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[招聘信息] 华埠护理中心招聘护理部主任

鲜花(7) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-1-20 13:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Title: Director of Care
' H/ O1 P7 C( N$ }% S& g; NDepartment: Nursing# @; q1 v- o9 m

# G: Z' d" y9 K+ N0 jPostion summary: & O# c( c9 R4 v
* Position Directly to CEO
7 w( }1 h/ `, H5 q, t* Responsible for ensuring accurate, concise documentation that meets organizational, legislzative and legal requirement
, V; h: E# M1 j0 `7 ^' w*Responsible for coordinating tactical planning and monitoring processes at the site/program and departmental level
3 K/ |2 p- P: [*Responsible for building, overall staffing issues and leadership on an ongoing basis and during emergency situations.
( p3 b4 V; i6 a  ?0 H*Responsible for assessment of populations of residents with similar care needs to indentify nursing care needs of the group.
- g& K) U- y8 m) U, j5 R: B6 q3 M* f: N3 N8 M8 B) E
Qualifications:- `- J: P& l! p
Must be a registered nurse and possesses AARN registration in good standing. A degree in nursing will be an asset. A minimum of 5 years exoerience in health care particularly in management role is required. Equivalent qualifications will be considered.7 G+ l6 o) K% f' R( x1 P; J- k
4 g4 E7 j$ Q+ i" U* a
Deatails/Apply please goes to our website: www. edmccc.net.
, b( C6 @. z* ?6 Bor can apply in person at 9539-102a Ave, Edmonton.
  T4 a/ F: ?9 R
" ~. k$ \8 u+ Y+ }4 n我们护理中心是一个专门为中国老人设立的无盈利机构,所以为了中国的老人的福利,请大家一定帮忙推荐, 谢谢!
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-1-21 05:07 | 显示全部楼层

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