埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(70) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-6-23 09:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
安省卫生当局宣布,本省皮尔区(Peel Region)1名6岁女孩感染甲型流感后死亡,她是本国目前最年轻的甲流死亡病例。卫生厅官员说,经实验室检测,该女童确实感染了H1N1病毒,她在6月14日发病,有流感的典型征状,包括咳嗽和发烧,但她没有住院治疗,次日死于家中。如果加上魁北克省新增的2宗死亡病例,全国甲流死亡病例已经增至16例。
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截至周一,全国确认甲流病例共6,457宗,其中安省2,665宗、卑诗221、魁省1,660、阿省 605、萨省577、缅省371、努拿乌特地区234、斯省104、纽芬兰7、西北地区5、纽省4、爱德华王子岛3、育空地区有1宗。 
鲜花(13) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-6-23 10:55 | 显示全部楼层
这个案例很特殊, 非常值得关注. 怎么会这么厉害?第二日就导致死亡?难道病毒开始变异了它的致命部分?
鲜花(1015) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2009-6-23 13:03 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 vilna 于 2009-6-23 14:04 编辑
# _& \) q4 i: B4 X( k( G- I% K! t
这个案例很特殊, 非常值得关注. 怎么会这么厉害?第二日就导致死亡?难道病毒开始变异了它的致命部分?
0 h7 K$ v6 o2 {4 M% l4 P% N, {( e衣食住行 发表于 2009-6-23 11:55
7 |8 N. T+ _% c- q" O5 @3 v' N$ g: S
总觉得预防医学家们没搞明白猪流感的状况。 ' P  ?8 n7 W5 s: _$ w/ @

8 ~: q: a; ^4 E; J英国去世的那个也才15岁。
鲜花(1015) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2009-6-23 13:08 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
这篇16日的报道,三个病例,其中两例是孩子。 9 Z9 y0 \2 \1 [9 P4 V
Three states report first swine flu deaths
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A 30-year-old Boston woman died Sunday of the H1N1 virus at Boston Medical Center after falling ill June 5, The Boston Globe reported Tuesday.
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" g" s. e3 N. u% u"We expect that there will be other people who will be seriously ill with H1N1, and, sadly, we do expect that other people will die," said John Auerbach, the Massachusetts public health commissioner. 4 q& t+ I( K# ^% C3 b; ~/ V
+ j4 y$ x0 s  i2 O3 v/ S9 C
The Northeastern United States has been hit hard by the virus, also know as swine flu, with 16 deaths reported in New York City alone last week.
1 A2 C7 G. P; \0 i! Z; x5 S0 z6 L9 K8 K: _) c0 H
In Minnesota, a 5-year-old Minneapolis girl with an impaired immune system died June 11 in that state's first confirmed H1N1 flu death, The Minneapolis Star Tribune reported Tuesday. The girl had been admitted to Children's Hospital of Minneapolis on June 10.
& A& y* T/ Z$ p7 t' g4 Q
( h1 ~% i. e* n& N! _In Florida, a 9-year-old Miami-Dade County boy died from the virus, said Dr. Lillian Rivera, administrator of the county health department. Health officials did not say when or where the boy died, WFOR-TV, Miami, reported Tuesday.
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