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鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-2-28 20:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
科学家指出 外语学习越早效果越好
- n  d  ?( K' O- ]: A  y# j6 {/ D
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 {. |0 U0 N. k6 I

- [9 c% k# U& @* q% a1 C( C. M% }2005-02-17 09:23  中安网   8 r7 c. A: C8 U
7 O" Z7 X* J$ I! W2 s( g" O. O
' v( m  W  F+ P/ [& @% A3 n: m5 ?9 O* H9 f# H# @
- x: @/ P7 M% |& Z9 A4 h* \+ i. i6 P% K% J+ K0 y! D
  研究结果还显示,35岁后学习另一种语言也能改变大脑结构,但这种改变不如从小时候就开始学习的人明显。迈克雷表示:“这说明语言学习早学比晚学好,因为在早期学习,大脑更容易通过改变结构来适应新语言。但是,随着时间的推移,这种能力逐渐减弱。+ u4 }9 I0 R% d! X% |, T- R

+ _; _5 p4 h# O2 |+ z6 M+ b8 s3 B+ X8 t  这一研究成果发表在最新一期的《自然》杂志上。资料显示,能说两种语言的人在大脑左下头骨皮层的灰质区比只掌握一种语言或在10到15岁之间才开始学习第二种语言的人的面积大。迈克雷说:“我通过观察大脑结构改变的程度,就能知道一个人是否精通语言,因为灰质区变化越大,语言的熟练程度就越高。”(来源:河北日报。文/杨科)
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-2-28 20:51 | 显示全部楼层
Originally posted by McNally at 2005-2-28 08:50 PM:
6 I2 J3 O" U/ `( }科学家指出 外语学习越早效果越好 ! p/ V: d+ @6 Y2 C, W: s+ ^$ e
* I0 h! x( ?; V
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 H# B' \+ ^5 }) N7 Y/ ]
# Z; t; w; g- h/ w1 P
2005-02-17 09:23  中安网   2 V: f+ y2 t, m- p( C% y; E5 f

: F6 n7 A! J: x9 i/ V! |# \, k  科学家在一份最新的研究报告中指出,学说 ...
' g; d! x9 D' Y" _
8 U  e% X6 _" `3 ^* z# {

) W4 L: X  E6 G4 Y5 {& S谢谢! 这是篇好文章!!
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-2-28 20:55 | 显示全部楼层
我们做家长的喜欢这些文章! 多贴!!  谢谢!!
鲜花(23) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-2-28 20:58 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
Originally posted by McNally at 2005-2-28 20:50:# |( C  Z. p+ ]" s' ^
科学家指出 外语学习越早效果越好 3 }3 {/ ~1 k* c

5 b9 E! X3 f& E% j6 r0 d, f2 t. w--------------------------------------------------------------------------------# _$ p" Y& w  C5 h. v( p

6 i' h6 \$ }: l# `/ B- P2005-02-17 09:23  中安网   $ p8 e2 f! Q- a7 g% {
' r2 M. l0 z4 K4 |4 D6 ^# W
  科学家在一份最新的研究报告中指出,学说 ...

/ g" M6 ~9 `9 w4 i! R$ X0 m8 |6 d# l5 @" V( j) z3 Q1 k
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2005-2-28 21:17 | 显示全部楼层
# z, u2 T" s6 a/ I9 G1 T: T' d; y7 @, r& m3 O0 q
# ]' h7 s7 o( B9 T& B2 T8 p. O: ?: T
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-2-28 21:27 | 显示全部楼层
Originally posted by McNally at 2005-2-28 09:17 PM:
( O" e2 O) m3 [* u从麦纳利高中的学生考中文“托福”(汉语水平考试)来看,就足以证明了学习外语越早越好,由于他们从小系统地得到了两种语言的训练,到了高中,他们的听、说、读、写都已经入了轨道,经过考试的基本训练,他们在高 ...

" b& G7 t3 W* B9 m% J
. V/ W# A: u+ }. C8 l' _你们的学生都是从美约那双语小学毕业的吧?
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-2-28 21:28 | 显示全部楼层
Originally posted by Zhujiaolian at 2005-2-28 08:58 PM:5 A1 ~( u7 W8 s8 [! V( A

% L( T. r. @' C" [: ?2 {
& B& f* Y! @# j' g: L# J同感!  现在我们终于有共同语言了!Zhujiaolian先生
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-2-28 21:49 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-2-28 22:08 | 显示全部楼层


http://news.bbc.co.uk/chinese/si ... 3031000/3031010.stm: X, k& x$ x: q4 r- L+ H+ U7 b" M

