单觉得这屋子太静,太大,太空罢了。2 g$ `7 t+ G, B5 q) G
; f1 D5 W# ^7 Q/ O) p8 ?: k
- i# k  }2 j2 u2 I# d0 D9 J& z2 c4 `: y1 ?& {
5 x! E5 m" O/ i0 K& P* `8 Q2 M0 S. @
“我的冤家呀! ——可怜你,——孤另另的……”蓝皮阿五便伸手揪住了老拱的肩头,两个人七歪八斜的笑着挤着走去。% u$ d( J( a, y& \; @5 g( [

; u. B; R0 I+ f! V单四嫂子早睡着了,老拱们也走了,咸亨也关上门了。这时的鲁镇,便完全落在寂静里。只有那暗夜为想变成明天,却仍在这寂静里奔波; 另有几条狗,也躲在暗地里呜呜的叫。
9 r8 G$ z/ R" f' z6 ~
' ?9 Q' s* h6 B. w( A* z; ]* M1 n4 K& [
9 h& g! H1 K9 c- U# w) x: m3 C3 f" c8 p% p# P
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