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拥抱代握手,可以防流感?Flu to trigger hugs in British churches: report

鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-7-25 12:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 awake 于 2009-7-25 13:33 编辑 5 O( h8 n$ U- K. I! @

$ n% ]3 `- ?# w' k9 R4 Jhttp://www.google.com/hostednews ... P5InBhwjCw3eQiw8FEg
/ A; {' {  V# S! X
7 F8 I! |# Z" r8 Q% FLONDON — Some British parishioners are being advised to hug rather than shake hands "as a sign of peace" in measures by churches to try to stop the spread of swine flu, a report said Wednesday.
( ^6 w# w5 ]- S) ~0 ?' n% x! I
, k  k0 N1 q9 G0 LThe Church of England has introduced the measure in its Southwark diocese in southeast London as concerns mount about the spead of swine flu in Britain, the Financial Times said.6 i( Y( X- [, o  K

% `9 c/ x& Y+ g+ Q; n; W' qSome churches have also begun to allow "intinction" or dipping bread in communion wine rather than sharing the chalice, while others have stopped offering wine altogether, the newspaper said.: L; \4 m- b% V3 c

. f+ H* p3 Q% v; @A British bishop has already advised his diocese to suspend holy water from churches in a bid to halt the spread of the A(H1N1) virus./ R$ ]0 o* D. `

& l+ m) {. c* H9 y; ]  iThe measures follow ones being introduced in other countries, including in Portugal where church goers are to take communion by having the host placed in their hands, not their mouth.
- I% y4 z: d) F, i: U* i* z6 z; j" x& I! g! K8 k8 C: N
Swine flu has now killed more than 700 people around the globe, the World Health Organisation said Tuesday, as experts debated whether schools should be closed to contain the pandemic., e0 ^; \& H- D# l; G' [/ I- v
/ ?' a* A) L$ W! G% s$ o# c0 q
4 h* t" h7 G# h% i6 y$ }, A* u; e6 G/ ]1 J
《金融时报》说,由于越来越多的人担心猪流感在英国扩散,英国教会在伦敦东南部的南华克主管教区推荐了这一方法。/ F$ B- c* m- v0 j) b) X( n

  @3 L4 E4 V7 B) x9 A' B0 m报纸上说,有的教堂已经开始允许用面包蘸圣餐酒,不再共用圣餐杯,而其他一些教堂则完全停止供应集体圣餐酒了。3 L' o$ G! e* \
. b/ R  \/ G8 d+ q
  n5 l& o9 {9 T( @
, K% @* `* j+ A( K这些措施效法了其他国家的做法,例如葡萄牙,那里的教徒领圣餐时是把面包放在手中而不是放进嘴里。; A( O3 m* P/ N3 `4 Q
( J, B  J. |. [' D
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-25 12:31 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(1015) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2009-7-25 21:25 | 显示全部楼层
$ o0 Z1 N: Q$ A  @( j. u" W3 ^awake 发表于 2009-7-25 13:31

% H5 r" Z* T: Z' z& G4 b2 K把头偏了放在对方的脖子边上~~~~~,屏住呼吸! 7 L) I- u& C+ `: w
. P! \! I$ E! u4 w
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-26 00:08 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
把头偏了放在对方的脖子边上~~~~~,屏住呼吸! " d0 N' _2 ?/ o. H: m" q
1 y' A  b1 s" V
, p- c. t9 z6 j; g% Ovilna 发表于 2009-7-25 22:25

$ U* K9 O" q# _& B$ d+ [4 t- J( _5 a% V( h
前半段,维尔纳看上去已经有实践经验了. 3 @3 {) Z( Y, u

) U" G, w0 F/ x2 E2 `8 t后半段,不是我翻译的啦!
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