
ɶٻ-Edmonton China

鿴: 2192|ظ: 0


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2007-8-10 14:19 | ʾȫ¥ |Ķģʽ
Couch potato 老看电视的人
) O% M) z5 [- y0 D9 D9 H6 Q
3 [% ~( P% M: LWhy should I go out to see a movie or a concert---it is a lot more comfortable to stay at home. I have cable TV, which gives me a choice of 30 different programs. Why, I can see a championship fight right in my living room. Or I can rent a good movie for a couple of bucks and watch it on my VCR.
0 H9 b" P. L: U1 _+ G7 I. \. v$ d  v! `$ N3 q% }7 P1 j& X" P3 r! p
Mall rats 老喜欢到购物中心去逛的年轻人1 F/ J3 A, M, }7 ]: C, u

& ?& Y: \8 W3 c$ R5 w* v& N: O9 BHey, there’s always something to do there for us mall rats. At least a dozen fast food places where we can buy a burger, a slice of pizza, ice cream---whatever. Ten different movie theaters, and a whole lot of people to watch, you know? I can, like, spend the whole day there, you know?; [: `+ G% \' @
  A& B: r' V4 h6 x# ~, \! @8 u
Sure, I used to be a typical mall rat hanging around watching the crowds, especially the girls. But then I went out for basketball, made the team and I don’t have time to waste anymore!
8 q; t. E+ Q7 d* X9 S
! T( d1 |$ I( M2 G
! R4 {/ k( f/ _/ u2 QServes him right! 他活该倒霉!he had it coming to him.自食其果!
  `8 u; f( g5 H+ V' [( A He deserves it! “自作自受”或者“值得称赞”
  d- ]/ ]2 J4 L. ~
$ f4 J+ {/ T& O9 o" F# S3 a6 v---You know what?. k3 Q* s8 q5 o$ G1 z: u+ g. `3 f
---What?# N  _# Q) y, W0 S' |+ `4 x7 [
---Cindy just got divorced.- U$ f- }# f  H" B6 G1 n: K; R
---So soon? She got married only last summer., T4 C2 y1 Q5 T- G/ Z( m9 i+ E
---Well, she found out that her husband was not the millionaire she thought he was.* C9 ^& h9 g) A
--Serves her right! She said she married him for money, not for love.- U3 k  m2 ?, h0 O+ o5 E% B" _" b
---Really?* Y4 J9 X& }# ^: o. N$ B& u
* H4 ^( p$ i! |5 A7 j
---A former official got arrested after it was revealed that he had taken bribes.
# v( M  _% T/ P. I! @---He got his just deserts
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