埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-1-6 00:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
TO:八千里路云和月./ Q; x' \9 D9 ]1 p
3 L$ y& Q/ |. l8 V6 V, s' V( ^& V: D5 K, D5 e
" Q) e7 p* D8 ^, l/ O: `- c3 d6 a( s$ f
/ q4 u, p$ D9 N! `4 G
建议如果急需多人的工作,就置顶个三天或几天,马上再摘下来& X* ^! @+ y6 Z0 F- U0 q
鲜花(123) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-1-6 00:58 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 hotdog 于 2006-1-5 23:22 发表# A* [) o- n+ i  p
3 Y& X# i4 v$ I- a4 P3 k好多招工的广告都置顶了好久好久了,打电话过去,那边说早就不招了,而且态度也不怎么样,估计是天天有人打给打烦了
+ s# K! ]$ i  z" O" c* E2 f/ A# k. t  U0 j) _4 X8 U7 Z) ~' M" A8 G
不知道为什么一个广告要置顶这么久,最不懂的是那个圣诞节送花的工作,连新年 ...

$ n, o! S3 F( m" u6 {) @+ ^# {3 w& @- b; W, K& A3 |# @! f, c

% [; z+ ?) T  U9 O哦,是吗?是和顾客讲好的,登一个月的啊。具体哪个不招人了,能告诉我吗?那个圣诞送花的是该撤了,虽然没到一个月。
! r- o7 f/ N; t3 }( s; w) B6 `3 v, p8 o8 ]- X8 D
; e7 T# ?5 @- m, h
' d4 c( B& [/ N7 Y! w) A今天还有一个商家说没有一个电话是通过网站信息打过去的呢,我还在纳闷,怎么就没一个人打电话?
; l- o, J- O7 e& L" x1 f5 A; \" }( t1 q% Q3 R% X
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2006-1-6 07:46 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(16) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-1-6 09:47 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
1 X, |; f/ \- ^+ w. E 需要一个两个人的工作,就不需要置顶.& f# B- y; s1 l: w. ~" e
, [. E. Z( e" b5 r# N

& L& f, P% v4 S8 h, L, |" j' ?9 m6 W4 ]; `
2 a* ^# n+ _8 m: a& B2 y
, G  b$ Q/ }* F3 V' g I don't agree with this. I can't believe you could feel NOTHING in the same situation. Yes, they are calling and asking for jobs, but not begging it. If those companies have found the right person to do the job, there is no meaning to keep those ads on the top.
鲜花(123) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-1-6 12:15 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 grace1123 于 2006-1-6 08:47 发表
9 p: v9 z( u, ~- c" H建议如果急需多人的工作,就置顶个三天或几天,马上再摘下来
4 B9 }) m9 v7 S- B 需要一个两个人的工作,就不需要置顶.
. H/ r- z4 ~: {( S" c. C# l2 r; z( P/ F( N$ B6 T
, x8 W5 _3 ^. v* }8 @

1 N5 l* S  K, D  ~, q其实在电话里对方的态度如何无所谓的,反正他又不认识你,你也不认识他,你找最新登的广告打电话 ...
+ u0 {8 l$ l: y! U3 t7 B; l0 D3 V, z
6 h2 A+ i3 g; x8 N3 y4 Z0 K
呵呵,商家没叫撤,我一般需要登够时间的。: G1 V% Z0 T* N+ [, ?3 x

' o( m) [2 E* Y8 D4 ^% w至于对方在电话上态度不好,感觉如何或如何对付,我觉得完全取决于个人。
' ~) ?7 C4 U! ]; C7 y
5 V7 f  c' }$ Y我打10个电话,也只有那么1个或0个商家愿意在这里登,也不乏态度不好者。但我一说几句客气礼貌话,别人也就只好跟着礼貌起来。
- l* S& E, p7 \6 ?4 G1 T1 w6 h+ w2 V) S  U! i1 o8 J
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-1-6 12:55 | 显示全部楼层
如果版主是通过打电话找到这些labor工的机会,那岂不是太费时间了,并且效果不见得好,因为现在就业机会很多(尤其是labor)。如果能联系到与专业工作相关的还比较值,否则遇到/看到再贴上来就可以了。这个版是求职创业(Careers),不是labor market。胡说了几句,希望版主莫怪!
8 ]' i' y/ t. W) o
4 p+ T# J. p+ S) r8 N& ?; q/ y/ J呵呵,把回帖回到编辑你的帖子里了。
1 w( f0 }) e( m+ H$ k6 z9 A  J; V1 Q$ V3 t5 @( v. L
[ 本帖最后由 八千里路云和月 于 2006-1-6 15:08 编辑 ]
鲜花(123) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-1-6 16:08 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 anonymous 于 2006-1-6 11:55 发表2 ?* }! v! E- d; e8 A2 V
如果版主是通过打电话找到这些labor工的机会,那岂不是太费时间了,并且效果不见得好,因为现在就业机会很多(尤其是labor)。如果能联系到与专业工作相关的还比较值,否则遇到/看到再贴上来就可以了。这个版是求 ...
- ^+ ~0 \. U$ T  n/ u

