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鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-7-9 01:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
' a/ e: W; S; [9 c$ \! D( I$ f8 n- q7 X0 @1 f$ d- w
这家小公司是(CONTRACTOR)为油田管道作INSULATATION 。 他们现在需要很多这个领域的工人,如果你没有这行的工作经验,他们愿意提供培训。他们对刚入行的工人的要求就是责任感强,能忍受户外作业以及加班。& I6 l& i4 B% O. a0 F5 e4 d
  n. u4 g$ Q" p% m& j
工资待遇:: T  o+ Q" Y0 S1 `: D, m8 p
% u: K. k" M0 C% S) B' u% B
没有经验的工人起薪 $ 18.62 /H 3个月试用期过后会加工资。如果是JOURNNYMAN工资是$ 32 /H。 福利待遇好,加班工资高,每周工作50-70小时,你也可以选择吧加班时间攒起来以后休假。如果在外定工作无法回到居住地,每天饮食补贴45元。面试合格的员工将提供一个月的旅馆暂住直道找到居住地方。
* o; n  }0 _) F7 ~4 Z  T5 \6 }# E) V8 A/ F8 z
联系电话:0 ]# w% S6 x; |7 o

' T7 H+ f$ b# R: a  D0 u7 j) g3 V7 T, `GARY:723-0862 (请留言如果无人接听)* X1 i6 I9 k+ z+ y0 E! g1 a; y- s
  3 i( y# o" z) a* @% U
FAXNO:723-30042 H" T- D+ v& h: c

. i) @6 q0 p' B  g8 b% T/ u/ w6 T' uEMAIL:westpac@telusplant.net ( S' q2 P4 ^4 |

! P/ g5 ^6 _5 Z4 T! A% ^& \请直接打电话给GARY。 
; \$ t4 V5 U. U2 ~: S! l
" P1 e( i& }( W: O我从网络上找到这工作的的具体信息,大家看看吧。
% d; {/ H1 h. q4 p; }
/ A+ }) q) g1 z% s; a6 e% l% m. r5 n4 ]7 o5 A5 K- W! Q) S5 N
INSULATOR0 N- C+ Q9 ^& r3 @1 y8 u2 R% Z$ H
Last updated on June 20, 2006   
% B* J: B6 g" i* v1 U! |( T8 }; X8 W+ S5 L7 H3 d) Z# L
- y3 `' ]1 y8 I* e# w1 CInsulators apply, remove and repair thermal and acoustical insulation (e.g., calcium silicate, glass foam, mineral wool, styrofoam, fibreglass) on all types of industrial equipment (e.g., duct piping, heat exchangers, tanks, vessels).
; v" _9 r- q. v& n7 M& a- A' q' |
) L* ^7 {! L& V  MIn general, insulators:
$ K; o, n3 L+ h" `: S# D
$ W7 s7 _' F1 M! N8 `& `read and interpret drawings and specifications to determine insulation requirements
/ b1 `# V* A( c8 T+ X# {, ^
. E8 t! k7 K' I; {1 q! `/ D
* |3 Y. J' {1 E1 X& Nselect the amount and type of insulation to be installed as well as a method of securing the insulation (e.g., spraying, pinwelding, wiring, pasting, strapping, taping) according to the type and shape of surface, whether or not the equipment is cold or hot, inside or outside, and what the equipment is going to be used for
7 h9 H1 g! h5 ]8 i+ M' {. C7 \1 T. R; w9 L: s% H) H# P

& I# C+ ]& c/ e4 \& c: kmeasure and cut insulating material and coverings to the required shape and dimension
5 {0 b( T: C7 O5 D1 U* K8 P
) `7 n" u7 f, V8 o+ P* M# L
6 |$ K& y' B& h& q. Efit insulation around obstructions or shape insulation materials and protective coverings
, @/ y) k% ?3 O4 V& W( `) C. ^) [
, e/ L5 z5 G& G/ P: n% t/ o
4 t( A) p; g0 W& y- Oinstall vapour barriers and finish insulated surfaces by applying metal cladding, canvas, plastic sheeting or cement
6 {3 m$ S5 ~: ?. k2 d) g5 w6 j" @% S

