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The date December 21, 2012

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发表于 2010-3-12 06:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
According to their calendar, 2012 will bring us into an age of ether, or center – this may indicate the change into spiritual enlightenment.* u. f. C7 e4 Q* Y5 W/ [" H6 o

# D; ~: S/ A7 U4 z; v! A9 C3 z( z- p% ~2 ]
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3 r2 J! j: S, ^! l) Y3 v; F; N, C
: f' S& v4 ^  j# ]# \. _* q  qThe Hopi Indians believe that the cycle in which we live now is one of Destruction, and we are closing in on the end of Destruction and into the cycle of Peace.6 ^) I; q7 m: [4 t
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: r! U4 u: I2 n& m+ z0 u
  w7 v8 o& u7 d2 p
$ E* ^& [! m8 `. y9 W

# Y5 G+ A7 R2 G8 x, I( D8 i6 eEither way, 2012 is not necessarily a death, but perhaps a rebirth. On a galactic level, December 21,abercrombie tee, 2012, will be the date when our sun is in the dark rift,hollister shirts, a plane that our galaxy follows. It is a signal of an end,chaussure tn, and it is thought to be a place where the Mayan Tree of Life resides.$ V% l$ o. ]. n8 A, k0 U4 k% ]

0 z* M) _, Q6 e' F- x
* m3 H7 |% h4 L7 X' L) h9 Z8 ]1 q: s9 A
Either way,juicy couture sale, in the event of destruction or creation or both, there is no denying that humanity is at a crossroads,louboutin heels, at the culmination of the 2012 prophecy that will yield some kind of change in the way that we live.
8 \& }" A0 }, N' z! w7 ~5 p8 p, _8 m( x

& ~" W& ]1 ?- _ # q8 T' n0 T2 O1 ?7 k: P: L3 v
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6 C, Z+ V: g3 u3 u! b
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% K7 F! O! O% }
It is a possibility that in order for there to be a rebirth, there must first be a death.. }  g  f& A; ^  a
' H: x" H/ e" |: B; Z
7 \& {6 F, M0 z/ j6 }# f

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3 c) P$ |3 O0 r$ b/ [# i5 |
- ~4 U6 t! K3 E, p9 a' A1 i1 f
& k/ ?+ v# r5 Z" I( I& QIt is presumed that the end of the cycle means the end of the world as we know it – this should not automatically presume doom for the world or humanity.
; \) F  @! u& x' a( B. f( _# i( H6 O# m9 K9 L3 e* a/ t
2 e9 n8 K$ u2 y& @$ U
7 O; x$ P% Y2 b. K, C* y
/ x. \* G- A. u9 e1 b
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3 D! }0 T, r' ?# }4 i6 c) p
4 ]1 u0 \2 h: t3 N8 K1 m: b
. j8 ]8 l* y" ]" n" ? + S5 X) A/ q# B& C
& R; @  M/ w! q! u  I% G

4 e+ V. e! [' T9 BThe change in cycles could indeed bring upon the world a slew of destructive events – geomagnetic reversals, volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunamis, wars, famine…. However, it is possible that with the completion of these trying times, there will be the opportunity for the dark age to become one of spiritual and mental evolution and enlightenment, the beginning of a spiritual age.
" Y6 c+ U% U5 \/ n: _& S
5 X2 m, f, x; f4 W/ b  v7 B/ @2 ^* m

9 ]: \# v" q; o1 ~5 mEach cycle is considered a creation age, a time for things to begin and ultimately end … but that end does not have to be death. 2012 can bring a new beginning for a completely new cycle of existence.. h4 [. a, W) e' t

4 |& J. V  _+ M- B" F
2 A7 [' ]* ^! @$ x$ d; y/ Q+ q2 _  b7 X( D# y) B" Y
The Mayans saw each 5125.36 year cycle of human existence as representing a different element – fire, water, earth, air. They believed that this age would be one of a great forgetting, a separation of man from his natural roots, using time and the world as something separate from us. We would see the earth as a font of resources, something we can possess, rather than something to which we are inexorably connected.
: l9 I9 z, p5 k% w/ ^7 M/ j* _
7 x: D9 V+ i' M  p+ `: ^9 c% S/ p8 A2 v! q/ `% ?3 y' g: [- G
* g/ N, x- j! l
The Hindu mythology suggests that the final age will bring an avatar, or incarnation,ed hardy hoodies, of Vishnu to lead humanity into enlightenment. The New Testament Book of Revelation mythology suggests that a period of chaos and destruction will end with a millennia of Jesus providing a utopia.
3 Z. v  ], z0 [; q0 ~; O. g: Y; W$ Q9 A( o/ f2 h/ V$ }4 o0 W
5 e& ]0 ?9 x: W: ?1 _
8 Q$ z1 Q' C/ k$ y1 N! B* G
Some predictions see the end of the cycle as the beginning of a new age, a chance for a leap in evolution, or a culmination of mental evolution that we have been achieving for centuries.
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