埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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急聘QA 或者说software tester(计算机质量监控), 待遇很不错!!!

鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-2-17 21:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
如果有兴趣的,请email 你的简历到sd_alberta@yahoo.ca. 如果适合的话,我们会尽快联系你.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-2-17 21:23 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-2-17 23:53 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 薰衣草 于 2006-2-17 20:17 发表' f; \3 L8 t+ T# B
如果有兴趣的,请email 你的简历到sd_alberta@yahoo.ca. 如果适合的话,我们会尽快联系你.

/ B% ?; {: U+ ]  P* _% ?! D* d1 H1 Q3 W3 R- _# W3 H% p/ R( A9 G

; F4 [0 J# B; |, S2 m2 \! Y& pCould you give a salary range of this positiion?
6 e. o+ e& b( n4 @Thanks!
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2006-2-19 14:17 | 显示全部楼层

More information about this job posting

老杨团队 追求完美
QA and technical writer position
" t( e; k5 \1 p' }: u
/ W; I' ^) l- }8 OQA analyst 0 A1 k$ n6 S+ `. s! G  _
8 L1 k  b! x0 c1 T+ s! ]

, u2 B- s- q6 [0 x3 L) ?0 }
/ H( J- P; q* j) c5 H0 \Brief Description of Job Duties:  Responsible for providing server
/ ?( B% R1 P" D* R: tsupport and software validation testing on existing and new products.
  ]5 I# d$ q0 @. pThe successful candidate will work primarily with J2EE technologies on : `4 [9 t; f) g; b
developed web-based software. Specific responsibilities include
" g+ E2 b3 B9 r, p$ _configuration and maintenance of lab equipment, test planning, test 2 |. R6 f( ^- u& ?; V0 h% M4 s6 k
design, ASP/JSP development, test execution and reporting.   z# K. e: x5 a$ K: N2 c! |
, U' g. m  l$ g' E4 N( \2 D" l
* C6 o) l) D- g  Q% j
$ I3 O$ S5 Y/ J6 Q8 Q1 k7 U

  t( Y! I/ m8 C. Q, M# a/ J5 l! ~9 @% b
Skills Required:    Working knowledge of setup, administration and
$ S3 Q2 T" w" V/ O7 I# S) Pdeployment of JBoss, WebSphere and/or WebLogic Application Servers is
& D8 H3 q5 @4 W2 n0 yrequired, as is expertise on Linux and Windows and Solaris servers. , B' y9 t, M) s1 l3 F! j/ E
Experience with network documentation and planning and expertise with 3 {# ~$ ^$ M% H+ G: s% r
Windows Active Directory is a plus. Some object-oriented or Java ! v4 i/ z5 {7 e& [$ w% ]
programming experience would also be an asset.
: ?' U6 P1 f, q" ~! x) M' i3 @1 E9 M# m  p- d2 e3 N' C
0 U" S- v+ D/ X8 R, }# x

' M% q4 {2 S" B( ~& j
3 y* D" _) j: |, _7 F1 F5 N: u9 t1 k, J% F( V) j6 L% w% o' B
Experience Required:  Degree or diploma in Computer Engineering or ; ]; A4 v( e: j% W/ O
related discipline.  2-3 years server support experience with at least 1   g/ \/ k# y- W8 a) j) E
year experience testing web-based applications. Detailed understanding
: i" O, o* a( N2 H7 a0 pof QA process and software development life cycle. : s* _8 [$ r+ w) ~: ^" H

. R' S  V6 Q5 I0 B0 ^. R/ }7 v+ t# Y6 S, i, @; K3 p
  ]# H% A& G% C& q( L5 N

" F0 N7 Q6 A0 j# |9 i9 ?
/ Y# {5 i3 k# z3 W- o+ jAdditional Remarks:  Candidates must be able to work in a team
/ m  O$ \4 u1 W: M% Datmosphere, adapt to changing work assignments and product requirements
% ~, j/ x+ u+ l8 v; zand communicate effectively. # f: P2 {- B7 k% Y; a$ r4 }

( H2 _2 c4 X( G% m6 r, d7 J
7 D7 V8 f/ e- L
, j6 Z$ C( t4 j& a% i5 J: Y7 C
( r, u0 u6 E/ M& c* z
! x1 N) P( w: E7 B. U3 x+ {2 YTechnical Writer
, v  D+ b0 Q. ^4 S. \
9 n9 j4 S3 }% _+ P/ kSenior-level documentation tasks.  Primary responsibilities will include
) u$ ]- S3 g. T1 {researching, writing, and editing administration, installation, and   d3 h2 U' v" o# |
application documentation.  (Online help systems and technical notices.)
2 A9 C% g" ]6 a; a; u# o
; q2 J" \$ g" ]! V) USkills Required:  Strong research, writing, editing, and technical 2 b( J- Z9 w' r$ t6 @. t6 Z
skills.  Familiarity with software development processes and software
% @% m8 u  {' S2 etechnologies.  Experience with documentation authoring tools such as
* {# O; d% ^6 e8 aDreamweaver, Robohelp, and Framemaker.  Excellent interpersonal skills. 1 s% I% Z9 [6 Y* E! w* n+ ?3 ?
9 {* ~4 }8 }% b: R1 T4 A! ?
Experience Required:  Minimum of 8+ years experience writing 1 r! I  V& u1 |4 x4 z% B
documentation in a formal technical writing environment, with a recent
$ C+ u7 W7 Q- N0 k% n, }  }3 qfocus on documenting web-based applications.
' v) m, R& \( e0 l) f; U0 m% G) J. \, [  I
The candidate will work with other writers, developers, and test
- n) o: V/ A# l) l- Y/ Vengineers in a team environment to create documentation for technical
; P  V- K+ ]; ?and end-user audiences.
鲜花(10) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-2-20 02:57 | 显示全部楼层
多謝 多謝~~~~~
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