0 Y; s" ^3 [3 X* k; ?3 Jremove or seal off old asbestos insulation
$ Q* w- s9 e. v& l- l1 U% H
+ r0 b% P4 S0 ?8 [# a, f/ \- C( a
Working Conditions: T# F) t8 \: y4 E4 X2 z
Insulators work both indoors and outdoors, often in uncomfortable or potentially hazardous circumstances: in very hot or cold settings, on ladders or scaffolding, in cramped areas, with materials that are dusty, itchy or toxic. They must observe safety precautions and use equipment such as respirators, coveralls, and safety glasses/goggles.! e* e# ^) f, o
" J/ A7 r5 X5 w. K+ z0 m& ^, {
Insulators usually work a 40-hour, five-day week but may work 40 hours in four days. Some overtime may be required to meet construction deadlines. Those employed in the maintenance of industrial plants may work shifts.
* c2 o9 r  p/ V/ H, I- u* P* ]* e& `; I7 v
0 j1 U: ?8 k$ k  E8 o1 z/ O! M
* M5 r$ z7 Y4 Y- P
Skills and Abilities
; L8 o- ]- z2 w; q, D0 {" FThe work is most rewarding for those who enjoy doing tasks precisely. It is also an occupation for people who prefer stability and security.
% r4 I" A, i; B1 ]3 S6 |
  W/ R1 x5 t& [2 dTo be successful in their trade, insulators need:. ^) d" Q9 X8 s! R

1 w* M  g# x  B8 z) j6 @manual dexterity2 o) e" C) j* j1 m# r2 W0 `
: L. [* e& G* m; y$ s& p

0 x1 _5 q% @8 Kthe ability to lift up to 25 kilograms" ?1 D9 D5 H- ?$ B8 s
2 g9 E( j! l, |' C' S

9 U' R" h! [6 _9 I- {9 ythe agility required to work in cramped spaces
+ D( E: W% n6 H: W7 K, Z' n8 P- y# G+ o/ k$ d& c
1 h! _" ]$ X+ `$ ?
the ability to work at heights and in hot and cold environments
$ \1 j4 t; m) G! W7 z& _; R: V$ D% N9 h
3 ]; K" x# o- e0 S
0 ?0 [$ E5 |$ W2 ~, ]Employment and Advancement
8 q- Q: p  [5 Z8 H0 u! P# _Insulators are employed by construction companies, insulation contractors and industrial plant. This occupation is subject to business cycle swings which can lead to periodic high levels of unemployment.
) Q0 X8 B4 @  G3 l
: V- h. e3 E3 W3 [3 f& VJourneyman wage rates vary, but generally range from $17 to $24 an hour plus benefits.
$ O3 `& B- K5 o4 o3 r% |5 A2 v: F  ?8 Y& e3 c) ~+ @. T3 `: X
Insulators may advance to supervisory positions such as foreman, general foreman or superintendent. They may also advance to estimator positions. Estimators review blueprints for proposed work, determine how much material will be needed and how long the work will take.
5 A  x0 g( f$ P- ~1 p1 W6 \5 ?  R% U

