埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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Cameron Heights河畔名区优质美宅!超2500平尺,海量升级、寸寸精致!

鲜花(4) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2022-6-24 13:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 房屋信息发布 于 2022-9-26 11:02 编辑
; T; ^, E2 z5 c* C+ G" r8 W' K# A. J, o* k. Y4 W
地址:1217 Chahley LD NW% {/ ^( t+ r2 p# x' W: i( R4 {

% C1 a3 l$ x1 E- Q6 E; m* M7 A售价:$589,900
: T# R) U! Q4 O  m3 t4 O; k  s: p! q
( c: u0 a% I- G7 A/ Q4 d联系方式:老杨团队* z/ h0 v6 x8 `; [9 X1 N

; E$ P' J( o. B/ K3 |# q% P" V5 Fhttp://www.fanyangteam.com) q& P' _0 {4 |! O

1 e" u; U; n& X; C1 f
5 @( L  @1 S3 l& C" t" r" v: p' E8 b# q8 Z1 B* t& {7 [
欢迎来到埃德蒙顿河畔活力好区Cameron Heights! 这栋独栋好房于2010年匠心筑造,临近Wedgwood河谷、步行道,全屋提供超2500平尺宜居空间,主层开放式设计,配备了书房,二楼3间宽敞卧室+居家客厅,更有便利洗衣间。
  [7 [  d" c# v4 x1 X5 v
, k0 W2 o) S7 }; b7 \7 C4 y全屋海量升级:中央空调、软水器、燃气炉、墙置微波炉、地暖、车库加热、楼梯灯……寸寸精致,畅享舒适高品质生活!$ j8 E. f6 R- `% \
) t6 S$ l- d+ o: }+ s
, ]2 O  t1 K% y# s! g4 [7 z
+ W+ ?8 y0 R$ g) D优质地段,步行河谷、社区公园和滑冰场近在咫尺,驱车轻抵216高速公路。
, i" o( |' Q" U2 H. X
0 H1 M' C: x3 V" ^% OCameron Heights是一个快速成长的优质社区,潜力巨大、机不可失!
* F0 a, m; _' h: X3 v; a0 `  Y6 @& `% Z6 F8 V( N% k6 d6 d# q
Welcome to prestigious Cameron Heights-a vibrant riverside community! Sits right by the Wedgwood Ravin/trail, this 2500+sqft home has so many to offer. The main floor features open concept with an office; the second floor provides 3 large bedrooms plus a bonus room and also a spacious laundry room. The home has tons of upgrades: central air conditioning, water softener, gas stove, build-in microwave, in floor heating for ensuite, garage heater, stair lights...the list may keep going for another two lines. The back yard is professionally landscaped with trees and scrubs. The huge deck also comes with privacy wood screen. Great location is another thing to mention-just a few steps away from the Ravin; the community park and ice rink is just at the end of the block. Quick access to HWY 216. Cameron Heights is a fast growing community with many attractive features. Absolutely great value and move in ready.  b9 C8 ?1 o( h
0 g, N/ D0 |" E* B8 u
# b" w4 x# S3 X1 E

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8 ~1 g4 K/ s4 Z3 Q# l
4 \0 t! y# y# j% k- Z; `! N
鲜花(4) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2022-9-26 10:02 | 显示全部楼层
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