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Upper Windermere超高品质美居!钢筋混凝土建筑,可做Airbnb短租经营!

鲜花(4) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2024-7-17 10:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 房屋信息发布 于 2024-8-7 11:20 编辑
+ U# E0 y; R" u5 }( P. o) L' ~4 o& n% s' z, C8 I8 H- ^# {
地址:213 1316 WINDERMERE Way
, F+ k" E" ^4 D4 e: }0 K) m8 N; B2 ]
* w3 s! [, E! M6 v. \) t: S& @- j) j: o6 \$ k
联系方式:老杨团队. q. L8 e& m& l, Z9 F4 [# G2 w

8 e1 @) \. Y- I( E8 ]! Ihttp://www.fanyangteam.com
9 S% f+ D" N, U+ h6 g+ ]+ e; z5 [' @3 o# p3 y4 n  o3 k
1.jpg . @# Z- R; i7 l$ \' T$ B

" `. a, i0 A% D5 `4 Q/ nUpper Windermere高品质LUX 美居!高品质钢筋混凝土建筑,设施一应俱全!欢迎携带宠物入住,可做Airbnb短租经营!
. B2 w0 V( O! [: H; _  O0 r3 O+ {3 X
4 f+ u6 f6 a4 Y9 d0 \% Z; V美居奢享池塘、公园优美风景。套内洗衣非常便利,额外配备了地上/地下停车位,投资、自住两相宜!' U7 T' E$ \; `1 x

0 F2 l5 f. q& F- a畅享10尺挑高设计,节能大窗,室内升级工艺地板和舒适地毯完美结合,提供温馨舒适的宜居空间!
" P& Q% F& _9 N0 Y- w4 y5 `) e/ X. W) j& [) h& P
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6 u% g2 W6 I! X) k8 S位置优越,步行各种生活便利设施,临近社区公园、K-9学校。万事俱备,诚邀品鉴!
7 `4 ^, \. K9 M8 W3 |; C. P. J9 }6 A* V; H+ z
Welcome to LUX, a brand new STEEL & CONCRETE luxury building in Upper Windermere offers all amenities. Condo allows pet and Airbnb. Stunning POND & PARK view - Proving a serene and peaceful environment to relax and unwind. Titled U/G Parking. In suite Laundry. Decorated with only the best of everything. Highlights: 10’ ceilings; energy efficient windows; Upgraded plank floor & carpet through out the unit; Kitchen-Complete ss gourmet appliances; maple cabinets up to ceilings; Contemporary, quartz countertops; Glass tile backsplash; lots of storage space. Full width vanity mirrors. One Secured underground parking (Heated and ventilated). It retains the value of peaceful living with great access to all amenities and transportation, community gardens, a K-9 school and while being conveniently close to all amenities.' b' u& t. X4 w3 b, k

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鲜花(4) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2024-8-7 10:20 | 显示全部楼层
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