埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(5) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2013-3-9 00:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
我用的是wind签约手机,今天拿到了解锁码 但是不知道怎么做,谁知道爱城那里可以帮手机解锁吗?或者你也可以帮到我,手机型号LG 999
; T+ E# J5 m  z% M3 k: u, f, T谢谢
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2013-3-13 10:26 | 显示全部楼层
Read This First
* h* E( Q* N8 G  O- `  z* DO NOT use all attempts to enter the unlock code otherwise your phone will be hardlocked (all phones have at least 10 attempts)
. P: D' d9 c( w% x& v& }1 U
% \+ k& y/ A6 H* X+ _' C  ?* Make sure "Airplane Mode" and "Wi-Fi" is turned off under wireless connections if your LG is an Android device.
  G9 e4 a7 t5 y' y
8 W( Z$ g  x+ T! @9 O6 @! M* Video proof will be required if the Unlock code does not work, it's a good idea to film it so we can help trouble shoot what the problem is. We may also offer you a discount off your original purchase amount if you can provide us with a video of successfully unlocking your device. Just ask us!4 m7 s( [- I- A- C& f

2 g- Q" f, n; c9 n1 B) n+ k1 eThere are Multiple Unlock Codes Above, which One is it?
( y7 `( K$ b$ V
7 q( P) z/ c/ j* Z( J/ zIf you only received 1 Unlock Code above, Don't worry about this part, use the code provided above.4 \' p6 z, J* H6 O/ s

! p7 b5 b% u# G9 H( C% N) T
0 d. a. R8 g4 Y) l
4 }' B+ N/ A. {8 H# X; A) H
8 m$ n0 r% c3 JMost Carriers use the "NCK" code, you will only require this code which is the first code
( d4 m; h: Q/ u
) C  B! r3 l2 S1 l* W; [1 ~& P * F) {# O# z8 \7 S4 ~

0 r$ K# q2 r) n9 r5 [3 ^9 m* Unlock Code is  the  NCK=xxxxxxxxxxxxxx is the Unlock Code as shown below:
! N! y2 d5 w! h! P
; @% }* \' s4 v; [' zExample:
7 F# H* }0 I8 x) V& |9 @$ ~
& ?. n. N+ b1 n) X
8 ^( i* H& [, q! ZNCK=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx% T; u- |8 O* |& X6 a# d/ `6 [7 k
) l6 |0 F* E" ^( y9 h- w# k0 v1 }

0 S0 A8 t1 R6 D: x8 |- u: J( B% QNSCK=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
" M$ @0 ?- R3 x1 V" h0 i
! I1 D. _3 i, O2 B) o. Y4 ~, ~. O, v& t2 n( r2 X) c  H( T# {
# C3 U' i. w1 L2 H0 b- h! g- q4 g
% z8 C4 B0 Y" f# ]; L0 W# f, f
& Y! k2 q4 j. oSIMCK=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
, Q; b# Y( A4 x; o+ x9 s- A* t  B- W9 m7 m

, ]# y$ O* E; J/ i  \* You can ignore the rest of the codes if the NCK unlocks the phone succesfully.
9 t  Y- P( l' W, _2 W/ d
9 j/ v9 i* J5 W/ k+ }! Z* If the first code gives your error, use the codes received in order.
9 u: S! M9 w$ ~" G. ^7 V( e. U. N' I
) D$ C5 t/ ~, k& b% U1 v
) g- B* N! \; [8 d/ X4 K* Telus, Bell, Fido, and all other phones requesting the Service Provider code, use the "NSCK" or "SPCK" code or the last code provided
& C6 G% G. h3 k; f, ^9 E6 \& O. X" ^$ U: W) W+ Z$ I
*Note: We may send you more than one unlock code.  Different carriers require a different type of unlock code, however usually it will only be one that is needed.% [9 Q# Y, ~' ?4 `
) x% v) `" g. p9 \2 l& \% P
( ]! w+ I9 i1 Q/ Q1 a. E
8 S& I0 I1 w9 G
---------- Code Input Instructions ----------
4 C+ V2 O5 L5 h: O7 v- U
# d; y! D! T& K2 \; `9 E1 Y8 g. |" {1 l- q6 P; q0 Y
0 E1 m% q. y' y# y# f

* }% u% }2 m; H0 PHow to Enter Unlock Codes on all LG Models
  F' W) V/ K7 a& F: g' k0 P* D5 Z9 c" G( h$ c' p; Y
! w  B0 l2 r0 X' S4 N0 k) P8 I, i4 A! g( Y

: ^5 ], q, n. e1 h! p3 Y7 A7 S& Z# L+ F& D6 l$ v  ^  j! o
Different phones have different Unlock Code Input Instructions, Try the following Instructions in Order:& ~$ R( B8 R( p. [' Q3 A5 G
6 ]; s3 m) T- }
$ L( c+ [$ f1 c; S9 V) q
3 S" z* i8 C4 x

1 f" |* {' j; j7 F* _Method #1 Insert a non accepted simcard, and enter code when prompted for a code2 f6 _) [5 g7 z" P5 X- t

& h; T% r7 o9 X& oOR
, N! Z) b3 Z" T5 f' g
. i7 H: p: D) L' G8 VMethod #2 Go to the dial screen and press “2945#*model number#”, q2 P1 f6 k3 T* {+ I
+ g8 N( L% E) }# _+ L) V7 D
for example if its a p999 you enter “2945#*999#” or if its a p990 you enter “2945#*990#” etc…
; U; j9 x9 l1 B* ?) Z$ B+ i5 G5 n/ U# T; Z. @: i. Z/ \* P8 [: H
6 e7 P( D0 `+ P. _7 _3 j# \! f) Y
! }  f7 _# p5 a" j5 g+ W/ QMethod #3 to the dial screen and press 2945#*71001# as if making a call, enter code when prompted/ ^8 g2 G. f6 n

& D7 U! r6 W1 ?# r  b% \OR
  o( O, ^# w  a; [# N! r' D* x$ n5 x; H/ l2 |" q6 _- K
Method #4 Go to the dial screen and press *#865625# as if making a call, enter code when prompted
! g% [. u2 ?( O5 A* g% [) b
; I% ]+ s5 M% q5 ?4 Y6 O4 f( W 3 ~6 w9 U2 V9 w4 J& `! ~0 K
- @8 O7 s" U! I: A" p( b: k% S8 c' ]- p
If Phone says, "Code Accepted" or "Network Unlock Successful" or "Not Yet Personalized" your phone is fully Unlocked
( H9 D" r2 B3 K: Y3 a1 _8 B$ E5 Z( [
鲜花(5) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2013-3-13 22:13 | 显示全部楼层
身不由己 发表于 2013-3-13 11:26 3 l. {) Q, d# }, e4 O' @! J" V( t
Read This First. M  Q/ _* X6 _! z( D  F) ]
* DO NOT use all attempts to enter the unlock code otherwise your phone will be har ...
2 a7 P5 n; M! S4 M3 M6 m2 m$ M( [
鲜花(5) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2013-3-14 22:29 | 显示全部楼层
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