6 Y" B% Y# Y9 {/ I. ?% W2003年06月30日 格林尼治标准时间04:56北京时间12:56发表
' W* c8 s- H' i7 x0 x; p说汉语者使用大脑更多部分. U! O& D' n; t) {" t

' |& M" }& I; F& c8 r' F& u0 [
% h1 w+ R" e4 O$ Y; C8 e说汉语普通话者讲话时同时使用大脑两边
5 h! S7 N. I0 ~4 c英国的研究人员发现,说汉语普通话的人可能比说英语的人用更多大脑。研究表明,说汉语普通话者讲话时同时使用大脑两边。 : Y% m/ \+ V- y+ J- o
! u8 i' `6 N2 s% a* ^, u另外,这项研究还可以帮助研究人员找到更好的办法,帮助人们在中风或者脑部受到类似损害后重新学习,掌握语言技能。
; c! b: T* [; ~3 h, H# Q在这项研究中,操汉语普通话和操英语的两组人接受脑部扫描。研究人员发现,人们讲英语时,靠近左太阳穴的左颞叶开始活跃。 7 ^0 U7 K" K( }4 M1 k7 r
他们发现,大脑这个区域的功能是把发音联系起来,形成单个词汇。 4 B" `% e# C. H+ A  E( o
研究发现,人们说汉语时,左颞叶和右颞叶一起活跃。研究人员说,说不同语言时,人的大脑在以不同方式破译语言。这就推翻了长期以来的看法。 4 `8 C+ J4 A% \3 y
鲜花(23) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-2-28 22:19 | 显示全部楼层
Originally posted by 盈盈一水间 at 2005-2-28 21:28:6 ]) Y: n7 U) J" T7 c" ?$ G1 E  r
同感!  现在我们终于有共同语言了!Zhujiaolian先生
# A/ X+ X6 n  q6 z, V

! M. f' h: M  X) C% O- z+ \; J原来你以为我们没有共同语言呀?!不知什么时候给您留下这种印象?抱歉.
' s, z2 n. n8 j' |( U" `+ I3 C1 B) L1 }
[ Last edited by Zhujiaolian on 2005-2-28 at 10:20 PM ]
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-3-1 12:16 | 显示全部楼层
Two Languages Better Than One to Keep Mind Young2 y; m6 M/ r9 [: J! m) F

( V* P) Q8 j; C2 K5 i+ |/ M% w2 x! D( v4 o6 m$ T
Mon Jun 14,12:12 PM ET         
) y: X0 A1 `0 }& B  Y% f& @Add Health - Reuters to My Yahoo!3 G4 }: M  ^! s0 E# Z' w+ R2 ~

+ W/ u! B& l3 P' e$ W& Y4 W$ m7 ^3 E" j
By Maggie Fox, Health and Science Correspondent
% F. U) d8 G) c* {9 L# \7 g2 H# @) [5 SWASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two languages are better than one when it comes to keeping the brain young, Canadian researchers reported on Monday. Older adults who grew up bilingual had quicker minds when tested than people who spoke only one language, the researchers found. They showed less of the natural decline associated with aging.
9 l# E! w; G& N$ @9 S' p6 b. R. DThe tests of people who grew up speaking English and either Tamil or French suggested that having to juggle two languages keeps the brain elastic and may help prevent some of the mental slowing caused by age, the researchers said.
  A$ S/ S3 B' y: O
" t& x& p& h, h7 K7 Y. F# NWriting in the journal Psychology and Aging, Ellen Bialystok of York University in Canada and colleagues said they tested 104 monolingual and bilingual middle-aged adults aged 30 to 59 and 50 older adults aged 60 to 88.
% f- z# w! N2 ?' q7 VThey used a test called the Simon Task, which measures reaction time for cognitive tasks, such as recognizing on which part of a computer screen a colored square appears. % C4 J2 C0 [& b# L" o! U5 h7 Z

3 S8 ?0 w1 G3 e* ]1 LBoth younger and older bilinguals were faster on the test, Bialystok reported.
4 U  @. V: Q% ?# u$ r  y& {9 b% v& c% ^% a! `/ G% c0 U
"We compared groups of people who, as far as we could tell, are exactly the same," Bialystok said in a telephone interview.
2 t* R) X( N0 }4 h
: U! E; q5 i+ f# b"They have all had the same amount of education. They all scored exactly the same on cognitive tests. They all perform the same on memory tests. And they also score the same on tests in English vocabulary." + u2 ]! i0 |& p( w  K$ C4 R

1 t5 w8 d0 f3 R8 z8 TThe difference was that half the people grew up with either French or Tamil spoken at home and English outside. They all spoke both languages every day from childhood. + b& l& S: S# y) r, G: `

; B1 u1 G- c7 ^" sPeople who were proficient in a second language acquired in school were not included in the study to keep the effects clear. * \) }" I+ u* B# z1 v4 `4 y
- U3 h0 g" I$ h5 m3 ]
"It's not a facility. It's not a talent," Bialystok said. Rather it was a case of being forced from a young age to function in two languages. , ^+ J/ O3 Q3 H& X
3 Z, ]6 m2 }0 b$ @
Bialystok said her earlier study with children suggested these circumstances force a change in the way the brain processes information.
$ n/ p# i" q" f0 Q. e' F% a7 M
) N/ z" Q. W. o2 m4 v. k"In the monolingual group the differences between the younger adults and the older adults were in line with (the decline seen) in previous research," Bialystok said.
( u: @2 u6 q# V/ R! k3 X% Y; T! W% [' C: x. W
"In the older bilingual they slowed down significantly less, dramatically less." ; \, F/ P, ~6 C
Bialystok has not tested people who acquired languages later in life but believes learning new languages can only be good for the brain.
- Z9 _% Z! S3 x"Language is always good -- more language is always better," she said.4 |* A, \/ T! U6 ~