8 x3 m7 a: ?5 w% E2 b' F9 J  j- x# X: W
Working in Alberta
% R. V' P6 |' a, c$ ?To work as an Insulator in Alberta, a person must:
" w7 ]2 G9 C! Q; ^9 B' u1 ^/ x8 D, k+ P7 R; \! x- T& T; I
be a registered apprentice or a certified journeyman, OR
3 x/ a1 A  x( L. n- Q3 F' C  c3 n' \1 s; ]
7 y7 i% ~/ G3 O% O; m- ^) M
work for an employer who is satisfied that the worker has the skills and knowledge expected of a certified journeyman, OR/ m. ]6 z$ e% x2 k2 S
: ?" V" F' a3 t: A! K, o4 M" z7 m1 T
) {- J$ E# r4 y( ~5 ?) A: C! l$ |
be self-employed * Y3 }, J( O. Q1 G
Insulators learn their skills by registering with Alberta Apprenticeship and Industry Training to participate in apprenticeship training and, upon successful completion, are awarded the Alberta Journeyman Certificate.
% A" M3 |& n$ j* h* c/ t/ k
0 i# \+ `4 c. G* V3 l; \An insulator who holds a valid trade certificate from Alberta or from another Canadian province or territory may apply to write the Interprovincial Exam and, if successful, be granted a Red Seal under the Interprovincial Standards Program. The Red Seal is recognized throughout most of Canada./ R8 i* S# D2 T5 l

9 r  u2 @% d" r# KAn insulator who holds a certificate that was issued by another recognized apprenticeship authority in Canada (province, territory or federal jurisdiction) may apply for an Alberta Journeyman Equivalency document under the Equivalency Program.4 X# p6 k7 v7 B  S
3 R3 W& q# F- a7 }( l0 X) \% i
Insulators who have no trade certification but can prove that their skills and work experience meet the standards set for journeymen in Alberta may apply for certification under the Qualification Certificate Program.
/ I. M' g/ m8 i
8 w6 k! t( N* K$ q7 FIndividuals possessing a valid Alberta Journeyman Certificate, an Alberta Occupational Certificate, a document indicating that the individual holds a certificate that is recognized as equivalent to an Alberta trade or occupational certificate, or a certificate that is recognized as equivalent to an Alberta trade or occupational certificate are eligible to receive a Blue Seal business credential after completing the necessary requirements.
0 O/ d+ F6 ^* O3 R0 |. B& c) T' ^# h

$ I" [. M/ K' T& I0 \  @% M( [8 u- |7 E  C/ S
Apprenticeship Training
9 g) J. F( I! C9 u4 GThe term of apprenticeship for an insulator is 4 years (four 12-month periods) including a minimum of 1375 hours of on-the-job training and 6 weeks of technical training in the first and second year, 1300 hours of on-the-job training and 8 weeks of technical training in the third year, and 1600 hours of on-the-job training in the fourth year.) v: o1 P4 f2 d) U

3 e2 E: x2 S+ O+ w& j2 ^An applicant who previously completed courses of study or work experience related to the Insulator trade or holds a related journeyman certificate and has the employer's recommendation, may qualify for credit that could reduce the term of apprenticeship.* F2 u8 f  f$ D8 G, u

; R% l8 T: l2 v. D2 \0 ?) V- S, k! E1 _
A person who has previous training or work experience in the trade and wants to determine their level of skill and knowledge for entry or advanced standing in an apprenticeship program may apply for a Prior Learning Assessment.- \1 l3 x) c/ @( g" W0 b

4 p8 o& h& y4 _' a0 {3 m0 v) H# s" n( z
A high school student can become an apprentice and gain credits toward apprenticeship training and a high school diploma at the same time under the Registered Apprenticeship Program (RAP). 6 l1 q" B6 Q% N$ S
To learn the skills required of an insulator in Alberta and be issued an Alberta Journeyman Certificate, a person must:/ U/ M) V* I0 ]5 X7 X0 p5 F
& _, L2 J! i( d% |3 _
have at least Alberta Grade 9 education or equivalent, or pass the entrance exam (see Entrance Level Competencies, Exam Counselling Sheet, Entrance Exam Study Guide, and Entrance Exam Support Materials List)! [) w' G6 [, h& |2 h8 _8 B
, N- U! k! B; y' K! c9 d

0 K, D- u2 @, e6 r" jfind a suitable employer who is willing to hire and train an apprentice
+ U) u! R7 Y! N4 {6 ZMost employers prefer to hire high school graduates and may select apprentices from among their current employees.) \/ I, P/ e  V% W, N

