埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(1015) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2009-9-4 22:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
EDMONTON — Albertans should not avoid attending school, sporting or cultural events, despite the H1N1-related death of a New Zealand man who died from complications during his visit to Calgary’s WorldSkills 2009 competition, says Alberta’s chief medical officer of health. 3 ?6 h4 Q6 _) u9 j6 H+ A

: g& a' W. {4 w: ^“H1N1 is everywhere in the world and it’s really something that everybody’s facing,” said Dr. Andre Corriveau at an Edmonton news conference. “As long as we all take precautions in terms of frequent handwashing and etiquette around sneezing and coughing and staying home if you have flu-like illness, I think large-scale events will continue to be something we encourage people to participate in, and same with travel.”
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The death is the province’s eighth H1N1-related death.
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The latest flu victim was the stepfather of a female competitor with the New Zealand team, confirmed Guy Mallabone, WorldSkills Calgary 2009 chairman. The middle-aged man did not have any flu-like symptoms when he arrived in Calgary Aug. 28 to watch his stepdaughter participate in the competition between professionals in robotics, landscape gardening, web design, welding or cooking, among other skills.6 u9 [5 H7 U: z/ }% w5 B
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The man became sick the next day after having come into contact with the flu virus on the airplane or in New Zealand, which is experiencing the tail-end of its winter flu season. When he went to a Calgary hospital emergency Wednesday, he was immediately suspected as having flu and treated in isolation, said Corriveau, who would give no indication if the man had pre-existing health issues — such as obesity or asthma — that would make him more vulnerable to infection.
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He died Thursday morning.
鲜花(1015) 鸡蛋(1)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-9-4 22:15 | 显示全部楼层
这位中年男子是参加卡尔加里WorldSkills 2009年女子竞赛新西兰队的一位参赛者的继父,当他8月28日到达卡尔加里时没有任何流感症状。第二天他就病了,可能是因为在飞机上或者在新西兰感染了H1N1流感病毒。星期三他去卡尔加里医院急诊时,立即被怀疑感染了流感而被隔离治疗。星期四早上死亡。
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