8 d" k) L: l/ A- c, m, {[ Last edited by 盈盈一水间 on 2005-3-1 at 12:17 PM ]
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-3-1 12:24 | 显示全部楼层
If a kid is taught more than one foreign languages, s/he will become more stupid or smarter? ;)
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-3-1 12:30 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
At what age should my child begin to learn another language?" i1 E) w& l2 e$ C2 o9 s3 ]1 V

" L: R: y  A! I0 X- B) `There is no magic age to begin learning another language! Languages can be learned at any age or stage of life. Interest and motivation are the key factors.6 A& F0 b' u5 ~. G! |6 D
  {3 Y. v" a& T& O+ k
Most language learning experts agree that it is easier to learn another language at a young age (before adolescence). The earlier children are exposed to another language, the greater their chances of learning to use the language like a native speaker. This is because:! g: K8 Z8 M% W; n* X4 z
•        language learning appeals to the younger child’s love of repetition and mimicry
7 a8 U. W$ |: C: F% g5 Y! F1 g•        younger children’s communication needs are less complex than those of older children or adults! ^/ c0 u4 O4 i/ r
•        unlike older children and adults, younger children are risk takers and not afraid of making mistakes
, f7 M$ I9 ]8 q% \( p•        a younger child’s vocal structures are more flexible than those of older children or adults—this makes it easier to develop an authentic accent.  B. h& A) [' ~; Y# p- Z# v: {
' T. p% ^; u8 q- D9 a
As a general rule, the more time your child spends learning another language the more proficient he or she will become.
- z* S% S: n9 M4 V0 f9 E  O* f, B$ {' o4 @
For a young child, choose a language program or course sequence that begins in the elementary grades and continues throughout the secondary years. Encourage your child to stick with it.
% w$ g' J  X& P) Y7 t
/ r! q2 i. Z$ H7 x, F4 GWhen helping an older child choose a second language program or course sequence, discuss the options available. Talk about how the benefits fit with his or her future goals. Encourage a long-term commitment.
( [, Y! s, L- g4 y0 W
" _, d* b" t. ARemember, learning any language is a lifelong pursuit! Just as your child’s first language skills will improve over time, so too will your child’s second language skills. A long-term commitment will give your child the best results!
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-3-1 12:33 | 显示全部楼层
Originally posted by polarman at 2005-3-1 12:24 PM:* j0 O4 ]3 R% |; o, \
If a kid is taught more than one foreign languages, s/he will become more stupid or smarter? ;)
! Z6 Q# m- t9 I7 d/ J
6 R9 z8 F4 W  p/ v4 N
4 a9 L# P1 Q6 M  C1 {
Learning another language has lifelong benefits!
( L7 U" f& D4 ?- c- o. f9 B. p+ P: _- X1 n2 `7 y* c) R$ y- G
The benefits of learning another language are many and can touch all parts of your child’s life.  P# K2 R: `% p0 j- |) Z

* d, S' ~+ X% ~+ I6 @: }3 t1 M7 \- KWhen you learn another language you exercise your brain. You not only learn how to communicate in another language, you benefit from a whole new set of skills and abilities!* P  v. _  e7 k3 V' S) N

- e$ Z: T/ e( c. q7 i( _1 c6 YDepending on when your child starts to learn another language, and the length and intensity of this experience, your child can:
8 [0 u, N" Z7 U/ I) g- E•        become a better listener
# _3 l( c& i) I! k8 l7 A( P•        develop greater self-discipline
& ^: X; l& \% d& f% |•        learn to compare and contrast, solve problems and think more creatively.
' V: i7 r, v3 z) b
5 y& u8 Q2 W9 u9 q  YGaining these skills can lead to improved learning (and higher marks!) in other subjects, such as mathematics, science and social studies.
2 F, Y6 [+ j( S+ Q% r6 n. u# k. N3 {! S
Learning another language in school can also open up the educational opportunities your child will have after senior high school. If your child knows another language, he or she:
5 R# i' m+ Z( o" B•        will have more universities, colleges and technical training institutions and programs to choose from—both in Canada and in other countries
! o$ `1 H" H, V$ t•        will be able to enroll in degree programs and courses that have a second language prerequisite; @  R2 D% a# H
•        will have access to a larger pool of information from which to study and learn.
8 V5 }/ r7 X2 m1 H2 U, v
: G" H; v+ d6 \4 t* s; Y8 d9 xMany Canadian post-secondary institutions offer options to study abroad, as well as work experience opportunities that require skills in another language or for which these skills would be an advantage. Students who know or are learning another language may participate in a variety of exchange programs, summer courses and opportunities to work abroad.
: Z. B( l" N! E* o" J0 E( _4 e' Y" I5 [) m  z, K( Q
Learning another language will help prepare your child for the challenges and opportunities in our changing world!
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