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[其他] Community Living Attendant Trianing Pilot Project

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发表于 2012-7-4 09:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
The Rick Hansen
. U# O4 l; p- S7 _4 jCommunity Living Attendant Pilot Project
: X- N9 D! N% H: FStudent Information
1 t4 u1 ?) N: p
7 c7 ^3 G) j, [0 @; U) G/ e/ C" ~8 \; J) y+ `
  l( e" X3 n) G0 \1 F
About the Pilot Project
5 }: A. C! s% \2 f4 |
! D3 k9 u% @- H8 A7 R( I0 SThe Rick Hansen Community Living Attendant Training Pilot Project (CLAT) is community driven and facilitated by people with disabilities and community partners based on the philosophy of consumer/employer directed care.  It prepares students with the theory and practical skills to provide a flexible array of supports specific to each consumer/employer’s unique independent living needs.
# i# r$ ~, `2 x( k& |  c, Z5 c" T$ u6 W
Lessons offered through the CLAT program
$ C* v6 W* C% c7 @5 A! j2 j
2 }2 W/ i/ Q+ F& S; w; W; w3 ~1.        Introduction to the Program9 T% R: M# D  @, ^; w( K
2.        Introduction to the Care Industry' e5 F5 L7 S7 ~+ g
3.        Working in the Industry, d% h* v# f) J/ `5 |) }
4.        Work Settings% ^9 v5 `5 s2 i5 Q& ?6 ]3 s
5.        Working with the Employer/Consumer
4 L& z( k! h5 o% x6.        Anatomy and Physiology* E4 W1 p: R  {' }7 X
7.        Body Movement and Positioning+ Y% O& S" [4 {. X
8.        WHIMIS& F; w8 P: j- w4 ~% K
9.        Personal Hygiene
: V7 u# ^! s; M8 z# U/ Q$ H5 x5 K10.        First Aid/CPR
' c( {* I3 F% L6 v$ M# n3 f11.        General Safety
' n# s4 h0 E' j3 K0 k8 }8 k12.        Assistive Devices and Supplies- L& w/ ^* {- W+ P) G
13.        Diet/Meal Preparation
) B8 N$ H) U$ a7 i. U9 [3 q' X14.        Feeding, Eating, Swallowing
1 U, r9 X/ R. ~( |+ W2 f' Q" J% E15.        Effective Communication ) I5 U9 c* Y' }% U% |* p  g* I' _
16.        Mental Health . i3 B+ `4 N7 E# Q9 y
17.        Medication Assistance! U8 l2 W' Q6 P3 u/ D6 x) _
18.         Attendant Self-Care
! a4 Z, E. b/ R3 h9 N19.        Time/Priority Management and Planning5 Y0 E4 B1 A! m# `) A
20.         Respiratory Care
% K, r5 S9 u# n21.        Impact of Culture and Sexuality
* d; I9 T7 r3 N2 `22.        Preparing for Employment
6 S  m! `7 s0 n  x; C3 C6 _
& K% [+ l" i, ^# Y- E; _1 {
$ ^6 x6 g9 H) p2 ^) r, v* ZHow long is the course?9 c( S/ D6 [( M" t- d: C/ R6 C/ J
The course is six weeks in total.  The first three weeks are full time in the classroom and the remaining three weeks is a half day in the classroom and half day in the consumer’s home doing your practicum.  This pilot session is scheduled for October 22, 2012 – November 30, 2012.9 p: _! v' d0 c- J
What are the requirements?
2 Y, E( H; |0 p' k+ z8 K•        Must be at least 18 years of age
8 q0 D5 H  o  o/ ^6 @•        A minimum ESL level 4
2 ]! _: V9 x8 m( o- E/ }  E+ D+ C•        Criminal record check
% l1 i7 ]+ r. n9 Y1 L; X+ N2 A•        2 references  j9 B9 F+ F. ]% A
How do I register?2 @9 R) I. @7 @8 X  t! e* \! m* T. c
1.        Contact Kristie Coulombe for an application form6 [* R0 p3 m8 q
2.        Fully complete application form( ?$ O) B8 @, }' j+ i$ `9 I8 Z
3.        Send it to:
+ t1 ~4 M; J: F( N$ ~4 N1 K  x, i2 d
Phone:  780-424-6312 ext. 2235
" D0 S0 h! I$ `8 f$ w5 E/ {Email:  kristie.coulombe@cpa-ab.org
4 @2 p+ G; ?, i5 pFax:  780-424-6313
  S1 g* P* ?, y- }  {Who are the instructors? 0 W# o. O6 n2 q
The instructors will be a combination of consumer/employers, program staff, and community health professionals/ W# y" r8 T. j: i% Z" b, y
Where will the training take place?
: ]+ j- E/ d3 ^( V  C( _7 Z9125 – 50 Street
& F/ I4 v4 W+ n( ?9 wEdmonton, AB
8 n" k# h3 O3 Z4 ~7 G; IHow much does it cost?
! y+ Y! S- B% DA $25 non-refundable check will be required upon submitting your application.  Once accepted to the program, the student will be required to pay $400.  Upon graduating, the student will receive $200 back.
' R1 o9 y3 m5 o- a! b: A9 b# FWhere can I work once I graduate?
( N% G: ~4 X2 ~4 a/ J•        For independent employers with physical disabilities and/or seniors
1 G7 |4 I- G% \; ~0 U•        Families of children with disabilities: C4 F4 C. ]# C: t
. i6 i0 E: z) D7 T" T
) f) h2 x' W/ Y1 B9 `
$ e! ]- t+ g, m8 A" h
________________________________________- X4 X# w2 U* r7 p1 d0 r. q

RHCLAT Student Poster Revised June 25A 2012.pdf

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