埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-11-11 08:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Due to the unexpected national shortage of the H1N1 vaccine, Alberta Health Services and Alberta Health and Wellness will target immunization to Albertans at high risk.
3 u' P! O% m$ V. _  z6 L
. u- F8 z2 x4 I2 ]# F+ w/ e& dThose currently eligible for H1N1 immunization are:/ Y; S" p. e8 V9 j

) R1 V# k5 a* u) P, Q$ x! s1 B    * Both parents, or one parent and one caregiver of infants under six months of age;; @" Q6 R+ h! ]6 ?
    * Children under 10 as of November 1 with chronic health conditions (e.g. diabetes);& F! p' n- Q1 Q2 j; I, ]
    * Children over six months and under five years as of November 1; and
: _- {6 b9 h$ a/ z7 p6 @$ q: T    * Pregnant women. ) T4 s  z! q) {' g
" {  w4 g7 v, [8 \( H* h: m
On November 12 and ongoing, new groups being added include:- P3 ]& W- h7 C" `) U& o- A3 E, G

5 q$ C! d( _9 K0 W3 D# G# o! U( q+ s    * People with chronic conditions aged 55 to 64 as of November 1;
9 j0 Q9 A8 u: x7 }% L$ v" t2 Z: ]/ T    * People with chronic conditions aged 10–17 as of November 1. (Combined with the group added November 6, this group ranges from 5 to 17). ' K9 w- h" P! Q) q0 ?

) a; f7 Z$ ^8 R. zOn November 13 and ongoing, immunization groups will expand to include:6 F3 W+ m" }# T& G
. D  _$ _3 I6 j7 f
    * People with chronic conditions aged 45–54 as of November 1. (Combined with the group added November 12, this group will range from 45 to 64.) + c' l% C$ u5 q& N7 K# V
/ E- T$ Y9 {' R( ?; @/ k
Alberta Health Services will continue to provide updated information on their plan to administer the pandemic H1N1 influenza immunization to Albertans
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-11 08:16 | 显示全部楼层
12日起,对以下人群开放免疫  F/ c; f4 H. a8 a5 f2 C
- 11月1日前有慢性病的55-64岁年龄组
5 Z% ^, E3 `3 q. M# Y  q4 M- 11月1日前有慢性病的10-17岁年龄组
6 X0 p1 o) a7 E0 ~. w  z1 m
6 T$ s' ^2 F- C13日起,继续扩展至. x3 e5 Q2 t) m( Q
- 11月1日前有慢性病的45-54岁年龄组
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-11 08:17 | 显示全部楼层
8 Y" a) p) k& a  [8 n/ m* |- y2 D3 k* V) y7 |
http://www.edmontonchina.ca/view ... &extra=page%3D1
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