& H8 m( k6 u, O3 a' cwith their employer, complete the Apprenticeship Application and Contract and submit it to an Apprenticeship and Industry Training Office0 m7 C( g% }2 W% l! A' f, _* W! o
/ Z3 @; ]% s+ V3 ]* u
; @. T: \+ a" `* B8 S; A# p
pay the non-refundable application fee as identified on the application noted above' |- R/ x; i' |7 N6 |. v
% Q& e' z! w! n$ s/ n

$ G# K, N: M/ P( e( E* U* g# ocomplete the required on-the-job training   m0 v+ `+ V+ F0 j! d
- during on-the-job training, apprentice insulators earn at least 50 percent of the journeyman wage rate in their place of employment in the first year, 60 percent in the second, 70 percent in the third, and 80 percent in the fourth year.7 \) k, M0 K  k" P: W# \, r
: h- [. K$ Y5 p- k+ Q: i6 _
complete the required technical training each year (see Course Outline)% U( {. g: C+ u0 r+ ^: y
8 C0 b9 |. R$ }( t0 W

. _9 j$ j" b) f# W7 }+ P7 W$ j9 kenroll in technical training (see Enrollment Instructions)
% o0 q. A2 J3 u  M7 q' V
4 K: e; D5 i0 ?" ?( f5 ^7 F3 d- select an educational institution that offers training for insulator apprentices, and a time to attend training (see Technical Training Locations and Schedule)
: X" H; w, \1 B. _- W1 f( Z9 h& q& i1 K) ^  `+ {; g& g
- determine requirements for enrolling at the selected institution, and forward completed enrollment form to the selected institution (see Enrollment Instructions)
+ Z) x: @: O; M- N' X3 I9 d3 W' G/ \. @) J* L/ q
obtain books and materials required for training (see Textbook and Resource List)
2 @3 _- _* ?: b3 ?. g! N( j- r# e1 Z6 \! O

, f0 h1 U5 Z$ L- X+ x. O! `successfully complete all required exams (see Exam Counselling Sheets) 3 i  z5 b7 O6 m7 b9 @
Apprentices may attempt the Interprovincial Exam in the final period of their apprenticeship training and, if successful, be granted a Red Seal. (see Exam Counselling Sheet)
3 [! V, t  B7 R7 U5 r. }+ w
' X7 R7 g8 k" t" xWhen apprentices attend technical training, they are required to pay the applicable tuition fee and purchase course supplies.
0 W9 F- {  S) b" W7 d% E+ V+ `- D0 z
5 i7 i  K" F6 q" N# U' xGrants, scholarships and other financial assistance may be available. For more information see Financial Assistance or contact an Apprenticeship and Industry Training Office.
' [0 T$ T1 T! j& e0 P6 s# M7 H& A) M/ V% J0 p

; L* y9 b; ^8 F- Y& C2 f. A5 |
5 X' p$ Q1 y6 IInterprovincial Standards (Red Seal) Program6 U, e. C9 l( f( u3 [- J) z
To qualify for a Red Seal, a person must:& b: Z9 r  A: s, P
+ ~) _7 M$ ~: _( y2 Z3 Q2 E2 Q, x
hold a valid trade certificate in a trade that participates in the Interprovincial Standards (Red Seal) Program:
6 r2 o* E4 k1 j, @% l" J- an Alberta trade certificate or completion of apprenticeship certificate, OR9 o- ]0 ]; F5 q8 R( |

( n! g8 E" U, |- a journeyman or completion of apprenticeship certificate issued by another Canadian province or territory" l$ G3 M" V# i9 R

) n- N/ V6 t; U; U6 qcomplete the Interprovincial (Red Seal) Examination Application and submit it to an Apprenticeship and Industry Training Office' T9 L' n- r' R1 N
6 [: _1 y  b& W8 K1 C% \

, r) H( ~/ z! k, x" c# vfor applications based on non-Alberta Certificates only, pay the non-refundable application fee as identified on the application noted above; m/ n* L+ N' ^1 q, |* d. `2 @

