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[加国新闻] 联邦公共卫生官承认,一人死于H1N1流感疫苗

鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-11-17 17:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Top doctor says very few adverse reactions to H1N1 vaccine
2 D5 s' ?. t) D. u& ]# d/ Q(CP) – 6 hours ago! P$ V% `) v! e- V; Y. W1 W' N, g
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OTTAWA — The country's chief public health officer says few Canadians have suffered serious side effects from the swine-flu shot.
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Dr. David Butler-Jones says that of the 6.5 million people who have received the H1N1 vaccine, only 36 have had serious adverse reactions.$ a5 D2 P  `! K! ^- c
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"With any vaccination campaign, we expect to see some cases of serious adverse events," he said. "They are very rare, but they are part of all mass-vaccination campaigns and we expect to see a small number of them."
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) Y: t6 K6 l3 q9 d/ F0 yMore serious reactions can include life-threatening illnesses, hospitalizations, disabilities or deaths.: e. x, Z5 l# T6 a5 M" c! A8 e

0 N. f- J8 _8 Y4 P: f0 o9 K0 AOne person is believed to have died from a serious reaction to the vaccine, Butler-Jones said, but the death hasn't yet been conclusively linked to the flu shot. He said it's possible the elderly person who died suffered from an underlying condition.2 M2 S( c+ w& I9 |8 u  h2 ?" d
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All the serious side effects came after shots of the adjuvanted vaccine, which contains a compound to boost the vaccine's potency. Butler-Jones said that's likely because the vast majority of people being vaccinated are getting the adjuvanted vaccine.
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A version of the vaccine without the booster is being held for pregnant women.
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- J. b$ Z8 Y( `* a' DButler-Jones said the serious side effects from the H1N1 shot fall into two categories: allergic reactions, or fevers and convulsions.+ B' r# \& l& _  }( I8 ?

) Y* r! b; f! I- ]& g. {7 ]; RMild effects, such as nausea, soreness, headaches and fever, are far more common reactions to the swine-flu shot - just as they are for all vaccines.
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The federal government says it will list adverse reactions to the H1N1 vaccine on its www.fightflu.ca website.
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So far, 198 people have died of swine flu. By comparison, seasonal flu kills between 4,000 to 8,000 Canadians each year.
鲜花(70) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-11-18 15:40 | 显示全部楼层
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