埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(4) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2023-5-25 11:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
地址:5715 201 ST NW
) n# A" \) v3 w6 l6 o, y; ?' Y0 J) m" G1 d8 n0 {& M' g; s
5 l# ?2 d! p" |: |* m
8 S! Y: v6 Y/ g( h6 `+ i, n联系方式:老杨团队5 f& L/ ^' t  e
5 S0 T$ s* F' D1 h' K% v& N
& b" X$ W$ Y5 w8 V) l% {2 X8 z  t- |( A" M8 n

1 M, i+ O4 ^+ f; p# i$ G! n& U: Q$ c* C5 j6 i/ \* A
Hamptons之心精致双层美宅!好房坐落在一条静逸的街上,精心维护、寸寸精致!* P9 D- u: Q1 [
5 S5 e& Q, l1 [
3 U* Y1 r" t" u, F2 o' W- G" j% E$ N7 W# |6 V$ R0 w9 ^, i0 ^
步入室内,宽敞门厅坐拥17尺高厅,室内全新粉刷,中性色调时尚优雅!+ f; n4 \+ d+ Y. ]
% |2 x3 }3 j! D. `. q# o
主层铺设了工艺地板,客厅内东向大窗,阳光翩然洒落,纵览私家庭院优美景致!燃气壁炉,温馨舒适!美食厨房整体定制樱桃木橱柜,另有额外厨具存储抽屉。花岗岩台面、新更换了手龙头、冰箱,可步入式餐具食品存储间,让美食邂逅优雅!. T$ K7 g+ ]/ v% s1 }, U5 U: x
6 }& N" H5 I& C  X, L
拾级而上,二楼3间卧室+带艺术穹顶、明净大窗的居家客厅。宽敞主卧同步5pc卫浴间(带双洗手池)、可步入式衣橱。另外两间卧室同样宜居,并配有墙置书架,书香满室。( K1 ?/ F" M3 k

2 [, p# m# ~# ^) w' v位置优越!步行Hamptons购物中心、湖畔,周边步行道环绕,万事俱备、欢迎看房!
& L. U0 A4 h$ T/ O% s* d# d2 Q! ~6 n3 d$ c, f
Welcome to this well maintained & upgraded 2 storey home located on a quiet street in the heart of the Hamptons! This beautiful home boasts 1870+ sqft, 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths and bonus room. As you enter, you are welcomed by a spacious foyer & 17\' high ceiling. FRESH paint throughout with a neutral tone. Newer vinyl plank flooring throughout the main floor. Living room has a gas fireplace & large EAST facing window overlooking the backyard. Gourmet kitchen has loads of cherry cabinets with extra pots & pan drawers , granite countertops with a newer faucet & fridge and walk-thru pantry for storage convenience. Upstairs has a spacious bonus room featuring vaulted ceilings and large windows-perfect for family entertaining. The primary bedroom has a 5 piece ensuite with double sinks and walk-in closet. Two other bedrooms are generous in size with built-in book shelves. Super convenient location with walking distance to the Hamptons market shopping, lakes, walking trails and all other amenities!2 {! a- e# t. I' s. D+ J

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2 p# R$ A# i. O1 s4 k9 }1 `
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