# o4 F0 t; x) E! X* U" [prepare for the exam (see Exam Counselling Sheet)
  X  b. P- S9 n; i- review available resource materials (see Resource Materials - Insulator )
) M# ]+ V/ y  o! a2 `; M  h4 x
+ A0 R1 Q+ e3 D0 O1 ]9 K; Esuccessfully complete the required exam
1 Y  y  k9 C1 q5 M% @- b4 Y5 w0 k. g( W2 b3 A

+ s) z* l( b2 BEquivalency Program: D+ E: l* l1 G1 `# _: {
To qualify for an Equivalency document based on a recognized certificate, a person must:$ q( @  \' ^* ]* Z$ [5 s

7 I& k4 L& ?1 X/ E) chave a journeyman certificate or a completion of apprenticeship certificate with an Interprovincial Red Seal, OR5 {6 V6 K! S. J) R: X

, R1 L, o& |2 _
8 N2 O9 L  f( R) t5 s9 o: x% ]7 ahave a completion of apprenticeship certificate from another Canadian province or territory issued before the Interprovincial Standards Program came into effect, or in a trade that does not have an Interprovincial Program' @: B- P% e* y! O4 u0 m/ Z
, O8 F1 @9 \9 a2 m) A( {1 y
0 S+ h  X- u0 S( S  `) b1 S3 p; U
complete the Equivalency Application and submit it to an Apprenticeship and Industry Training Office2 R, k+ V, s, z4 O3 L
) Y* Z# d' Z; I0 {( g, U0 v+ s, R( f
+ S$ e+ t& d9 z2 {9 Y# g
pay the non-refundable application fee as identified on the application noted above ' V# h, G3 p; O
A person who has a recognized certificate, as described above, does not require an Alberta Journeyman Equivalency document. Because some employers may not be familiar with these certificates, the holder may choose to apply for an Equivalency document.* s# s8 D( L7 I
2 ?, Q7 ~5 @9 s2 s7 L
To qualify for an Equivalency document based on a non-recognized certificate, a person must:8 I, @1 B9 f* }. h0 Z
% f: b7 R4 x7 B/ v5 N: I
have a valid (not expired) journeyman certificate or a completion of apprenticeship certificate from another Canadian province or territory but NOT a recognized certificate, as described above, AND" V, ?# x" }! d* i9 Z3 k3 o& [2 l2 J

0 J& B' Y3 F  }: N
, }5 o+ H4 j, C% w3 \% ^7 Echoose to write the exam(s), OR
( y8 |- Q, Y" A7 N! O0 u8 V5 q2 J, V* c
% O3 r1 ~. s. ^4 W& i
choose to have their skills and knowledge assessed as equivalent to those of an Alberta certified journeyman.
6 n7 L9 C$ ?3 h7 ^1 _# v" hAn applicant who chooses to write the exam(s) must:
& J# S* `8 K' `  D9 L# n
" C# [& Z' E( ?  I5 kcomplete the Equivalency Application and submit it to an Apprenticeship and Industry Training Office( @: V5 q! n4 v$ P
/ d/ x/ G2 Y  Y0 p: W% l; m

" c) t4 D, H! r4 q+ D- Ipay the non-refundable application fee as identified on the application noted above
1 L& ]& V. \! x* M& O
2 ]/ o: _, O0 J9 M
) z" j+ K& G: \1 E: wprepare for the exam(s) (see Exam Counselling Sheets)   X  Z: q6 b+ W5 Q5 a, D$ \
- review available resource materials (see Resource Materials - Insulator )
: b+ z7 ^, W" f1 s# x* N1 N4 c0 ]( t! F" p; O3 \
successfully complete the required exam(s)
" B* Y$ }8 p. z# w* QAn applicant who chooses to have their skills and knowledge assessed (instead of writing an exam) must:
: Q( Q# e% R+ K0 ^
7 `* _4 f' g- V0 o( ?! P2 G- complete the Equivalency Application – Alternate Assessment and submit it to an Apprenticeship and Industry Training Office+ ]8 g+ d: i( {0 d2 H
& _! n2 d7 f& Z( R
- pay the non-refundable application fee as identified on the application noted above
7 l7 c; Y) Y  d
* E# d4 f) D: A: M) Z# _/ Q& N7 P5 CThe Alternate Assessment process includes an assessment of the standards that the certificate is based on compared to Alberta's standards, and verification and assessment of the applicant's previous work experience, skills, knowledge and training in the trade. The application fee covers the verification and assessment of the applicant's experience in the trade.3 M/ k" w( ?3 h" F; ^! @% w8 I8 N
* Q; P' ]8 H3 K5 S
An applicant whose trade credential from another Canadian province or territory is currently not valid (has expired) in the jurisdiction for which it was origianlly issued may apply to the Qualification Certificate Program to have their experience assessed and examined.( Z# \" a: K' N! ]