: _0 \9 l; ~" z2 |( |/ p( @: w- I, I. V: `: Y  A; K+ {! Z: `
各取所需嘛。labor也是职业,我是副斑竹,老杨指令叫我找labor信息。$ P( m" ]. _9 h9 X( X' T1 E- R

  i7 i, }4 s4 W" R/ @你没看到正斑竹恭喜发财发了好多专业工的广告吗?
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-1-6 17:01 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 八千里路云和月 于 2006-1-6 15:08 发表
3 L  d& S6 b  t' q# D5 ~: s/ o- j0 n+ N4 `% o& c# Y8 Z
5 `, Q- s# _' ]; j4 W
$ n  Z/ l$ `0 J$ X) @. v6 O
6 d6 ~0 t7 n; \5 [" ^
3 k$ i0 v4 a6 D9 n8 O你没看到正斑竹恭喜发财发了好多专业工的广告吗?

1 x  a( b6 j/ M8 \4 j/ `# ]这也有分工啊,谢谢点明!
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-1-6 17:36 | 显示全部楼层
Those companies paid for the ads and they want their ads on the top for a month as mentioned by "BaqianLi".  If they want their ads to be removed, they say it.  
2 X6 _0 n4 N2 v" `# A/ ~" @0 p
6 f+ X' g9 E3 P% pBy the way, take it easy! It's nothing for you to lose if people say no to you. Just keep on trying. "They" won't fell something  even if people say no to them. If you think they are "begging", they definitely get hurt when they were refused. % P$ w& j- f5 ?
! v5 X" a6 L1 n& k7 E

' i$ R' @4 }- Q: |1 e' r
原帖由 grace1123 于 2006-1-6 08:47 发表
4 F! P6 D2 E/ Q8 C) `* L$ @I don't agree with this. I can't believe you could feel NOTHING in the same situation. Yes, they are calling and asking for jobs, but not begging it. If those companies have found the right person to do the job, there is no meaning to keep those ads on the top.
鲜花(16) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-1-6 21:26 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 黑瞳 于 2006-1-6 16:36 发表# E# A- e+ [3 F9 ^8 p/ [
Those companies paid for the ads and they want their ads on the top for a month as mentioned by "BaqianLi".  If they want their ads to be removed, they say it.  , P; G: u: [3 b) x% K7 ]

" w3 m# h+ ^( \; GBy the way, take it ea ...
6 [3 ~, D) @+ h7 G
& i; |, b0 S2 H( K) q8 y9 p
You may not understand what I said. They paid for those ads, but when they find the right person, and if they don't want to get more phone calls, just put those ads off the top list, it's a good way to save the callers' and the answers' time. Then this king of thing won't happen again. Of course, if they don't want to do that, just keep it.
$ ~; a# \" O! u% S. B! a3 [' h
; d0 r* M; y, {  u, e/ uAnd by the way, hotdog's 小小郁闷 is not because he/she got a no answer, it's because the attitude of the person on the phone, so I just hope the hiring party could treat people in a fairly way. In the  contrast to your point, if I'm begging and people treat me as begging, I won't feel bad, but if I'm not and people treat me like that, I will feel hurt.
鲜花(123) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-1-7 00:26 | 显示全部楼层
没想到我们这个版块也能有议题,好啊。6 [+ t5 p" i: U6 {9 e' p* E
$ V$ P) i1 Q- |$ g& G( j7 b
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-1-9 09:42 | 显示全部楼层
You put so much here. But what u said just came to my point again-- they say it! (you ta men shuo le suan).  They determine to get the ads off the top or not even if they have got the right person !! So at this point 版主 can do little!!!
5 s+ D9 b9 |) c5 n& G
3 W" K# |% R! k' @I just clarify my points again: I don't think Hotdog need to feel so-called "郁闷". If u get declined, ok, just keep on trying till u find the job u like. No need to feel depressed! Life is just like it. U can change nobody's mind. If u hope the hiring party to change "attitude",well, all I can say is I sincerely wish your hope might come true !!
, y+ h/ m( k! [7 p) y# i7 `$ p. a0 r, C; X

/ Q$ V3 G0 [* ^; C6 R; \
  q5 l3 Z5 |2 N0 v' J# a; G5 @) ~* l. Q7 O( a. E
原帖由 grace1123 于 2006-1-6 20:26 发表7 g" o( [" ~: s

* F  q( P  M  \' a4 Z! F
2 B' k0 Y6 B. k# y! C4 M5 Y% _. e; DYou may not understand what I said. They paid for those ads, but when they find the right person, and if they don't want to get more phone calls, just put those ads off the top list, it's a good way to save the callers' and the answers' time. Then this king of thing won't happen again. Of course, if they don't want to do that, just keep it.
鲜花(16) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-1-9 13:53 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
原帖由 黑瞳 于 2006-1-9 08:42 发表3 O+ h3 F! p, b. U
You put so much here. But what u said just came to my point again-- they say it! (you ta men shuo le suan).  They determine to get the ads off the top or not even if they have got the right person  ...

! w0 s/ ^6 Y' r: z  U' r: {
4 [3 w: D0 v; Y, ^7 BThere is no meaning to discuss more on this.
/ _% T" w% r. \7 jWish you feel happy while surfing here.
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