埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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[招聘信息] 市中区的朋友试一下

鲜花(53) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-7-21 11:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
8 h. z# w  a$ M$ ?0 ~3 F10 part-time (6-8 hrs/week, Aug. 2009- Jan-2010), temporary positions based in central Edmonton.
0 J4 `  l3 j+ X2 d3 n1 v8 I# M* SYOU ARE
2 ?( G4 J' b" AExperienced in motivating people to create community projects/ (social marketing)5 j$ ~) r, G/ [% c, }0 o
Well-connected to your neighbourhood, one of: Alberta Avenue, Norwood, Cromdale, Parkdale, McCauley, Spruce Avenue, Eastwood, Boyle Street, Central McDougall, Queen Mary Park
* {* k8 o" Y$ a- b6 ePassionate about community health
) c+ }' \! K2 R# O7 i! EInterested in working across cultures,3 b/ B1 i7 b- I4 j# ?
And you have:/ p0 b, m3 j0 d' c) O' r
Solid neighbourhood connections and experience7 Z* `) w. W4 E0 G
6-10 hours/ week available for project activities.
8 ]5 v5 d5 K+ m% J. }3 z  [6 W( U( p5 ^/ o: ?
The POSITION OFFERS+ e2 J# F: k: u
New ways to build community & create community projects
5 s+ H5 T  v* @* ?Expanded peer network
) I. @5 T" w5 Q6 C0 o# X1 MConnections to new-immigrant/ visible minority communities
2 O. U. O# d+ W# z& ?: E. R4 I$ vBetter understanding of others' perspective/ C% K6 t: g  v0 h
Hourly wage, $ TBA.4 F3 S( s1 `1 i; G8 R* ^

4 P  i7 ], q* \& r( ?$ a( WTHE ROLE5 A5 y  }& h" f+ M" R
Build neighbourhood teams to strengthen communities by:! ]3 l1 X( c( ~+ t1 J, p
Creating and hosting a forum where central Edmonton can present itself to the City, all Edmontonians and those whom you wish to invite0 E' n+ z" \8 }4 b
Hosting Community Dialogues whereat people explore community issues and opportunities$ W1 Y$ z/ ]+ K6 D* `. Y1 m  l
Identifying and supporting people to create teams that create community health and wellness projects.
( q8 u) n, z) S, }0 x/ a# O$ p8 b1 [: X+ `' H6 b
WE ARE2 M8 W9 z/ |$ N
Action for Healthy Communities (AHC) is a community development organization based in Central Edmonton that supports community members to form teams that develop health and well-being related initiatives.  Over the last 3 years AHC has supported central Edmontonians who created over 50 Community Initiatives, many with grants of up to $1,000.00, that have seen, altogether, over 1,500 people lead richer, healthier, more active lives.
8 u+ R3 D$ h' z/ u; _4 K/ ?0 b5 a. G% j3 z$ j/ Y4 o
Initiatives are as varied as the people who create them; everything from senior's walking groups to homework support groups, to community garden groups, to neighbourhood/ community planning groups, to a video group, to dance troupes, artists collectives and festivals ... .
3 q# M) r$ q6 \# `# U" q  h+ Q7 C. p2 n& k4 D: K

/ e' v% t  {$ c4 \) j( k  cBE PART OF THAT TEAM!
4 ?. A+ K1 N, l6 e2 f3 r' i& N! f9 y    Call Chris at 944-4687, fax us at 423-4193 or email actioncf4@shawbiz.ca; visit us at #101 10554-110 St, or at www.a4hc.ca.-- Chris Ford
* C* l2 Q( c7 ?7 h* kProgram Director,. O4 E! e- B! u
Action for Healthy Communities Society of Edmonton0 Q  a8 A. Z% J
10554-110 Street4 z& ]2 C5 D: P  o* x% l
Edmonton Alberta: c9 H2 J# q! v8 j: \
T5H 3C5
. y& R% J3 [4 E4 [3 p# NPh: 780-944-4687
, R1 e6 m, Q- x& r: ^7 C. Y1 V- ^Fax: 780-423-41936 R1 p, c% {5 j6 Z' L
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