埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(4) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-4-4 22:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
TRANSFER MANAGER.) p% W: U8 r, m% N. T; R4 o. v9 W: m

: Z/ D; V/ n, e$ {. f" w$ b7 I  E- FJob Description:
9 s7 k! q2 [; K: L) n6 _6 lThe task of the Transfer Manager is to process payments between our partners' clients and our company, in particular, to manage cash and balance receipts, follow up on accounts, etc. The job is related to remote Internet operations. Every payment order will be accompanied with detailed instructions. The brief training course is enclosed.8 u7 B& }4 q$ Y' J2 `
3 f) V& @$ Q! H" E6 u) q
General requirements:
% y7 m2 P8 q( R  E# f
2 k2 n9 E% b# F
8 B0 m$ n8 S/ _, P" D% t! J - Willingness to work from home, take responsibility set up and achieve goals;+ L/ E( {; z" ]9 l5 S8 k9 A

3 @/ d; `* J: E- M; X# e5 [2 ]2 h - Ability to create good administrative reporting;
! w# p. {+ I  z# y8 B
. Y4 f5 K# b' l2 N2 h, f- j - Prior customer service experience is a good benefit, but not a must;7 r$ U: \$ ]) z: \- [

4 L9 r3 t. x( h8 p3 Q1 e# l/ A2 o - Honesty, responsibility and promptness in operations;0 ?4 H% u2 R% ~

, N$ L/ q7 e+ u$ d - Effective interaction with customers;8 G9 I4 x8 j3 D

- @/ L2 p1 a+ X8 y  `& U! T- G5 Y - Familiarity to working online, Internet and e-mail skills;9 v" C0 L+ [$ q
1 _/ f! {3 r$ o
- One or several personal bank accounts.  ~/ T9 }; g9 ?( ^

; R& a2 x0 Z  p  P% F# d( k) R: OSalary:  $400-$800 per week
9 q5 P8 I" q: Q! v4 i+ Q& _) e- X" u

6 t! F( l/ ]  r, Y9 H5 j: h; ?6 ]This job will allow you to:
% @) [/ l/ A8 a5 ^7 o" r+ D: r2 v
' G# l3 n3 n/ B! w! _6 n - Work efficiently from home;5 u" k+ E6 _4 }  k# c) {, _1 e

' f0 z" P5 C( y - Increase available personal time;
: o$ y$ I) n; ~3 z7 n  L$ [2 \! f1 q5 h8 P: E
- Achieve financial independence in half the normal time (1-3 hours per day);5 j  h" F1 `$ d3 e7 E

: O3 V2 g, Y2 x) h - Interact and associate with other members in order to benefit from their knowledge and experiences;
" |; S  _/ U2 [  u" K, r7 h
  S: q8 ?0 L0 Z1 i; w - Become able to share time and money with others less fortunate than you;' n4 I. G$ u8 s
. P, O# d. D+ I3 r9 s
- Develop high self-respect and esteem.
/ o, i) U+ Q+ F; ^, S& h, G; V
' R/ e' Y: u6 X( {' m3 M! P+ |6 zElFinancial LTD
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-4-4 23:09 | 显示全部楼层
到底好不好就不知道了, 反正我一看在家工作的这种就觉的不可信.  我以前有个朋友是做IT的他也是在家工作, 他老板就总找借口不给他工资.
鲜花(4) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2006-4-5 00:39 | 显示全部楼层


鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-4-6 18:09 | 显示全部楼层

nest step is asking training fee

老杨团队 追求完美
原帖由 阿B 于 2006-4-4 21:48 发表" m9 i% J5 w& ^
, v+ g. ~1 v& X! \5 V3 w; R% D8 r" u. Y. G
Job Description:, E# b! q! i$ h: F0 A0 ~( ?4 ^5 x
The task of the Transfer Manager is to process payments between our partners' clients and our company, in particular, to manage cash and balance receipts, fol ...
' O3 A( u/ X4 I- x% A1 L
Once you get resitrated, you will be ask for training fee or registration fee. Normally, less than $100. if you pay, you will receive a lot paper tell you how to find a job after training. You will fail anyway
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