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Three Ways to Tell If a Psychic is Lying For Money

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发表于 2010-3-12 06:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
This is red flag, and if your psychic offers to light candles for a fee,abercrombie tee, or perform any magical rituals to cleanse you of impurities of any kind,chaussure tn, head the other direction fast! Why? It's a ruse...and while many of us believe in the powers of many of the rituals, most reputable psychics won't offer this to during an ordinary reading. (especially for a large fee).& Z5 R; d, S2 q! b4 X6 F
3 a# a% t7 F3 ^* W( J( d( K
/ ^$ C- S' h5 _( T6 i/ X

6 V. a7 @, ~3 PTip #3: Too much SMALL Talk
2 o1 V7 t8 \" X: K7 `$ `6 I- y2 Y7 O: O

, [7 O8 t* ^: ~) G- i( ^. |! J. t# h& Z' ?- n* U7 h: N) V% Z
* R- O' K; q7 G. V3 m: ~& u
7 n, q6 d( ~* {& ~: l/ @
Let's talk for second about how to tell if a psychic is lying or stretching the truth for money. Why? Well, there is nothing worse for the intuitive "industry" than the few bad apples out there who will say and do anything for a little bit of extra cash...and in the end,juicy couture sale, it hurts all of the amazingly talented,hollister shirts, authentic and honest amongst us when they do.
6 ]3 Y) _" @" q0 [9 Y0 ~; M- j- ~: d# u5 W. R0 w) W  D

  A0 r1 F* i( }1 O+ c8 R  u+ N/ R2 K! A- [. _+ q
Tip #1: Lots of Leading or Probing Questions- D: y* S% [% G
& R5 Q5 i; Y2 K5 x# N1 b; _

% `  ?& {" @5 M7 E# P - M/ ?: I* L% h- ^( R' k
9 \1 z' x, C* |$ w. v4 t

8 j3 ?; A* z' `1 X9 U7 a+ F3 p  j" I% n
! S: G( c6 c/ B3 W2 R
You should never accept this as genuine. Why? Because it goes against all of the accepted "rules" for getting (or giving) a good reading. A good psychic wants to know as LITTLE as possible going in. The less you share,louboutin heels, the better the reading SHOULD be (if the psychic is genuine).) R0 v2 |% B. l+ x$ Q$ D

3 p7 ~# T: S$ u+ Y9 b
6 O" b' E2 J0 `, X' ~" U  m- F+ S
. T6 I5 e! f9 z: G& G4 K+ tHas this ever happened to you? If it has....you know what I'm talking about! No one wants to hear all about the READERS day,ed hardy hoodies, personal life, problems at home or high school child who's always in trouble..:-) This is usually the sign of an amateur, and while it's great to have a "personal" relationship with a psychic after you've known them for a bit, the simple truth is that the reading should be about YOU....and not them! (Unless the call is free!)9 O  r2 s( q& A4 e, v
; j" W# i, W& D3 E2 }5 H

3 E+ z. E" L/ M' P 8 H* G2 s# J% y1 |! ~

6 c3 c/ {0 x2 A" L3 V& J
; J0 @; i. K$ \- E" P1 `3 H6 o* B3 _+ q  B+ [) A' K& M

# z  f5 n# y5 Y+ l, Q8 B3 [Tip #2: Offers of More Supernatural Services
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