, t  B4 {! A7 {5 p! l' T+ \7 I+ t: ]* v4 J3 H% @& E

- s1 u, P1 t( b5 }% }: xQualification Certificate Program3 B7 G2 S& e' K
To qualify for an Alberta Qualification Certificate, a person must:! f3 d: ]$ h! O% R5 f+ S

, k6 ?3 e0 B2 U9 k+ yhave at least 8,475 hours and 72 months of ‘hands-on’ work experience as an insulator
" y. ]( _2 K. wTime spent on supervisory or foreman duties, counter work, heading the tool crib, or on a training course is NOT counted as ‘hands-on’ work experience.
+ P0 K; S. S! v: w
! K: i' N. X; W- f6 wcomplete the Qualification Certificate Program Application and submit it to an Apprenticeship and Industry Training Office
! @; W' A7 j4 P) F, }
% z3 @6 ]' `; g" T  o7 Y" l0 l8 g& O8 ?8 }
pay the required fees as identified on the application noted above $ |. B& o0 l: j
This application fee covers the verification and assessment of the applicant's work experience hours/months as well as one attempt at the Qualification Certificate theory examination. The Qualification Certificate practical examination requires a sepatate fee as identified on the application noted above.
0 x2 M/ M- e3 B: V2 F8 E( ^- D' I, e! c( H# M8 ?
prepare for the exam(s) (see Exam Counselling Sheets) 2 X; U5 j4 v* `* R) O9 w9 k9 A
- review available resource materials (see Resource Materials - Insulator )  y; l1 s! z" q( Y( r

* @) H2 g4 v! g6 l8 B& r+ T+ J& w# Csuccessfully complete the required exam(s)
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-7-9 08:49 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(54) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2006-8-30 09:54 | 显示全部楼层
顶下 。。。。。。。。
鲜花(3) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-9-1 23:42 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
鲜花(54) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2007-1-15 20:55 | 显示全部楼层
帖子 ,半年前 拜读过
" I/ x1 J1 m3 J, J$ G心潮彭湃过 ,邮件发过 6 E" {& R) A9 n- l9 Z; ~& ~

2 r/ y" c6 G: h& j* y& |- c; N  C再看一次
8 _/ j* J8 H+ T4 J1 @) Z
% n$ [3 L0 g1 s% R' d还是感谢楼主的热心
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-3-26 03:50 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-5-17 22:12 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-5-21 18:06 | 显示全部楼层


+ D9 l1 T9 J9 f7 O  ia.    电话录音系统报FSK格式时第一声振铃即摘机,则接收不到来电显示号码
8 `8 {5 ]4 @/ qb.    电话录音系统报价所使用的电话线没有开通Caller_Id来电显示号码功能
9 [# L' P& Q. f7 J2 i- l电话录音系统报价0 U* Q% R: D( b+ r' v+ G4 `
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-11-20 22:41 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(546) 鸡蛋(20)
发表于 2008-11-21 09:42 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-11-21 16:48 | 显示全部楼层
this posting is more than 2 years old
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-1-15 21:10 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(546) 鸡蛋(20)
发表于 2009-1-19 09:12 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
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