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[亚省新闻] 我省27岁少女参加婚礼被墨西哥海浪卷走

鲜花(13) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2015-11-22 09:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
- C7 W2 S$ B& B' h  S+ e8 G- l0 P2 Z9 [$ e* K2 W; O4 s
冬天好! 这里是黑石桑拿按摩椅频道。本新闻由www.blackstonesaunas.com 翻译播出,欢迎光临本店享受免费3D 全身按摩椅。
; j8 e% d) e+ V# E3 P  a5 c& ~# D$ o. M/ u  E
7 \' o$ R  @6 e" i1 Z
- Z9 i' ?& n9 N4 R安娜(Anna Hudson)住在 Fort McMurray,是KMC Mining的工程师,前不久她去墨西哥Cancun参加一个朋友的婚礼,但是不幸被海浪卷走。
( D0 f' z- o  b- t4 U6 [) v2 g) |; Q( y' i+ z; d) K6 @
3 Y$ A' S4 B& ]/ D% u/ w6 [% b知情人透露,这片海滩是众所周知的游泳危险区域。 这里提醒大家去海边游泳一定注意安全,防患于未然。3 e0 M/ O. |0 q0 k/ K. Z
(黑石桑拿按摩椅刘星雨Andy 采编)1 {/ M, q& j1 A
0 z6 l; j" w' b  tShe went to Mexico for her best friend's wedding, but Anna Hudson never made it back to shore after the group went swimming on the first night of their vacation.. X% E. Q& m( F; n9 Y
"We have family all around us so that's helpful, but we're devastated," Bonita Hudson, the 26-year-old's mother, told CBC News from the family home in Rosebud, a hamlet southwest of Drumheller in southern Alberta.
0 \! J% d9 |7 G7 `9 CHudson had been living in Fort McMurray, where she worked as an engineer for KMC Mining.
+ s% B. R% C0 P9 ~% O"She was a very bright light and she had done lots of good for lots of people and it's hard to believe she won't be around anymore," her mother said.) V' T) b% [" b% f. u9 F+ S; C
Family were told the tide had been very strong on Wednesday night when Hudson, the bride and her fiancé went down to the beach near Cancun.! P2 P" D* B" q9 g- g0 u
The pair tried to save Hudson when they saw she was being swept away, but couldn't reach her. The groom even had to be resuscitated after the rescue effort.
* t7 `5 b$ d. A- {9 g5 |" m9 W•        OTHER MEXICO NEWS | Calgary triathlete saves Montreal couple from drowning in Cancun; s+ w" x5 G/ f, s  O# t* M
The next day emergency officials found her body about one kilometre from where she went missing, brought in by the tide.
# u& E9 }- |5 L7 r& O- L: l2 H2 weeks shy of 27th birthday
/ K5 |1 h2 m( ]3 tFamily say the area where the group went into the water is known for being a difficult place to swim.
; Z; R+ G% k* W& n"With the beach being very steep when a wave comes in there's a horrendous rush... — that tide wants to drag you out," said Don Cyr, father of Hudson's friend who was getting married on the trip.
* W- X8 u  a) {4 o# @8 dCyr also said the resorts should do a better job communicating the tide and surf conditions. 2 n4 q4 d& o8 Z" B2 t% R! j
"She was a very bright light ... it's hard to believe she won't be around anymore."- Bonita Hudson, mother- o9 k+ l: `' W* g
She died just two weeks shy of her 27th birthday.
! X% w! ?  u9 P. ^6 `7 F6 FKevin Thomas is one of the executive board members at the local chapter of the International Union of Operating Engineers, which represents Hudson's coworkers in Fort McMurray, Alta.
( ?- D) [5 W! t0 s% U8 Z"I would like to pass on our sincere condolences to the Hudson family as well as Anna's coworkers at KMC Mining during this most difficult time," he said in a statement.
( q+ V# r: H( J" T8 K0 a) b+ bThe Department of Foreign Affairs has been working with family to make arrangements to bring Hudson's body home early next week.
2 ~! F3 G( U" h6 R! q: k  v! O"Our thoughts are with the family and friends of the Canadian citizen who passed away in Cancun, Mexico. Canadian consular officials in Cancun and in Ottawa are in contact with local authorities to gather additional information and are providing consular assistance to the family and friends," a spokesperson said in an emailed statement.  & i! ~* L* x/ ~: L& E
"She loved family most of all," said Hudson's mother, who described her daughter as easy to get along with and good at working with other people.- V6 ~- O0 Z7 o' z
"She was very outgoing. She just loved people."
* U* ?( {! j6 A$ z4 {# _6 |
鲜花(13) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2015-11-22 10:04 | 显示全部楼层
爱城生活如此美,活在当下请享受! 新鲜阳光和空气,乐观心情伴随您!偶尔塞车想开点,好过天天都塞车。油价虽然很低迷,祸中有福阳光面。雪儿飘飘很烂漫,开车小心硬道理。如果还有不开心,百年之后是云烟!亲戚朋友在天涯,自信生活在爱城!


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