埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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发表于 2023-5-20 14:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
地址:#703 9939 109 ST NW NW  x+ v+ d, }; K2 ]6 q6 p2 ^/ W) }0 t

5 L( l* f" T% l8 E" n0 [售价:$189,000
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爱城市中心钻石美居!安居109街核心地段,步行4分钟即到Government CentreLRT车站!
5 N* q8 ]( r; l- L: f/ H% {( _- E, }
/ H6 S3 j" F% }" k; n这栋精致公寓坐拥双卧+双卫宜居格局,室内海量升级——全新升级工艺地板、全新粉刷、宽敞大阳台,更有套内洗衣间he存储间。! B9 |& j. Y, f

" e& u% {/ x) |% K. m地下停车安全舒适。周边餐馆、酒吧、购物中心林立,畅享都市繁华、便利高品质生活!" F6 Z* y' l4 P. K

7 Q! s4 a. ?+ b5 u8 D1 X7 m自住、投资皆为上选。万事俱备、欢迎看房!
1 g: m! Y7 g" n+ E; c% r" E1 j7 c+ L% K9 L( H& B
Welcome to #703, 9939 109 St in downtown Edmonton's premier location. This 2-bed, 2-bath unit in the gated/well secured Parliament building offers convenience, comfort, and style. Just a 4-minute walking to Government Centre LRT station, it features brand new upgraded vinyl plank flooring, fresh paint all through, a spacious balcony, in-suite laundry and storage, also, underground parking. This modern residence is surrounded by restaurants, bars ,shoppings, etc.-perfect for your urban living. Great for living in or rental income. Don't miss the opportunity to own this exceptional property in the heart of Edmonton's vibrant downtown.- i, ~( e8 M: H+ j, B. ?

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